Quiz: What's your interior design style? | How About Orange

January 21, 2011

Quiz: What's your interior design style?

Click on the pictures in this design quiz at Stylish Home to determine your decorating style. Brace yourself— the quiz promises to "delve into your design soul." The quiz "suspected" me to be Modern Eclectic, which apparently makes me soulmates with Andy Warhol, Scarlett Johannson, and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Okay.


Anonymous said...

Winsome Charm, just like Tom Hanks and Queen Latifah (?)

Josipa said...

Suspected "Old Money Extravagance"

- Winston Churchill
- Anthony Hopkins
- Greta Garbo

Jessica Jones said...

Ha! I love how random these names are. Philip Seymour Hoffman? Queen Latifah? Anthony Hopkins?

steph k said...

boo! it's broken!

Erin said...

Yea, it's not working for me either, Steph.

Grandma G said...

Broken, yup. Your bzillion readers must've overloaded it. I was partway through, got a phone call, and then couldn't finish it when I came back. Oh, well... I don't have much "style", anyway. ;)


steph k said...

NM! I'm Modern Eclectic like Andy Warhol and Scarlett Johansson.

Grandma G said...

Oooohh... I got in! "California Country"...
- Sandra Bullock
- Harrison Ford
- Jeff Bridges
"Cozy… not oversized - a hand crafted gem. To cook a grand meal in an elegant kitchen is your joy. A button down bedroom belies it's comfort. Your decorative canvas stretches to the property lines. A sense of rolling hills and vineyards surround this table. The graceful ceremony of sharing. Natural and neutral… save the color for your art. Wild and crazy days in your wonderful home."

So "me", right Jess? HAHAHA!


Celeste said...

I ended up most resembling "Park Avenue Cocktail" --- like Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn, & Frank Sinatra.

I must say... I think it's right on with the description/details it gave :)

Unknown said...

California Country yep sounds right to me!

mrs.natu said...

modern eclectic.…i seriously was wondering if my style had a name. ;)

lori said...

Center hall, formal dining, stately living. A kitchen that reflects your passion… large, sweeping - authentic. Build a roaring fire and jump into your cozy bed. Art that definitely does not match the sofa. Enjoying elegant outdoor fare. Afternoon refreshments on the patio On cobbled streets, character abounds. Casual and relaxed… never insisting on formality. .

Suspected "Bespoke Classic"

- Princess Diana
- Fred Astaire
- Ralph Lauren

It was so right on!!!

Three Birds Jewelry said...

Park Avenue Cocktail
not sure what that means though!

Amy V. said...

It's working again now. ;)

"A cozy retreat with nature all around. City living with all it's artisans provide the ingredients for lofty food ambitions. A sense of lightness for your bedroom. Connecting to the handcrafting of the artist, you sense a skill and some chance. Dinner is served auspiciously with Asian flair. Relax in a contemplative way. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Formal as it may seem, your style won the west."

"Discriminating Utilitarian"

- Clint Eastwood
- Sean Connery
- Meryl Streep

Lil Mama Stuart said...

Wealth and Brains :)
Graceful living in a well appointed home. A kitchen that is purposeful and always intact. The subtle refinements of your sleeping nest reflect a desire for order. Like the painter's brush, your composition is done in living color. Lake Cabin table for your salads and seafood. A lithe and agreeable cab - no meal required. On cobbled streets, character abounds. A creative and social space, your kitchen is managed competently by you.
- Oprah Winfrey
- John Kennedy
- Michelle Obama

also linked back to you today :)

kimberj said...

Modern Eclectics Unite for a more Beautiful Sleek America!!!!

liz @ bon temps beignet said...

Suspected "Old Money Extravagance"

- Winston Churchill
- Anthony Hopkins
- Greta Garbo

Well don't I feel fancy.

Lis Harwood said...

Results: You most resemble a "California Country".

Cozy… not oversized - a hand crafted gem. Your kitchen is your prize. Decorative, finished… elegant. A tailored bedroom rewards a hard day's work. Art that definitely does not match the sofa. An Asian asthetic intrigues your dinner guests. The graceful ceremony of sharing. 1,000's of hours of handcrafted detail provide your decorative foundation. Wild and crazy days in your wonderful home..

Suspected "California Country"

- Sandra Bullock
- Harrison Ford
- Jeff Bridges

Jennie Bee said...

I was Unpretentious Bon Vivant

- John Lennon
- Cary Grant
- Coco Chanel

Clementina said...

Seaside Informal.

