Make a self-zipping coin purse from a ribbon | How About Orange

August 18, 2011

Make a self-zipping coin purse from a ribbon

Look what came in the mail today from my mom. That's some 7/8" ribbon I designed. Attached to a zipper. And lined with fabric on the back.

You start zipping, around and around.

And you get a coin purse!

These are made following Craft Passion's ingenious tutorial right here.

Grandma G's notes: "I followed the directions pretty much to the letter on the sewing-themed pouch, except that I did a traditional backstitch because I wasn't clear on exactly how she did hers. For the squirrel one, I again did the traditional backstitch because it ends up looking like a sewing machine stitch, and then I sewed by machine where I could to save a little time. The pouches don't need to be lined, but I'm glad I did it. Not only does the lining give a more finished look, but it also adds to the stability of the pouch."

Thank you, Mum! I already know what I'm going to use these for.


Heather Boissonneau said...

HA! That's awesome :-) What a cool little project. I have no idea how your mum can envision the final 3D piece from the straight piece of ribbon. Adorable!

Grandma G said...

You're welcome, of course, Jess! I already know what you're going to use them for, too. ;)

Heather B..... You give me too much credit! I only followed the directions supplied by Craft Passion! :) Check out the tutorial... you can make one, too.


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Such a clever design, and your print is so dear, and ideal for this. I already feel intimidated by this... *how could something this ingenious be simple enough for me to attempt?!* But I really do want try... uh, where oh where is my zipper foot, my sewing manual, my nerve?

Kristi said...

freakin awesome!!! it's like a little fortune cookie!

Susan said...

Those are so cute!! I especially like the sewing themed one!

Craft Passion said...

Thanks, Grandma G and Jessica, for reviewing the tutorial. The ribbon you designed are lovely!!!

Rie said...

Sew awesome! It just gave me a bright idea... if we did them in Xmas colours you could hang them on the tree or make a really groovy Christmas countdown thingy!

Rie said...

...wait, I didn't read it all the way thru .. your own ribbon... that is so cool!!!!!!!! Do you have a list stockists of your ribbons & fabric?

Jamie said...

That is so cute and clever!

Dorkys Ramos said...

Consider my mind blown. This is awesome!

Lynn said...

whaa?!! brilliant i say = brilliant!

Jan said...

you are kidding - that is just awesome isn't it? - I'm wowed...

Unknown said...

wow that is amazing!!!

Luisa said...

Too cute that this is an awesome little coin purse.

Louise, Raspberries In Winter said...

This looks awesome! What a great idea.

Sharon said...

Rad is all I can say.

hi-d said...

Those are the coolest!

Emily said...

That is really cool. Now I really need to conquer my fear of zippers.

min said...

FINALLY! A great and unique idea for use with all that cute ribbon out there. THANKS SO MUCH!

Wendy said...

Okay, that just blew my mind. Your mum is a sewing wizard! So cute, and I LOVE the squirrel ribbon. If I didn't have such a zipper phobia I might attempt one, but as it is, I'll just enjoy looking at yours. :)

Jessica Jones said...

Rie, I don't have a complete list of stockists since I don't know all the stores that carry my designs. But if you click either the fabric or ribbon links in my top left sidebar, you can find some links for ordering online.

Melissa said...

Just plain AWESOME:)

esther said...

So smart!

elisa.b said...

Super cute! Your ribbon looks wonderful done up with that red zipper.

Laura said...

That is amazing! A very different take on a "zipper pouch"!

My Peace Of Food said...

That is so cute, and something I think my son would like to play with even though he shouldn't :) Unless of course we store little toys in there instead of coins!

Larissa Holland said...

this only proves once again that 1) your mom is really cool 2) she likes you a lot 3) you two make a dynamic duo

Abby said...

I love that you posted this. It's a great little gift idea. And that ribbon is adorable!

Catie said...

That is genius! Love the ribbon pattern!

Grandma G said...

Aww.... thanks, Larissa (and everyone else)! I really do like her a lot. :)

able mabel said...

cool! These would be perfect for kids!

Erika Mulvenna said...

I saw that great tutorial and haven't had time to try it out yet, those are TOO DARN CUTE! Thanks for sharing!

Blue said...

