Show and tell | How About Orange

January 05, 2009

Show and tell

Look what Alex gave me for Christmas: an orange Swingline stapler, the best stapler I ever saw. He knows I would never spend the money to get this for myself. I love it.


Grandma G said...

You have the best husband EVER!

His mum-in-law

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Wowza! It's as if it were made for you!

I love, love, love my chrome Swingline... best stapler.

Funky Kim said...

I love that stapler!

cjm said...

Um, I think I need one.

Jessica Jones said...

Um, I think you do, too.

Jessica Jones said...

Mom, don't let Dad see your comment.

Ashlee said...

Like Milton, but orange. I love it!

jkluginbill said...

Oh...I want an orange stapler now. Mine is boring black! Birthday list!

AMR said...

A beauty! I bet it even smells good!
Happy New Year!

Katie @ said...

What an awesome thing to put on your desk! Can I say green with envy about it?!

Anonymous said...

My orange loving self is completely jealous -- of a stapler! Weird but true.

--Leann-- said...

oh.... that is to stinkin cute. i want one.

not that i staple very often. but seriously, can you get any better than a Swingline in ORANGE?!

Carlene said...

That really is the coolest stapler on the planet.

You & your mom crack me up.

Miki said...

Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler...

Sorry couldn't resist since it's sooo much better than Miltons in Office Space!! Way too cute!

Tami said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....Jealous!!!!!! Gotta get it!

Anonymous said...

That is the best stapler I have ever seen... so very orange and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

CB2 always has such great orange things. Love that place.

Melanie O said...


Anonymous said...

I bet you really love it. Very nice addition to your supplies!

Tracy Elaine said...

Oohh! So pretty! I want one!

Unknown said...

OOOH so pretty!!! I wonder if it comes in Purple?

Live a Colorful Life said...

My stapler, which I use quite often, is black, which explains why I hide it behind my computer monitor. Too boring. I would proudly display the orange stapler. Must.Find.One.

flanthrower said...

What a cool gift! I didn't know they made them in other colors (besides red). I totally thought of Milton when I first saw it.

Unknown said...

Is it sad that I knew EXACTLY where that stapler came from? (I love CB2 way too much...)

bettyninja said...


Shauna said...

I love it!! Best hubs ever!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, shoot! I just bought a RED one (a la Office Space), but I would've held out for ORANGE! Fabulous!

Anne Magee said...

That is awesome! Does it also come in hot pink? Because my dd would absolutely love it!

Dee said...


June said...

Although I'm not the orangiest person around (wonder who that is?) I love this stapler. After seeing it, I suddenly realized that I will have to take a picture of my orange polka dot teapot and post it to your "orangey goodness gallery. Oh, and Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

I got one too for Christmas! I love it - it makes me happy whenever I see it on my desk. And lots of people have commented also!

Anonymous said...

I must have that for my office desk! It will certainly complement my in-box, mug, pen holder and highlighters - all orange.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I would love one of those, especially if it comes in ORANGE.

Lynne said...

It's amazing how something so simple can make someone so happy - it is fab!

Megumi said...

That taste showes he is an engineer!

I love to find his engineer temperament

You, too, right?

Katie Wilkes said...

oh la la! It's a practical but surprisingly really pretty gift! I want one.

Jessica Jones said...

Yep, me too, Megumi. When he opened the things in his Christmas stocking, he carefully arranged them on the table making sure they were evenly spaced with sides parallel to each other. :)

Anonymous said...

that is an awesome gift--practical and pretty!!

Angie said...

Just had to comment since it is soooo Office Space! I am a huge fan!

Anonymous said...

oh dear me. i'm faint. you are a lucky gal.

orange you lucky! said...

That is one delicios stapler! Mmmm...Yum!

Sarah said...

I'm new & I have no idea why you love orange. Please share. Is it a Vitamin C thing like the commercial? :-)

P.S. The stapler rocks!

Jessica Jones said...

It's a happy color.

Anonymous said...

Swingline makes the best staplers, period!!
I just received my orange one and love it. Thank you, I have been coveting my husbands cherry red one...but, orange rules!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am going to order one as soon as possible......8-) Until I found your blog, I thought I was the only person this crazy about orange. My family thinks I'm strange because of this.....sigh. They just don't have the "orange gene", I guess. I'm so happy to find others living in the world of orange.