When I look around, though, it's more early thrift store meets not enough storage room, which is what happens when your mother moves in with her entire household contents.

kate said...

Unpretentious Bon Vinant. Yep, that's me! ;)

Renegade Behavior said...

"Utterly Modern".

Fine lines and minimal embellishments - this prize is your home. Urban industrial provides a backdrop to kitchen creations. A cool sophistication delivers a calm to your sleep. Like a master painting, your projects unfold over long periods. A sense of rolling hills and vineyards surround this table. Afternoon caffeine breaks to change your point of view. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Sytle cues of fun and discovery abound..

Suspected "Utterly Modern"

- Le Corbusier
- Demi Moore
- Miles Davis

Jessica Jones said...

Carol Ann, uh, well, at least you now have a nice name to give that situation. :)

Anonymous said...

Winsome Charm! Not bad at all if I can live like Robert Redford and Tom Hanks

Anonymous said...

Funny - California Country - guess where I grew up? California Country...

Ruby said...

Apparently I most resemble an unmade bed! Charmed, I'm sure c:

Skrekk o Gru said...

wealth and brains. Nice, I guess

April said...

I got modern eclectic also!

katherine said...

Cozy… not oversized - a hand crafted gem. To cook a grand meal in an elegant kitchen is your joy. With everything else so fine, you can live with an unmade bed. Connecting to the handcrafting of the artist, you sense a skill and some chance. Set your table in a festive fare. The graceful ceremony of sharing. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Meeting all the requirements for a stylish home, commencement begins. .

Suspected "Warehouse Chic"

I definitely went for warm, cozy pictures. Interesting since turquoise is by far my favorite color, and it's very cool. I wonder if my choices would have been different if it hadn't been -3 degrees when I got up this morning...

Bek said...

Handcrafted Obsession :)


The house at the end of the lane in the village by the sea. The "sit down" kitchen connects with family, friends and life style. Resort, retreat, getaway - all inside your bedroom. Art that definitely does not match the sofa. A sense of rolling hills and vineyards surround this table. The graceful ceremony of sharing. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. A creative and social space, your kitchen is managed competently by you..

Suspected "Handcrafted Obsession"

- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Grace Kelly
- Michael Caine

haha! Yeah... I could almost see this as my style. More like my style if I had unlimited resources. Right now it's more like "Fisher-Price has taken over your mortgage and will be demanding rent. Also, books are an obvious design decision"

Emily said...

Antiquated Espresso

Tom Waits
Katherine Hepburn
Humphrey Bogart...

though based on the descriptions I've seen I think I'm more Bespoke Classic.

kriscard said...

another modern eclectic to relate to here!
which i'm good with, but i some of the other types sound so engaging . . . winsome charm. unpretentious bonvivant. let's have a cocktail party together! ;)

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

That was fun

A quite life… more simple, with your priorites in place. Country chic - a kitchen you live in. Hibiscus and an Ocean Breeze while you sleep. Art that definitely does not match the sofa. A sense of rolling hills and vineyards surround this table. The graceful ceremony of sharing. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Meeting all the requirements for a stylish home, commencement begins. .
Suspected "Handcrafted Obsession"

Unknown said...

I have given you an award :) Look at my blog. I hope, that you will accept it :)

courtneymunson said...

"Antiquated Espresso" (random!)

- Tom Waits
- Humphrey Bogart
- Kathryn Hepburn

Quiet, simple, with your priorities in place. A kitchen that reflects your passion: large, sweeping, authentic. Build a roaring fire and jump into your cozy bed. Like a master painting, your projects unfold over long periods. Your relaxed table is enjoyed by all. Style cues of fun and discovery abound.

Elissa said...

I got "Antiquated Espresso," which I love just for the name. Basically, I think it means I'm super pretentious and love to call people "dahling."

Amber said...

Bespoke Classic :)

Becky said...

I love these silly quizzes. Not far off but there were some where I couldn't just choose one and one I didn't really like any of 'em!

Results: You most resemble a "California Country".

Cozy… not oversized - a hand crafted gem. Home cooked meals from a kitchen full of country. With everything else so fine, you can live with an unmade bed. Art that definitely does not match the sofa. Modern subtleties extend to your table. The glass of red - a highly recommended habit. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. At the end of the day… you don't take things too seriously..

Suspected "California Country"

- Sandra Bullock
- Harrison Ford
- Jeff Bridges

Shirley said...

My results: You most resemble a "Bucolic Artisan".

I was likened to Willy Nelson!!!!! LOL!!!

