August 13, 2009

Speaking of business cards

This little fabric envelope arrived in the mail one day, sewed by my mom and sized to fit my Etsy shop business cards. Awww!


  1. Do you know where she got it from, its super cute!

  2. Oh that's so cute!! I might have to make custom business card holder for mine since they're square and don't exactly fit in my current wallet.

    I actually just did a post on them. Found them on Etsy!

  3. There, I edited the post to clarify where it came from. Dorkys Ramos, I will check them out!

  4. Love your cards and your new card holder!

  5. Gee, Mum gets 2 posts this week! Wow!! You getting hard up for stuff to post? ;-)

    Maybe I should make them to sell in the shop, huh???????

  6. Awww . . . she's real good. :)

  7. First of all- you've got an awesome Mom! :) Secondly... does she wanna share a pattern for that? Lol! I'd love to make one! If I try w/out a pattern I'm liable to screw it up. :(

  8. That is totally sweet! Yay for mom's that care.

  9. i second the vote for a pattern... :) c'mon ma! we love it!

  10. That's so cute. And yay for thoughtful moms! :)

  11. any chance these will be a new item in your Etsy shop? :)

  12. Cute, cute, cute!! And what a great mom!

  13. Thanks for the update. You should convince her to sell these, I would buy one ASAP!

  14. That's awesome!! I love how it coordinates (which was probably the point). Kudos to mom!

  15. that's so creative. the cards are beautiful!

  16. What a wonderful mom you have!!!

  17. How do I get on your mom's mailing** list to receive all sorts of cute goods!

    **have you heard of those kind of clubs?

    your mom is awesome, love, love, love it!

  18. I love how when you come up with one idea how it spurs you/others onto even more;)

  19. Amy Butler has a very similar FREE pattern on her site for a business card holder. I made one for a friend and substituted as snap as well for i just need to get around to making MYSELF one@

  20. Cute!! Aren't moms great? LOL

  21. Hip hip hooray for moms! Will use this to make my mom feel guilty. Thank you.

  22. You're welcome. If you need any help, let me know.

  23. I love those small card holders. They are quick and look great.A good way to use up scraps

  24. She should make and sell them. I would definitely buy a few for my photography business!

  25. How Cute is that?!?! I actually just stole one of my husbands business card holders today (he has about 4). They all have his initals, but I figure they're close enough to mine. WHen I get time I think I may try to make one of these to have a more stylish way to carry my business cards for my new business. If I ever find your fabric on sale at JCaroline, I want to get some to offer for my clutches. Check it out. (constantly a work in progress)

  26. Your mom is amazing. You might want to keep her.

  27. Awesome - what a cool way to coordinate!

  28. Thank you, everyone!! Except for the person who called me "ma". Don't EVER call me "ma". Makes me feel like a 60-yr.-old farm wife or something. Okay, so that's what I am... but I'd rather feel like a youngish mom of a terrific designer. ;-) (No offense taken, stance.)

    Well, Boss... whaddya say? Do I whip up some of these for the Etsy shop? I think so. If anyone has a fabric preference (Jessica Jones fabrics, of course), they can email me via the address in the shop announcements. (Top of the page under "CUSTOM REQUESTS".)

    As for the pattern requests, I'll think about it.....

  29. How wonderful and sweet of your mum :)

  30. I just discovered your blog yesterday, and I have to tell you that I love it. I've spent the last 2+ hours reading back through old posts. All of your links and craft ideas are great. Love your style! Keep things coming in the Etsy shop. I'll definitely be ordering.

  31. That is totally sweet! Yay for mom's that care.

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  32. Very cool...did Courtney do the snaps?

  33. Fabulous! I've been trying to figure out what to do with all my fabric strike-off swatches, and I think I just got the answer!

  34. whoa! very impressed with mom's talent. you think she might make a few more??? :)

  35. Why Jess, how did YOU know?

    Making more is in the plan for today. But speaking of snaps, I have to see if the new ones I bought on Wed. will work with my snap-putter-inner. If not, we may be in trouble, because I don't have quick access to many notions out here in the boonies.

  36. My eyes teared when I read your 'business card pouch post'! I receive postal bags from my mum all the way from Sweden with loving little treats. It means the world to me.

    Your mum is very clever. You should ask her to make a few more and sell them via your site. I'd buy one for sure!!

    Thanks for a lovely blog!

  37. Oh my gosh. Those are too cute! And perfect for us ladies. Please please mass produce them and I'll buy a dozen!

  38. Hooray for cool Mums!!!

  39. awwww is right. cutsy cute! what a nice mom you have. cute business cards!

  40. cutest EVER. moms are the best!

  41. Your mom is a super talent! You're so blessed.

  42. Those cards are slammin. I'm redesigning mine, and I'm definitely a little jealous over here.

  43. Thanks for giving me such type of information which is useful for my knowledge.I think now a days plastic card/Business cards is too necessary for our business to improve business areas.

  44. Your mom is really awesome. The business card holder is so cute. I love it!!

    For information on Plastic card printers and printer supplies, visit Safecard ID.

    Thanks again.
