Find out your "personalDNA"
Trisha of blackwhitebliss sent me a link to this really cool personality test. Instead of the standard multiple choice format, you get to use sliders and quadrants and other nifty ways of rating yourself on a continuum. A much more realistic way to assess yourself. It's fun! Try it here.
My result:See my complete report here if you want.
I'm a benevolent artist...
thanks for putting up the link!
I love taking tests like these during short breaks at work - hee hee.
I am an encouraging analyst! I liked the buckets... they were interesting way of doing things.
Advocating Creator here...*S*
That WAS fun. And it certainly was a new way of doing a test.
*chuckling drily* I am a Considerate Thinker. Go figure.
Concerned leader here...
Thanks for the link, really enjoyed this one!
This was a really interesting one. I am a "benevolent creator," the name of which has slightly weird religious overtones...
I am an Independent Creator!
Thanks so much for the link! It was certainly a fun test to take! =]
I'm supposed to be an Advocating Leader. Hmmm...
Thanks for the link: it was fascinating.
I love taking thes things!
I'm a reserved dreamer. hmmm...
Reserved Idealist here.
no wonder youre successful, your DNA sounds like youre a go getter!!
I was a benevolent artist!!
I'm a Free-Wheeling Inventor!
cool link! I turned out to be a Benevolent Artist!
Benevolent creator here - thanks for posting, was so fun to take during a free mo.
Generous Curator here!
How fun! I'm a considerate visionary. :) Thanks for posting this fun site!
Geez, I am a faithful visionary. Whodda thunk? I barely moved the scales.
Considerate Artist.
wowsers! that was one long test!
"You are good at creating works of art in forms with which you're familiar." sound about right :)
Reserved Visionary
"At times other people's feelings are puzzling to you, and you wish that people were more rational."
Haha, so true...
Generous Idealist here, thank you for the fun link. I'm still thinking about my results.
wow, you're 100% earthy, jess. very interesting.
Benevolent leader here! Interesting.
Faithful visionary!
I'm an encouraging visionary it was fun thanks!
im an "encouraging creator" makes me feel good :) im an absolute succor for quizzes. i have forwarded this one to most of my friends :)
What a great blog you have!... says this Encouraging Visionary who just discovered it.
free-wheeling creator... i love this quiz! i put it on my facebook
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