Someone should buy these | How About Orange

August 27, 2008

Someone should buy these

These orange cups are for sale over at etsy, and someone should give them a good home. Maybe it should be Hillary Clinton, because they would match her orange pantsuit from the convention last night.

Update: Sold. Was it you, Hillary?


jcaroline said...

I just assumed she reads your blog!

Jessica Jones said...

Oh, totally. When she's not campaigning, that lady is really handy with a glue gun.


They actually showed an assistant standing on stage with different colored suits to see which looked best against the stage. The orange definitely worked the best, but I was surprised that she chose it. I think that's proof that she's been here. Next we'll see her carrying a purse trimmed with your ribbon!

Anonymous said...

Those are so fab! I have a VERY soft spot for wonderful dishes, glasses, mugs! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

So retro 60's. Someone should give them a home for sure. Come on Hillary buy them!

Sequana said...

You know.......when I saw her walk out in that suit, I thot of YOU......*L*

Jessica Jones said...

No way. :)

Anonymous said...

I was also surprised that she chose the orange suit, but she looked so good in it! I only dream of being able to wear pants suits with that kind of ease.

I also laughed when she said, "the sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits"... :)

Jessica Jones said...

Yeah, that was funny!

Anonymous said...

I don't watch TV so I didn't know about about Hillary's pantsuit until now. You are so right...the mugs would look great with the pants!

Corri Taylor said...

oh i wanted them darn they are cute as for hillary not so cute orange yes but cute no way

Grandma G said...

Wouldn't you be surprised if Hillary left you a comment? ;-)


Elizabeth said...

You're so funny! :)

Anonymous said...

Hill is just knows what's up. she's hip ;)

ellencrimitrent said...

loved Hilliary last night and Bill tonight!! I do not want another of the same old in office next year!!! When Bill was in office I made a ton of money now I am struggling as if I just came out of art school and I am 41 lets bring back those Democrats and give us our due!!!!

Kylie Bowers said...

Oh wow they are funky cups!

Traveling Mama said...

Too cute! Love these!

Alex Louisa said...

You know: I used orange for the first time EVER on my last artwork. Never liked orange before. Now I LOVE orange. Funny that. More orange in the future, I think. Definately.

Anyway, just thought I'd say hello :) Found my way here via decor8. And now I've got SO MUCH work to do, but I'm going to be clickity-clicking through your archives instead. Whoops!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the cups - not sure about the pants suit! - you don't see our politicians in Australia wearing outfits like that - maybe they should be taking some notes.

Rebekah said...

i don't understand why people keep making fun of the suits. what is she supposed to do, wear black all the time? boring. i think it was a lovely color, and as anyone who watches WNTW knows, orangy-coral is a color that almost everyone looks good in. can you imagine having a closet full of tailored suits in all the colors of the rainbow? oh, be still my beating heart!

Robin said...

long time orange fan here. (Just knitted a beautiful v-neck in verigate orange wool) I loved Hil's pantsuit. I think she pulled it off amazingly well. And how smart to be so striking against the blue background!

Trish said...

I totally thought of you when HC came out in her ORANGE Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits!

paperseed said...

Dude, I loved that pantsuit!

Anonymous said...

I saw Hillary at an event at the Denver Art Museum (DAM) Monday night and she looked great!

Jessica Jones said...

Lexy, glad to hear you're an orange believer now.

And I think I need a pantsuit.

cjbc said...

Ooh, I have these cups already! I love them.