I agree that it's adorable, but WHAT are you going to use it for? I noted that in the post, then when your Mum also alluded to the use, it just upped the ante. What, what, what???

Grandma G said...

DON'T TELL!!! They might get stolen!!!



Jessica Jones said...

I'll tell! I used to keep loose change for parking meters in my car's ash tray. Until the entire ash tray was stolen one day when the car was broken into. Now loose change gets tossed into the big compartment between the seats and rolls around in there. My husband uses a ziplock baggie for the change in his car. These little zipper guys are going to hold our quarters.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That's such a great idea! I'm definitely going to have to try that out!!

Blue said...

Oh, how perfect - way cuter than an ashtray anyway! Thanks for telling. :)

hello. said...

wow, this is nuts! so creative!!

Grandma G said...

Okay, then.... when they get stolen, I'm not making you more!



Heather Boissonneau said...

Grandma G, I doubt very much that I gave you too much credit. Those are beautifully executed. I may try one but it won't look like yours :-)

Love the sewing themed ribbon BTW.

rach said...

Can your mom send us things, too?! :)

Jessica Jones said...

Well, I've heard a rumor that she might sew something for a giveaway someday.

Grandma G said...

Uh oh! Now ya done it!

Hmmm.... I wonder what they'd like???

Heather Boissonneau said...

You're taking suggestions?

Grandma G said...

It might help sway the decision, but nothing's guaranteed. ;)

jo said...

Grandma G and Jessica - very cool, and the purse is pretty snazzy too. If I start now I may be able to make one ready for my mum for christmas..

Denise said...

SWEET! I'm already planning a trip to the fabric store on my way home. Finally a good use for all that adorable ribbon I seem to collect with no purpose in mind!!!

Bek said...

That is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. How clever and cute!

Unknown said...

You have no idea how long I've been staring at these photos! What a fantastic, creative project - I want to make one, and I don't even sew!!! (Life-long fear of sewing - long boring story).

Amy said...

This is incredibly genius. I might have to give it a try!

Jennifer said...

Your mom ROCKS! I love her versions of the purse, especially with your ribbon!

Kristin - The Goat said...

I still cannot figure out how it all zips up. My mind cannot figure it out at the moment LOL Guess that's why it isn't seen everywhere!

Lisa Brown said...

How adorable! Love the ribbon!

Barbicide43 said...

Add that to my ever expanding list of crafts to make...

Cate said...

Way fun!!
Quick question for your mom -- the tutorial specs up to 5/8" ribbon, but if I use your Light Blue Funky Flowers 7/8" ribbon, will I need to use a different (maybe longer) zipper?
Please advise. Thank you!

Grandma G said...

Cate... it works with the 7/8" ribbon just fine as is. You won't need a longer zipper. Have fun!

BUSIR said...

bravo to your mom!i'll be in Chicago next week to visit my daughter ,i'llmake one as soon as i find some nice ribbon like yours.Thank you for sharing .Y.S

ThirdMargaret said...

COOL!!! I know tons of girlies who would love this.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to know if Grandma G was able to machine stitch any of the lining itself? Or did you hand stitch that part? Thanks so much!

Grandma G said...

Snowberrylife.... unfortunately, if you were to sew the lining by machine, it would show on the outside, on the ribbon, and it could get pretty messy-looking with the other stitching there. I sewed the entire lining in by hand, using a slip stitch. It took a while... maybe an hour or more. These little pouches are not quick projects, I found out. :)

Zima said...

Supercute little purse!

Karla said...


Linda Keesee said...

Oh, this is just to cute. Thank you for sharing this great project.

Erin said...

so cute. Could you tell me where the tutorial is located? I would love to make these for christmas ornaments. My goal for Christmas 2012 is to make everybody on my list a few ornaments to put on their tree. If you could email me the tutorial I would appreciate that, to erinoakes (at) hotmail (dot) com, or to erin.g.oakes (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica Jones said...

Hi Erin,
The link is in the post, or you can click here.

Lasso the Moon said...

Wow! That is truly amazing. Thanks for sharing this.

lunaticg said...

Waaaah.... Beautiful coin purse. Will be a great gift for my customer.

Kayla said...

Thanks for the tutorial! I made one, too. I posted it on my blog (for all 3 of my followers, lol!) and linked back to your page. Thanks, again!