November 14, 2007

Quiz: What's your design style?

Take this quiz at to find out your design style. I turned out to be "Eccentric with a touch of Hip." "For you, it's all about the mix... You're drawn to funky interiors and eye-catching color combinations (think red and blue, orange and turquoise, purple and gold). You like contrasting patterns and unconventional architecture..."


  1. Uh... me too. I thought it was going to peg me as traditional, but eccentric-eclectic definitely describes what I see around me. More fun for us... thank you.

  2. Hey, thanks for finding this! I was watching a couple do a home makeover show and they said, "To take the test yourself, head over to", and then I COULD NOT FIND IT!!!

  3. I'm 'sweet'. Whimsical patterns and quaint buildings. Cosy interiors with a welcoming palette. I think that's about right.

  4. Mine was "eccentric with a touch of sweet and classy"... which means that I don't have a style, right? :) Thanks - that was fun!!

  5. Boo...mine said I was contemporary. I am actually modern mixed with arts & crafts style. It said my husband was rustic. He is actually more modern (mixed with something, but I can't figure it out)

    Contemporary sends shivers of bad 80's design down my spine.

  6. Ew, sorry to hear that, Onion. Elizabeth, that's pretty funny. I'm just waiting for someone to turn out "Ecclectic with a touch of classic, hip, modern, rustic, contemporary and Tudor."

  7. Your taste description sounds about right! And I loved the pictures of your early "crafting"!

  8. Apparently I am 'classy'! Hee! A first time for everything huh.

  9. Thanks for the link. That was fun I am eccentric with a touch of: sweet and classy.

  10. Thanks for the link. That was fun I am eccentric with a touch of: sweet and classy.

  11. I'm hip, apparently. I don't quite know how I feel about that, but the suggested rooms look pretty good, so I'll take the slightly ooky descriptor.

  12. Thanks for that - apparently I am Sweet!

    It matches some of my taste but other stuff doesn't! Maybe I am just confused!

  13. I was surprised...I got eccentric---for me it's "all about the mix" :)

  14. Hahaha--I am Hip. Another good quiz find. And it is really fun to see your early crafting adventures. Isn't it a hoot to be able to compare then and now? Thanks.

  15. I'm the Hip style ..thanks Jess i love your " time-wasters" posts fun ! last night i was playing with the Hollywood Style wigs for ages :)

  16. My result was straight up Eccentric. I can't say I'm surprised.
    That was fun.

  17. love that quiz. it said my style is hip...who wouldn't love that?!?!? loving your blog...and i hate that "craft" word too! LOL!

  18. Eclectic also.

    I thought I was going to come up 'boring, staid, traditional', so i'm pleased with the result ;)

  19. I am hip. I didn't need a quiz to tell me. Although the validation helps. = )
