August 14, 2009

Printable art

Feed Your Soul is a little site offering free illustrations you can download, print, and frame. Contributing artists include Amy Ruppel (designer of Target's 2008 Christmas decorations), Marcy Davy, Gemma Correll, Tara Hogan, Jessica Gonacha, and Samantha Hahn.

For a cheap way to display your pictures, try printing them on cardstock and hanging them on a clothesline like this from Olive at Etsy.


  1. thanks so much for the download info. The new ones are really great. I like that clothesline idea too.

  2. Thanks! These are awesome. Many will find their way to my daughter's room.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing this site. I was just thinking last night that my walls need some friends. :)

  4. thanks so much for sharing this site! i've been searching for ideas to decorate my nursery and the clothesline idea is perfect! :)

  5. Thank you soooo much for sharing this! I've been a fan of Belle & Boo for some time now and I can't believe Mandy would be kind enough to give her work for free.

    And now Michelle Maule has become a new favorite.

  6. I love the clothesline idea! I've admired my SIL's for years and made one for my toddler just the other day. Funny to see it show up on your blog at just about the same time.

    Here's mine:

  7. I am slightly boggled that anyone would feel the need to buy a kit for putting up a line like that.

  8. Thanks! I printed the fantastic Mara Girling and Amy Ruppel illustrations.

  9. So happy! What a treasure trove. Thank you for sharing!


  10. so great! i really appreciate you finding such great art to share with us :)

  11. Thanks for the mention and glad you all enjoy the project!

  12. Cool site! Will we see any of your work on this site someday??

  13. My daughter LOVES the squirrel sleeping picture! Thanks for sharing!
