Hey, Matt. What's up. | How About Orange

September 28, 2009

Hey, Matt. What's up.

Welcome to our dining room. While flipping through a magazine the other day, Alex paused on a full-page photo of Matthew McConaughey, snickered, and joked that we ought to hang it on the wall. Hmmm, guess what happened while Alex was out one day.

We don't have any particular liking for or aversion to Matthew M. But whenever we look at that manly pose, we can't help giggling. (Click to admire larger.) It seems to produce the same effect in anyone else who comes to visit.


Kimberly Bee said...

that calls for a good chuckle! too funny,

Sue said...

but he has his shirt on...he never has his shirt on...

KatG said...

Shouldn't there be an alter of candles or something underneath?

The Needle Shop said...

I propose a wall of Matt. Damon, Dillon, Broderick, etc.

Jessica Jones said...

Probably Matt Damon as he appears in The Informant! would be best, just for a little variety.

Grandma G said...

Gee, my second giggle of the day. ;-)

Kosmika said...

Ehehehehe! i approve the Matt Damon/The Informant choice too! a must have for any respectable wall. :)

danielle said...

thats hilarious. so unexpected to see a portrait like that hanging in someones dining room

Prudy said...


Vanessa said...

LOL that's awesome. It's a reminder that art in your home should be for you, not so it looks good in a photoshoot. Even though, that does look good!

Red Red Completely Red said...

Haha! He looks great hanging up there :)

Virginia Kraljevic said...

he sure looks lovely! ;)

CitricSugar said...

When I was in university, my roommate and I had a "man wall". If he was hot, he went on the wall. After a while, it got quite large and kinda silly.

However, if we'd simply picked one and framed it, the effect would've been subtle and slightly ironic. I love it. I simply love it.

Christine said...

Love it!!!!

Christine said...

Darn enter key ...

Wanted to say "Love it!" and did you say in the dining room? Can't get anymore yummier than that!

drew-o-rama.com said...

when i interned in san francisco, he was there filming a movie. i walked by him during my lunch break one day. he's really short. shorter than me and i'm 5' 9". i was surprised.

Anonymous said...

I like your style. And I have to agree with Sue about his shirt. You may have to replace it without a shirt. It's definitely a conversation piece:)

- Julia

jamie said...

Hilarious! That is quite a pose! I imagine that this would make a great conversation piece at a diner party!

Cristin said...

Too funny! But... if my husband wanted to put a photo of Pamela Anderson or some "hot" girl in my house, I'd veto it for sure! We can get away with so much!

creativeneurosis said...

HILARIOUS. I love it!

Chocolate and Steel said...

i love it. It's so funny how for magazines and such people pose. It's like nobody really looks like that ever. I can't remember the last time I made that expression in real life (add 3/4 turn too).

beanie g said...

hilar ... thanks

Jessica Jones said...

C&S, I make that expression all the time; what do you mean? It's my default setting.

I also enjoyed how someone on Twitter pointed out the Photoshopping on MM's chest. Dress shirts don't normally cling so much. I like the added shading. I should do that on my own photos to give myself more of a bosom.

Helen said...

OHMYGOSH!!! Too funny!

I think I'd like your house...sounds like a great time there!


Anonymous said...

I work as a visual merchandiser and use this image in 22x28 posters all over the cosmetics dept when promoting the Dolce & Gabana fragrance. I have given away all the extra copies to co-workers who are smitten with him. He looks so much cuter when he is smiling.

Becky Farley said...

That's hilarious :)

JulieAnn said...

It's kind of like when Rich put up a picture of Maximus (Russell Crowe) in the living room. Jenny and I thought it was a joke, but then we couldn't get him to take it down. Eventually I hid it from him, and they found it again while unpacking this last move... so, watch out! If Alex is like Rich, you may have a permanent wall picture... ;)

Anonymous said...

i think this is hilarious precisely because this is not the sort of thing i'd ever expect to see hanging up on your walls. :)

Jennifer T. said...

That's so funny! I literally had to bite my tongue to keep myself laughing aloud at work.

slmpetersen said...

I like it! I'm a fan of Matt, but the conversation factor is what really does it for me. You guys must have some interesting discussions when you have guests.

sarah jerger said...

hahaha... i love your sense of humor.

Care said...

I am absolutely AMAZED that he was wearing a shirt for the photo shoot. A rare occurrence, to be sure.

One time I found a picture of a llama wearing a scarf and framed it for my home -- for fun, to be sure. I was mocked.

Leslie said...

that's hilarious.

janet l moran said...

john and i have similar pics of ourselves hanging all over our home. i'll send you one if you like.

Bea said...

Snickering over here!

Erin said...

hee hee hee!

I can't believe you found a picture of him with a shirt on!

cmcilwain said...

I clicked and then I laughed. Thanks.

The Super Seven said...

That is the best post ever.....I think I might have to switch out a picture in my house just to see how long it takes my husband to notice. I love your blog......you inspire me to be great someday....I dream of that day....

Unknown said...

Love the sucked in cheeks. Pretty sexy for a usually sweaty guy who likes to play the bongos naked.

gret said...

Hilarious. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, this totally cracked me up. I've been thinking a lot about Matt lately and how the world wouldn't know what to do without the guy that can totally pull off the big goof-ball that he is in his movies.

Andrea said...


Blessings and prayers, andrea

Erin said...


Robin said...

I giggled.

suzanne b. said...

You are so fun! :D

alice said...

Hee! that is awesome :)

Anonymous said...

oh my god, that's so dang funny!

Marcy Tate said...

That is so funny, i cant believe you really made a hole in the wall for that! Good choice :)

Sonja Hoyle said...

LOL! I'm SO putting up a picture of Matthew in my studio! He is MY "McDreamy"...*sigh* I swoon when I see him! I know, I know, how high school. Oh heck, maybe my dining room needs a Matt! Love it!

ANNE said...

Hilarious. My sisters and I used to have a Calvin Klein ad that we cut out and named "Rog" (as in Roger). We would hide him in each others' rooms and cars and even mailed him back and forth. It was too fun.

Katie Campbell said...

I LOVE it!! My husband and I found an Old Spice ad that made us giggle, so we also cut it out, framed it, and hung it on the wall. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does these things!

Julie said...

This is priceless. Thanks for the giggle!

Unknown said...

Haha thats cute.

HappyHomemaker said...

I wonder what my hubby would think if I hung George Clooney on my wall! I love the idea!

Laura said...

Ha! A friend of mine had a framed picture of Steve Buscemi on his mantle for a long time. If people didn't recognize him and asked who it was, he just said it was Uncle Steve.

Karoline said...

That is TOO funny! :D

Laurel said...

Dreamy.... years ago a friend framed a pic of Antonio Sabato Jr in an HUGE underwear ad. I hung it over my laundry area and I'll be darned if it didn't make that task a little lighter!

Pascale said...

Giggle, giggle! Reminds me of the Kevin Costner picture colleagues once put up on our office door... Same effect!

Sanna said...

I LOVE it!

pomly said...

Ridiculously giggling over here! :D

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

Hilarious. I want one.

AMR said...

Think Matthew McConaughey has the same picture hanging in his dining room? :)

I imagine they wouldn't let him smile in the photo because his blinding white teeth would have made the shirt look dingy.

Kare said...

Whoa... could that be? Is his mouth actually *closed*?!

That is a frame-worthy, rare sight. Good call! :)

Sarah Bonn said...

We've been known to frame celebrity images and stick them in with our family. "No, really? You think my uncle looks like Elvis? I just don't see it."

Anonymous said...

All the way from Portugal... i can tell you the reaction to this picture is UAU... :). Rute