November 19, 2007


Emily of Orange Beautiful threw a wonderful party Friday night, an open house/meet-and-greet at her charming studio. I first learned of Orange Beautiful while flipping through a HOW Magazine awards annual and seeing her website featured. I liked it so much (and being a fan of orange, of course) I emailed to say how much I dig it. Ever since, we've been stalking each other's blogs and sending the occasional note, so I was excited to finally meet the girl. She's terrific, and so is her work. I loved talking with B, too. Thanks for throwing a great party, guys!

Thursday night was Design*Sponge's Chicago Biz Ladies Meet Up. I'm not planning to ditch graphic design and start sewing pillows for profit, but I am interested in the design licensing angle, so I thought I'd check it out. I enjoyed hearing from Stephanie Waddell of Agnes and Hoss, and you can download Grace's excellent presentation on marketing your products right here. Thanks to everyone who spoke and to Jayson Home and Garden who hosted.


  1. Hey! I just found Orange Beautiful. This is how: I visited Decor8 and found a post on letterpress at Cotton Design Studio and visited their website. Orange Beautiful was listed as a press praise on their site. That's how I discovered them. I immediately thought of your blog and saw that you were already in-the-know. I like how this works. Their website is delicious. I *really* like the feel. What a lucky girl you are to be able to visit E's studio.
    Hooray for Orange.

  2. jess :: thanks SOOO much for coming to the open house... it was great to finally meet you in person! Hopefully, this will just be the first of many get-togethers to come!

    and cheeky :: glad you found OB!... and thanks for the excellent compliment (in my opinion, there's nothing better than hearing someone call your website "delicious") - so, thanks!
