Free vintage embroidery patterns | How About Orange

September 17, 2008

Free vintage embroidery patterns

Mum got this stitched dish towel from Gram for Christmas. Of course my eyes lit up. And lo and behold, it made its way into my suitcase! I'm just borrowing it, honest. Uh, maybe. Those of you who like to embroider, have you visited Vintage Transfer Finds yet? Its a collection of old-fashioned embroidery stitching patterns. Run on over there! For more useful links and instructions on how to transfer the patterns to your fabric, click here.


Grandma G said...

"Borrowing"??? Sooooo... I get it back after it's worn out?

It's okay... keep it. I have another just like it that Gram gave me for Christmas a different year. :-)


Jessica Jones said...

Well, I wasn't really going to give it back anyway. Ha!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Thanks for the transfer links; I've just started cross-stitching again, and I'm loving all the vintage patterns. :-)

Casey said...

thanks so much for the link! i just started cross stiching and have been searching to find cute patterns to try, this is a tremendous help!

Jordanne said...

I just stopped to say that I love your blog! And you are such an inspiration to me, ::struggling graphic design student:: that one day I can be doing what I love to do!!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

It was made for you!

jcaroline said...

Excuse me, could you and your mother stop using this forum as you own personal chat room? Okay, I'm just jealous because my mother never comments.

Jessica Jones said...

What does she call herself? Maybe I can forge comments on her behalf and you'll never know. "Caroline, WHAT is this pig sty? I don't know how you get any work done here!" Just an example. :)

Grandma G said...

Caroline, it's the only time I can get her to talk to me. She figgers she 'has' to be polite and answer me in front of her readers, y'know. ;-)

Carrie P. said...

How cute! You always have the most interesting things on your blog. Love to read it.

Anthonette said...

I love the conversation her between you and your Mom!

My Grandma Ofelia used to make these all the time. She even sewed her own dish towels. When I got married 7 years ago, she gave me a set; Monday, Tuesday, etc. Except, she lost of the days. Oh, well. Grandma O passed away over 2 years ago. I'm glad someone is keeping this craft alive. Thanks for pointing out the site.

alexx said...

and again something fabulous! thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

how cute is thiiis! I'm jealous :)

greetz from another orange-lover...

The Nicholsons said...

Very cute! I haven't tried cross-stitching yet, maybe I'll give it a go with these patterns. My folded cat is looking very nervous...

TranquilityKnots said...

You guys are hilarious! Love your mom! Now you made me homesick. I have to call my mom as soon as they wake up. They are in China. Too far away from me! :(

Jessica Jones said...

That's hard to be so far away!

Look what my mom says on the next post. What a nut.

TranquilityKnots said...

OMG, your mom is super funny! Guess you could never stop laughing while growing up! Nice! Cannot hug my mom. So, a big hug to yours!

Anonymous said...

That is the best dish towel ever! Totally worth stealing - er - borrowing.

Anonymous said...

Love the embroidery! I also love your site. Always fun, always refreshing. I bought this today on I thought about you and your love of orange, when I saw it.


counselor kristal said...

wow! i want to learn to embroider, but i always get frustrated when i try to separate the thread. ;p

andrea of ffft said...

Ha! Busted... I love that your mom is reading this. So brilliant. I tried to hand embroider once but I am not quite... um... neat... enough. My patience may have something to do with it also. Maybe. Perhaps.

Fancy Elastic said...

That is excellent. Enough to make me think about embroidering, which I've not done before.

ps, I love your blog!

allisa jacobs said...

Ohmigoodness, thanks for sharing the Vintage finds link! It took me back to ironing all of my grandmothers linens & pillowcases...because it was my favorite thing to do of course. I can't wait to find a project for them.