Six weird things | How About Orange

January 30, 2007

Six weird things

So Liesl over at Disdressed tagged me (meaning I'm supposed to list six weird things about myself) two weeks ago, and I'm finally doing it! Peer pressure. :) Okay. Let's see.

1. This weekend I had duck tongues for dinner. In Chinatown. We have lots of fabulous Chinese friends, and they've introduced us to all kinds of delicacies over the years. Along with periodic duck tongue samplings, I've had intestines, lung, blood cakes, fish balls, and uterus?!? Thanks, guys. Did I forget anything?

2. I don't own a cell phone. Never had one. Is that weird? My coworkers think I'm Amish.
[Update: It became necessary to get one. Bummer.

3. I love to peel sunburn, off myself or anyone who will let me.

4. I bought a fireplace video to play on my TV since we don't have a real fireplace. I like it a lot. I think it's funny. I like to play it for people, but they don't think it's as funny as I do.

5. I have size 11 feet. It takes a lot of courage to admit this to The General Public, because I've been ashamed of it my whole life. Or at least since my feet have been 11s. I'm hoping this public declaration will somehow free me from the secret shame of walking into shoe stores, working up my courage to ask if they have anything in an 11, and seeing the clerk's eyes widen and immediately drop to my feet, followed by a stuttered, "Um, n-no. Sorry." Or else they manage to pull out one pair of grandma shoes from the back. Thankfully people's feet must be getting bigger, since it's getting slightly easier to find them. But they're still never as cute as the NORMAL shoes.

6. For the past month, I've had Weird Al Yankovic's song parody, "Trapped in the Drive Thru," stuck in my head, thanks to some friends. You know who you are.


Megumi said...

I checked a conversion table of shoes size between American and Japanese, but... sadly the biggest size on the chart was 10, which is 28cm here:) Well, our feet are much smaller, so they don't need to tell us the size 11 anyway though.

I agree No.3, peeling sunburn! I did to my dad when I was a kid.

Alfred T. Mahan said...

Hee-hee-hee! An earworm! And by His Weirdness, no less!

Could be worse, though; the place where I work now has a major corporate mailing address in El Paso, and when I advise clients of this, I always, ALWAYS get that Marty Robbins song stuck in my head. This has been going on since I began training in December.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who also has large feet. She's had luck at Nordstrom. Apparently they carry a lot of large size shoes. You can order off their web site. Shipping is $5 and returns are free!


Anonymous said...

Zappos, baby.

I don't have a cellphone either. Even my parents cannot understand it. Ditto call waiting. We did fine 10 years ago hearing a busy signal and calling back. I think it's so boorish. I think your fireplace video is HILARIOUS!

Jessica Jones said...

Thanks for the helpful shoe tips, guys! Zappos has come through for me in the past (although things don't always fit, because I wear 11 Narrow, which makes it even worse. But you can't beat the free shipping. I'll check out Nordstrom online...I never think of that, only the actual physical store.

Casapinka, I DETEST call waiting, too! I refuse to use it. Ever. I vow never to interrupt a conversation with someone just so I could talk to someone better. How rude.

Okay. Time to go bask in the glow of a fake fire. Bye.

haus maus said...

You are quirky cute!! Love your list. Hey, after revealing that you've eaten fish balls and a uterus, I think you could have said you wore a size 13 sneaker and no one who have blinked an eyelash. I mean, tongue and balls and, oh my goodness, you are some tough chick! I don't even eat red meat because I get so grossed out... I'm a wuss. When I go to Chinese, I order shrimp, sushi, glass noodles, tofu, and tons of vegetables. Then, I'm on the safe side!!!

You have me wanting Chinese food now that I've listed all that. :) But never will I eat the balls of a fish. I never even knew they had them. he he Obviously, you have them, too! :) :) :)


Jessica Jones said...

Oh no! I must clarify! Sorry to freak you out, Holly! By fish balls, I did not mean fish, um, testicles. Fish balls are made of finely ground up fish and shaped into balls. I think of them as the hotdogs of Chinese cuisine.

But by "uterus," I did mean uterus. :)

Ana Romero Textile Design said...

Hi jess! Thanks for saying hello! My blog has been a little down these past few months so it's nice to find out someone is still reading it. :)
On the other hand, your blog is getting better and better! I love the new banner and you work is just lovely! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Whew! Glad to hear about the fish balls! LOL! I knew you were kinda weird but..... ;-)

Actually, I was wondering if fish really 'have' the other kind! ;-)


Alfred T. Mahan said...

Yes. Yes they do. The things you learn watching "Iron Chef".

