October 04, 2013

Ten free Halloween fonts

If you're planning to make any Halloween invitations or banners this month, a round-up of ten free Halloween fonts from Creative Pro might be just what you're looking for. I tried out Tango Macabre and Needleteeth above. (Thanks for the tip, Elizabeth!)


  1. Just what I need. We have a Halloween party every year for the kids (but really so that I can make cool stuff). Halloween is no big deal here in the UK, but I love it.

  2. HA! Awesome for this years Halloween Party...Thanks Jessica!

  3. They are amazing! Thank you for sharing :)
    I used your tutorial for heart-shaped origami markers here: http://megshandmade.blogspot.com/2013/10/a-ode-mnie.html
    They are so adorable, thank you for the tutorial! :)

  4. Way too cool, i'm going to use them somewhere just because!
