If you like to look at pretty pictures | How About Orange

November 07, 2008

If you like to look at pretty pictures

Check out this site where you can search Flickr by color. Let's pick a color you might like. Um, how about orange? So you click your favorite orange hue in the palette, and all orange photos come up. You can add more colors to your list and see photos that are orange and pink, let's say. Keep adding or changing your color list to see more pictures, then click on a thumbnail to view any photo on its original Flickr page. I don't know what this is good for, but it's kind of cool.


With a Flourish said...

What a fun tool! (Or timewaster when I don't feel like working... :) I have been thinking of color combos for redecorating, so this could be a cool way to come across great inspiration ideas!

Grandma G said...

Might not be good for much, but it sure looks fun.

It's okay if I stop making bags for you for awhile and play with it, isn't it? ;-)

Holly said...

That's awesome...and addictive!

m allison r said...

This is awesome. Just what I needed before a day of doing accounting...

Julie Livermore said...

that is amazing! i could spend hours on that...

Erre54 said...

wonderfull but hpwcan you save the photoes^?
ciao dall'Italia

Anonymous said...


summer said...

love, love, love!
thank you so much :)

Rhoda said...

I love this site! It's great for graphic designers when they need specific colors of something. Something I should pass to my husband!

Rebekah said...

picking room colors, wedding colors...i like that it shows the colors in real life and real lighting situations, as opposed to swatches.

Unknown said...

Very cool! You're funny.. How about orange?! You made me smile!!

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

So cool! Thanks for the link. A great way to see how colors complement each other in the real world.

Anonymous said...

I am an event planner and this is an awesome way to show people what color combinations look like together.

juliescrapbook said...

As a scrapbooker, I'm very excited to find this. Thanks for the constant inspiration!

gina said...

Another addiction to keep on the computer. :)

Andi said...

I've just had a little play. I could waste hours with a toy like this. Must resist ...
Andi :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm heading over to check out purple! Looks like fun!

Heather said...

You have just given me a wonderful idea ........now I think I know what to do with a wall in my dining room....and it is going to look RAD.

Andi said...

Couldn't resist. Have a look here:


to see what I made.

Loving this tool!
Andi :-)

Ken said...

thx! it is such a great too..

making my life easier :)

Unknown said...

fun! thanks for sharing :)

Alessia Spalma said...

Hi Jessica! Just found your awesome blog and wanted to tell you how much I like it! Lots of diy projects, lots of ideas, lots of inspiration!
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

That was cool.
Thanks for all the timewaters!

Anonymous said...

very cool. very, very cool!

Anonymous said...

This would be a great tool for finding wall art to match a certain color scheme of a room. Too bad you can't purchase prints from the creators...

Anonymous said...

Not a time waster ... great for generating colour combinations for those of us who (like me) have no natural apptitude for same. (must admit I am online because my first client of the day didn't show!!! so I'm surfing the net instead of doing invoicing or reports. well.........

Anonymous said...

wow just tried it....very nice...inspirational and fun! I love color and his really helps get my color juices flowing when I sketch...thanks!

Ellen Bradley said...

I love this! It has really helped me find some great desktop wallpapers. Thanks and I love your blog!

MirMurdah said...

This is an amazing tool to see how colours go together or for inspiration. Great find!! :)