Jess, speaking as a member of the "my feet are freaky big" club, Zappos is a lifesaver. not only do they look good and fit my feet, but they're great to dance in as well.

Anonymous said...

Wow - another size 11 wearer! If you thought being a teenager was awkward enough, imagine yourself being 6'0" and with size 11 grandma shoes - or worse's shoes!!!! I'll never forget the first time I went to Payless, how wonderful to get my own shoes without telling someone my size. Now I'm all about Nordstroms, Zappos and Aerosoles. In fact, just got back from Aerosoles where I got the cutest brown suede Mary Janes.

** Terramia ** said...

Well, I don't own a cellphone (I used to have one of those 80's rocket-launcher types way back when... until I started to develop an odd buzzing sound on the left side of my head). No more, thank you very much!
And, I too fancy the faux fireplace television arrangement.. many Christmases are spent curled up in front of the tele listening to the mesmerizing fire crackle and pop! (:

Love your blog!! Such a delight to find such amazing sites and people...

Jamie Lives in Tokyo said...

jess, have you ever bonded with jenny f. on the shoe size thing? I think I can speak for her and say that she feels your pain.

Jessica Jones said...

Oh! I did not know! We should form a support group!

Anonymous said...

Renee over at Wolfie and the sneak linked your page and I just love it! I've been on an orange kick lately and your page has hit the spot.

Also, I think you are so cool for listening to Weird Al. My boyfriend and I constantly sing "trapped in the drive thru" even doing the correct parts, me playing the girlfriend and him Al. We always end in a fit of laughter.

Wendy said...

My mom always told me "Churches have better foundations than outhouses." It's funny, but I suppose it's also offensive to people with tiny feet. Sorry, no offense intended to anyone out there.

Melissa said...

I turn on the Yule Log every Christmas morning. Hubby thinks it's cheesy, but I LOVE it! In our new place though, which we'll hopefully move into by Christmas, we have a REAL fireplace!! So I can have a real fire plus a fake fire in the same room. Sweet.

-Becky said...

I would totally giggle along with you in regards to the fire place tape! It must be kind of soothing in a way!

Also, I have the opposite problem with shoes, I'm a size 5 so its hard to find a woman's shoe that small...finding dressy shoes is a p.o.a.


Anonymous said...

My sister has size 11 feet. I heard recently that Denmark is the place to go for big shoes and tall people clothes in general. In fact, I also heard they are having a problem with cars being too small there, for the generally tall population. I have no idea where I heard this and it might be made up and unreliable, but I liked the idea of this tall culture trying to find clothes and cars and shoes. It was comforting. (My own feet are size 10.)
ps I have had a pay-as-you-go cellphone for four years that I have used three times. (I'm past due for my annual call.)

Lady Steed said...

I too have size 11 feet. It is a trial; the bane of my existence. I once had a store clerk laugh out loud when I asked if they carried size 11 shoes.

Sharee said...

Jess, I think the virtual fireplace is hilarious !! I'm so getting one ASAP. I know this is an old post, by I just had to say....

Jessica Jones said...

That's excellent. Glad to hear it.

Anonymous said...

This is an ancient post but I am hoping you get emailed these--I see you have moderation on so I am sure you do :)

I have size eleven feet as well and one of the best moments of my life re: bonding with another human was when I was hosting an online friend here in town for a while. We went bowling and I sheepishly went up and mumbled "elevens please" to get my shoes, as I do, and she immediately came up behind me and firmly, but with a red face, said: "me too."

Big-footed girls rock on, right?

You're right, though, it's becoming easier to find them.

I had a great experience the other day I haven't really shared cos I didn't know anyone who'd understand: I went into Target and someone had been in there right before me. They had tried on every single clearanced pair of size eleven shoes in the store AND LEFT THEM BY THE BENCH. Easiest shopping experience ever. I didn't get anything but I was ecstatic.

Jessica Jones said...

Dear Anonymous, I love your stories! I HATE getting bowling shoes. They always give me men's.

Here's one for you. A month ago I went to a cool clothing boutique and tried on some sleek jeans and an awesome sweater. The sales girl said, "You need to wear those with boots." I said, "I don't have any boots." She said, "I'll grab you a pair; what size do you wear?" I sighed and mumbled 11. She said, "Oh, we don't have any. But the ones I'm wearing are 11. Try on mine. You'll love how they look." So I did and they were fab. What are the odds?

Later I went to Nordstrom and the clerk told me she now sees tons of teenage girls come in requesting 11. Good news for us! And I waltzed out with new boots.