Printable Valentine goodie bags | How About Orange

January 20, 2010

Printable Valentine goodie bags

Kathleen of Twig & Thistle has done it again! Beautiful graphics to print on Valentine's Day treat bags are yours for the downloading, free. Get the floral bag image here and the brownie bag here.

(Images from Twig & Thistle)


Grandma G said...

I was gonna ask where one would get bags like that, but then I read Kathleen's post. :)

Jessica Jones said...

Good job. We at How About Orange encourage reading as the first step in finding answers to one's questions.

Grandma G said...

Thank you. That's good to know, too.

BTW, how many are "we"???

stephanie said...

besides your posts, one of my favorite things is reading your comment just cracks me up!

Jessica Jones said...

"We" means me and my cup of coffee. Same as most other bloggers who say "we" when they really mean just "I" but want to sound impressively large. Did it work?

Jessica Nichols said...

We think it did work. Me and my empty cup of coffee.

Jessica Jones said...

Oh good.

Designed by Chance said...

I love your blog... just wanted you to know that.

Grandma G said...

Yeah. I'm very impressed.

concretenprimroses said...

We thank you for this info and link to the lovely graphics.

Jessica Jones said...

We thank you for that kind sentiment: you all and the crowd that's been commenting today. And now we must design a direct mail postcard and stop getting distracted by blog comments, because we must earn some income to pay our mortgage.

Grandma G said...

'Me' all? How many am I? I finished my quota of coffee hours ago! You must mean Willow, Wispy and me, huh?

We (and by this I mean myself as only ONE... and the other commentors) only distract you if you let us. But just in case I'm enabling you, I'll stop now and leave you to your mortgage payments.

Bye... I love you!!!

Stephanie Hillberry said...

These are so cute! Thanks, as usual, for pointing out such lovely (and free!) finds!

Stephanie Hillberry said...

Oops...I guess I should say "WE thank you..." I don't want to be left out...

Linnea skriver: said...

Wonderful bags!

Mary said...



Jessica Jones said...

Do you mean the plain bags in Twig & Thistle's Etsy shop? I see some here.

s a n s k u :) said...

i was trying to print some of those paperdolls from an earlier posting and my computer stopped working. did this happen to anyone else or was it a fluke?

Christy said...

Must find some brown paper! Thank you the great ideas!

EmilyGray said...

hi jess. I'm just commenting because I can. Great to see you the other day!!

Sophie.J said...

Thanks for sharing the info, I'm going there now ^-^

Jordana said...

So so pretty!

Multiductus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Multiductus said...

Treat bags are a great idea! I'm going making some myself... thank you for sharing :)

Caroline said...

Very cute and thank you for the link. I will print a whole bunch!

fabricatedends said...

I love the brown bag image, it's so sleek.

Unknown said...

These are great! And thanks for linking Twig & Thistle - I now have a new bookmarked site to visit everyday. ;)

Anonymous said...

ditto! great vday DIY from the heart, and absolutely loving twig & thistle =) Thanks!!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

Love these - perfect for little treats indeed!

Becky said...

We (s.) here in The South think you (pl.) there in The North/MidWest have suffered brain damage from the severe cold weather. But we mean it in the nicest way possible ;-)

We have been most assuredly amused by aforementioned banter.

We think the baggie thingys are cute too.

Grandma G said...

Wow, Jess... we (you and I... not your coffee... I think) have "nice" brain damage! Cool!! ;D

Jordan - Polkadot Prints said...

These are lovely...why hadn't I thought of printing on to paper bags?

I am planning a baby shower for a sister and this might come in handy for a favour idea too!

It's so sweet, thanks for posting!

Sandy said...

Awww this is soo cute! I want to make these for V day now! Thanks for the link on how to make it. I love your blog BTW!

all american packaging said...

Those are so cute. Free printables are the best. And I love those felt hair clips. I need to make me some.

Lalipourie said...

you have the best tutorials. This is such a sweet little design for that perfect valentines gift!

Nancy Ward said...


I recently posted an entry on my blog with a link to these downloads.

I'd appreciate your letting me know if that's OK.


Nancy Ward

Jessica Jones said...

Sure, Nancy, that's great.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been reading info on your site for quite some time now, never really got a chance to post anything. Just want to say you always have the best information and thank you for that