February 15, 2008

Before-and-after chair

Caroline reupholstered an ugly $5 thrift store chair with Leaflet, and it was on Design*Sponge yesterday! I tell you, that woman is a genius with a sewing machine. You can read about her process here.


  1. Jess, that's great! And, wow, Caroline is amazing. At upholstering and publicizing! Hooray for both of you!

  2. so funny! i was just getting ready to email you to see if you had seen this yet. good thing i checked your blog first :)

  3. What a fabulous job! I wouldn't have wanted to undertake it. Look how well the designs are matched! Way to go, Caroline!!!

  4. Man, how I wish I could sew well enough to recover our old Pottery Barn basic slipcover sofa and chair into a tailored cover. I'm so over slipcovers.

  5. gosh, that fabric looks gorgeous on that chair! makes me want to take a trip to the thrift store tomorrow... lovelove :)

  6. As much as I feel like I have celbrated with you, it dawned on me I may never have actually shared my congratulations with you tangibly. Those fabrics are so cool. First of all, of course I love the design. But second of all, I really appreciate that you actually did it. So many good ideas floating around, but most don't see the light of day. So congrats. Your post on how it was made while you where there was also very cool.

  7. Just stopping by to let you know I have you linked on my blog. I love popping over to see what fun things you're showing.
    Best wishes~

  8. For $5 I bet the insides were oak. Now she has high end modern. That is awesome.

  9. That looks like just about the happiest chair I have ever seen! Congratulations!

  10. I saw that over there and I thought it was SOOO cute!
    What a deal!

  11. Wow! Chari number one is butt-ugly. Chair 2 is stunning!

  12. I cannot wait to get some of your fabulous materials! I love how the chair turned out....

  13. I'm absolutely loving this! Who would have guessed that something that hideous could still find redemption!? I totally would have passed over that chair ... I just couldn't have seen the potential. It looks great!

  14. I am hopeful to try this with a chair of my own. Thanks for the tip.

    p.s. Love your blog!
