Sneak peek | How About Orange

September 12, 2007

Sneak peek

I've been working on some patterns for a client, and we've decided to offer a glimpse of where we're at in the process. I can't tell you what these are for, but if you'd like to offer any feedback, feel free! More details to come in three or four weeks.


jessilong said...

oh! are you designing for a fabric line. I would love to get a hold of some fabrics with your designs. They would make the cutest totes and purses. Are you?

Jessica Jones said...

Hmm.... I cannot say!

Funky Finds said...

love the colr combos!

Kelly G. said...

I must have fabric with those patterns!!

Ashley said...

oh, I SO hope those are fabrics!!

Anonymous said...

I love these! They are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

They LOOK like fabrics! I hope they are, too! They're all very pretty, but I particularly love the upper left-hand one. I'm envisioning pillows, totes... and all kinds of pretty things!

Can't wait to hear more about them!

You're so talented, Jess!!

Hedgehog said...

Another hope that these are fabrics!!

Jaime said...

OOOH! Love them all, but I think my favorite is the lower left hand with the greens and blues. Hope that helps, and yes, I totally would love these to be fabrics too!

Nora said...

Oh they remind me of oilcloth from long ago! Sweet patterns!

Anonymous said...

Those would be a fabulous fabric line, I love the 2 bottom ones..... The suspense is going to drive me crazy.....

Anonymous said...

Love the designs and colors!

I'd love them as a desktop wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

ooooo how fun :) they have a vintage fabric pattern look, yet modern. Quite refreshing! G'luck on the project, it looks great!

Anina said...

I love them. I hope they're for fabric...

Anonymous said...

Love the colors, love your work! Only feedback I would have: might be nice to play with scale, some larger and some mixed repeats for contrast--and movement.


Ros said...

I adore the two on the left. For me the one on the top right is a bit static and doesn't really sing at me. I like the one on the bottom right but I like someone else's suggestiong that it would be fun to play with different scale and this one that's all one colour might be a good place to do it.

Fabric would be good, but so would wrapping paper or cards or notebooks or anything that needs a pattern to make it pretty!

Stephanie Hatzenbuehler said...


Cindy Is Crafty said...

I really love the 2 on the bottom.

Jane said...

Love your color pallet! Sort of retro but modern at the same time! Fabric would be wonderful!

Dallas said...

Ooh, great patterns. They would be fantastic fabrics for funky totes. I like the two on the lefthand side best, but they're all great.

sweetfuzzies said...

Wow, these are so delicious! You are so talented! Another one hoping they are fabric patterns..

jessica said...

I'm with everyone else - please, please tell me these are for fabric!!

Helen said...

love them. fresh, clean, springy!

Sarah said...

I just love these, like everyone else, my first thought was fabric but honestly I'd take them where I can get them. My fav is the bottom left, blue with white circles and green pea pods inside. Totally love it.

lgaumond said...

Oh, I lo-o-o-ove the one on the bottom left. (Actually, I love them all.) Please tell me that they're going to be fabric. My windows are crying out for curtains.

charlotte said...

gorgeous! on anything.

Ryan said...

All are beautiful!!! Bottom left is my favorite

Celeste said...

I'd love to see a stripe mixed in with these. Of course I love stripes. I'd also like to see one of them with the pattern larger. Also perhaps a little more breathing room in the pattern. Some seem a little tight. Lovely color combo. I'd love to see them as Scrapbook paper!

Ros said...

You know, something else I was thinking was 'Oh - but why do they have to be for anything?' They're just very pleasing patterns. And I like pattern.

Mary Corbet said...

I like the idea of fabric as well - but I think they'd make great stationery - notecards, especially, with lined envelopes!!

Stripes thrown in wouldn't be a bad idea for people who like stripes - I could especially see a stripe if it is fabric, to be used on totes or whatnot.

Whatever the case, I like all four patterns - a lot!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Celeste - add some stripes, maybe some polka dots (as separate thumbnails altogether, not added to these images) and perhaps space the patterns out a bit on one or more of these and VIOLA - a LOVELY collection of scrapbook/cardmaking papers. Hey - many paper manufacturers now do double sided, so you could stick the stripes/dots/etc. (plaid? houndstooth? herringbone?) on the reverse of each of these! LOVE the color scheme - but surprised you didn't do orange ;-)

If you did a paper line, I'd be first in 'line' to buy it!

Ros said...

Oh, and another thought. I'd LOVE to see these in a bright pink/orange colourway too.

Anonymous said...

Love the bottom left one - as soon as I saw it I thought, hmmm, that would make a nice tea towel or summer dress. Do let us know if it will be available for purchase, whatever it is!

Jessica Jones said...

Guys, thanks for all your comments, suggestions, and encouragments! I'll keep you posted!

Jennifer said...

Paper products or fabric...Hmmm. I can't stand it! I would buy either for sure.

Aspa said...

I hope these are fabrics. They are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

These are very nice. Everyone who's already commented has said great things. I agree that the top right one is static -- my thought was it looks like wrapping paper, so if you're going for wrapping paper, it's perfect. :)

My favorite is lower left, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh these would be *great* as fabrics! I really like all of them! Especially the one on bottom left and top right.

jamie said...

These are fantastic! I'd love them as fabric, wallpaper, letterpressed cards or whatever! Thanks for sharing.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Tell me it's fabric! I was thinking for quite some time that you could design some beautiful fabric!

Larissa Holland said... those.
could these be for fabric? if so, I'd love some. If not, I still love it. :0) I am really into turquoise, apple green and orange these days.

Abby said...

I like them. My favorite is the bottom left corner.

Teresa @ good-grace said...

I would be beyond thrilled if these were for fabric... I love them regardless! Good luck with the super-secret project!!

Anonymous said...

feedback? um how about, i would love to buy any and all of those patterns on paper or fabric. please say i can, pretty please!

phil said...

love em. and definitely keenest on bottom lefty. Quick Q: what program are you designing in?

Anonymous said...

Make them as fabric! I want to quit with them!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm.... "anonymous" just above me - I hope you meant 'quilt' and not 'quit'! :-)

Jessica Jones said...

Phil, I use Microsoft Paint.

Just kidding. It's Illustrator.

Jessica Jones said...

Anonymous #1, I've had a few moments of wanting to quit with them, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, very pretty! Comments similar to others... Fav is lower left, but love them all together too - make a nice collection. My bet is fabric, although a pack of notecard, wrapping paper, gift bags would be great. Very nice colors. I could see these patterns in another color combo too... great job! Wish I had your talent!! Good luck and looking forward to seeing these come out somewhere!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how i wish this was fabric!