November 13, 2007

Early mini saddle-stitched booklet

It turns out Dad wasn't the only one to get special handmade presents. Mom sent over more pictures. Looks like I was trying to express love with every fiber of my little being.

Oops! Put my foot in my mouth there.

Whew, fixed it.

Well, the end.


  1. Oh, I want one of those so bad! Love the (which isn't so often)! Too funny!

  2. "Looks like I was trying to express love with every fiber of my little being."

    You were successful! I felt very loved... and still do... even when I'm crabby (which isn't very often)! :-) Maybe that's why the tears came to my eyes when I read that little book again yesterday.

    Well, God bless you, too!



  3. That book is just darling! Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. You were such a creative kid. I love your mom for holding on to your artwork. I have a little one, and struggle with deciding what to keep.

  5. Oh my, that is so sweet of you! I would have been shy to show things I made when I was younger but come to think of it, I don't recall making something as cute as that, haha!

  6. That is adorable! I recently posted a recap of the indie craft bazaar Stitch & am hosting a swag bag giveaway. I'd love for you to enter & to spread the word! Thanks!


  7. So adorable! A cute book filled with such nice sentiments... no wonder your mom held onto it! :)

  8. Oh, Jess, this is my first delurking comment to you, I think, though I've been reading your blog for some time now. That is just too sweet, thanks so much (to you and your mom, too!) for sharing. I got quite the laugh out of the little crabby remark, so cute and honest. I hope I'm lucky enough to get something like that from my daughters one of these days (I'll have to wait until they know how to write and compose sentences, I suppose).

  9. Yeah, being able to write would help. :) Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment!

  10. Oh, man! That is awesome! I especially love the part about being crabby.

  11. that is cute beyond words.
    what a treasure for your mom and now you that you have the opportunity to see it again.
    thanks so much for sharing this!

  12. TOO SWEET!!!! love it!!! HUgs Linda

  13. You were always very crafty and artistic when we were all little. Remember helping me make stuff for my dolls? Now I help the "little cousins" with their crafts! I know Grandma has projects from all of us around the house. Those roses you drew for our "Victorian house" are still hanging by the stairs to the basement.
    I feel lucky to have such a crafty cousin.

  14. That's the sweetest momento ever for your mom to have! So adorable!!

  15. These last couple posts actually made me tear up. :) I have such good memories of making little crafts for my parents.

    I love, love your pencil cups (both old and new) and the little heart book. :)

  16. The bookmark is a nice touch, too!

  17. Very very sweet. I'm jealous of your heart shape making skills. I couldn't make a heart as a child, still can't. Thank g-d someone invented punches, die-cutting machines, and publisher. :o)

  18. Love it. Thanks to all the moms out there who oooowed and awwed our first creations and made us belive in the artist within.

  19. Rumor has it that you made that little book just last week - don't try to fool us! lol!

  20. What a beautiful message to your mom. (I once wrote a poem and told my mom she smelled like a sheep! and that was a compliment.) I've saved everything my son has given us. He's a bit of a retard when it comes to expression, but still a wonderful person. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Anne, I'm sure your mom was so pleased to learn she smelled like a sheep. That's high praise. (We had sheep for awhile when I was kid. I'm sure you didn't mean she smelled like REAL sheep. I bet you meant she smelled like a nice, fluffy, pure white cartoon sheep that pranced through meadows and surely smelled like flowers.)

    Mary Anne: WHO TOLD!??! I didn't think anyone would find out!

  22. That is SO CUTE. I kind of want to make one now, for my scrapbook-lovin' mom. xD

  23. That must have been one of the sweetest things I've ever read. That's wonderful that your mom kept it.

  24. How sweet Jess! Just remember to keep telling your mom how much you love her. Our children are our greatest treasures.

  25. I wish someone would make me a teensy love book with it's own pink thread bookmark...
    So adorable

  26. Ahh that touch my heart can feel her love in it all a real keeper.
    Both her and book!

  27. That is so sweet, I have some things like that from my grown children and they are priceless to me
