Coke + Olympics | How About Orange

June 18, 2008

Coke + Olympics

Visit, enter, and click Beijing 2008 to see Coca Cola's cool Flash graphics, downloads, and games celebrating the Olympics. And you know how much I love the Olympics. See all the commemorative Coke cans with logos in different languages, download wallpaper with themes from various countries, decorate your own Coke bottle, and more.


Alfred T. Mahan said...

Ah, nothing quite like a refreshing can of Bite The Wax Tadpole!

Elfin Goddess said...

Love the new masthead! Is that part of the new fabric in the works?? Cheerio!

Anonymous said...

I love those new designs, how pretty!

Nevis said...

I love, love, LOOOOVE the Olymplics!!!

katylinvw said...

i absolutley adore the olympics as well - never actually been, but always park myself on the couch for days at a time to watch :)

all over the map said...

How do you find such fun and cool stuff? I'm a big fan of the Olympics and yes I also love Coke. (I don't drink coffee so I have to get my caffeine somewhere, right?)
Coca-Cola didn't skimp on this little project. They never do. Leave it to them to create something so innovative. I can't resist designing one of my own.

Danielle said...


I gave you an award!

Love visiting your blog!!

kourtney said...

I love the Olympics and my sister loves Coke, so this is perfect for both of us!

al said...

well i'm a fan of neither coke nor the olympics - but i just glanced at your etsy favorites and instantaneously spent $20 on a photograph. thanks...i think! ;)

Jessica Jones said...

Glad I could help you part with some money.

Mahan, what the heck are you talking about?

Jessica Jones said...

Elfin, thanks. I wondered if anybody would notice my super sneaky header replacement. Nope, it's not fabric in the works. Just something I was playing with.

Alfred T. Mahan said...


When Coca-Cola first came to China in the 1920's, they were searching for Chinese characters that approximated the sounds of, amazingly enough, "Coca-Cola". However, Chinese being the language that it is, various symbols that have the same or very similar sounds do NOT translate as having the same meaning; when well-meaning Chinese shopkeepers (without company approval) put up signs with the syllables approximating "Coca-Cola", the symbols they chose translated as "Bite The Wax Tadpole" (among other things).

Needless to say, the company has chosen symbols that sound like "Coca-Cola" that mean "It Brings Refreshment".

Jessica Jones said...

Ah ha! Thank you.

Tracey said...

Now there's a bit of obscure knowledge that will come up on Jeopardy no doubt! Love the images, and yes, I like Coca Cola and the Olympics!

Carolyn Hastings said...

Couldn't agree more with everything said above. Coke. Olympics. Orange things. I love this site.

Anonymous said...
