November 16, 2007

Go forth and create!

Wow, thanks for all your thoughts on the Craft Controversy, everybody. I love interesting conversations, and I was hoping to stir the pot a bit. I must admit I've got a nasty streak of devil's advocate that emerges now and then, so I've been gleefully reading all of your comments and thinking you all make great points. Especially whoever mentioned the Midol.

But what I DON'T want is for anyone to feel discouraged about whatever it is that they make, for any reason. What ultimately matters is that we enjoy the creative process and find delight in making things. I think this is a divine gift, and it takes on all kinds of different expressions. So carry on! Go forth and make stuff!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I just finished the tops of my button thumbtacks...gotta go grab some tacks now! THANKS!!

  2. Ew. Handufacture!!! No, let's leave that one wherever we first thought of it.

  3. Too true! That's one of my favorite passages for affirming the arts, both those that are useful and those that are "merely" aesthetic. Thanks so much for your thoughts!

  4. lovely thoughts and encouragement...i needed reminding today.

    what i do is a gift that's been entrusted to me.


  5. That is what it is all about for me I do not do crafts I create as this puts a picture in my mind of someone making something with there own hands, a work of personal art no matter what it is.

  6. I'd just like to say..."One woman's craft is another woman's creative design!"

  7. Or handufacture, as someone with a sense of humor suggested in the previous post. :)

    Yes to what you said!

  8. Hey, I just 'make stuff'.

    What I have loved so much about the blog world, is that I have found people that make stuff that IS to my taste. My friends and family don't make stuff (and most don't know that I make stuff), so it's nice to know I'm not alone. Even if I do find out that they've been making pencil cups made out of popsicle sticks...

  9. Hey, handufacture was my word, and I don't think it's icky! I think it's goofy, so I'm gonna use it! :-) Um, maybe.

  10. Oh me oh my! That was a really good post and one that brought forth a lot of response. (wow! that was a lot of commenting) I still want to go through and read the rest of the comments, just because I can't help myself (and I didn't see the Midol one).
    That topic was evoking and it made me think even further about the whole idea of labels and defining who we are.
    Great follow-up post. I'm giggling that you wanted to stir the pot.

  11. language can be such a tricky thing! i still call my stuff craftiness, but that doesn't deter me from what you have to say, and i still respect your opinion. and now i'm off to read the comments on the previous post :)