Sarah said...

sweet. Also modern eclectic. fun quiz! thanks for sharing! (in fact I'm passing it along in my blog)

Bron said...

That was fun...California Country...Sandra Bullock, Harrison Ford and Jeff Bridges. I have blogged about, this thanks for sharing.

Kat @ Me Simplified said...

Swank Aesthete

Modern in design, furnished modern - living modern. A stainless workstation for culinary hobbies. A sense of lightness for your bedroom. Like a master painting, your projects unfold over long periods. Dinner is served auspiciously with Asian flair. A lithe and agreeable cab - no meal required. On cobbled streets, character abounds. Meeting all the requirements for a stylish home, commencement begins.

- Cate Blanchet
- Ingrid Bergman
- Johnny Depp

I love when you find new time wasters for us!

Callisto said...

Antiquated Espresso: - Tom Waits - Humphrey Bogart - Kathryn Hepburn

I feel so la dee da. And love every minute of it.

Robyn said...

Bespoke Classic for me;

Princess Diana
Fred Astaire
Ralph Lauren

Anonymous said...

I was an "unmade bed", I think that is polite for mixing styles, thats true - but I like to make my bed!
By the way Bob Dylan is an unmade bed, too.

Anonymous said...

fun test to do...though it's a shame there are no picture to illustrate the kind of house style we are.

Sara @ House Bella said...

Form and function! Sounds right to me. And I guess I'm in good company with Alfred Hitchcock, Bill Gates and Martha Graham.

Rose@craftymcgee said...

I swore I wasn't going to waste time with these this weekend - but I'm glad I did. I got my first big laugh of the day!

I'm an "Unmade Bed" (too true) - just like Woody Allen, Bob Dylan and...wait for it....Tina Fey!

Oh, internets, how you amuse me.....

dawn said...

Antiquated Espresso

Tom Waits
Katherine Hepburn
Humphrey Bogart...

The way they describe it is actually pretty close to how I would describe my design sense. You know, since "heading for an episode of Hoarders" isn't a choice.

Linda said...

Wealth and Brains... Oprah, Michelle Obama...
Yes, total logic here.. they have the wealth, I have some brains... explains all the years on my psychiatrist sofa.. I have the taste for the quality, tasteful life, and the budget of a pigeon.

***I have not spent my life on a psychiatrist sofa *** (my psychiatrist has a lawn chair)

dreamalittle said...

I'm an "Antiquated Espresso"? I have always secretly wanted to be Bogart though ;)

A quite life… more simple, with your priorites in place. Your kitchen emanates a timeless warmth. A bedroom with distinct character - warm and charming. Your decorative canvas stretches to the property lines. Set your table in a festive fare. The glass of red - a highly recommended habit. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. A den of discussion for artists and intellectuals..

Suspected "Antiquated Espresso"
- Tom Waits
- Humphrey Bogart
- Kathryn Hepburn

Jessica Jones said...

Willy Nelson? Tina Fey? Psychiatrists with lawn chairs? I'm greatly enjoying your comments, people.

Clare said...

I'm a Modern Eclectic but I like the sound of an "Unpretentious Bon Vivant".
And what do I have to do to be a "Bucolic Artisan"?

Jessica Jones said...

Clare, I believe you'll need to move to a pasture among a herd of sheep and begin weaving baskets.

Anonymous said...

I picked up seaside informal, no surprise there... whitewash + open windows + exposed beams = pretty much yes.

I don't make my bed though. Encourages bedbugs! Also: time consuming. Also: I like the way it looks better unmade.

My mother is constantly horrified by this. I think she thought that when I graduated to adulthood I'd start tucking the blankets in. Nope.

Anonymous said...

I ended up with "Park Avenue Cocktail" - Marlene Dietrich, Audrey Hepburn, & Frank Sinatra. This was so fun! Thanks for sharing!

Patty said...

"Old Money Extravagance"

Cool. So where's my inheritance check?

Aren't Winston Churchill, Anthony Hopkins and Greta Garbo all considered, um, kind of eccentric, for lack of a better term?

Maybe I should find a psychiatrist.

Thanks for the best laugh I've had in a while!

Lori said...

I also got "winsome charm".

This was hilarious. I loved it and am so happy to pass it along!

Also, your blog has inspired so many of my craft projects. I am always excited to see a new post.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, it's hard to choose just one. I got "Park Avenue Cocktail," like Audrey Hepburn (favorite actress!)

istie said...

thank you for quiz info..
it's fun! i've Suspected "Winsome Charm" hohohooo...

share at my blog too..


HiLLjO said...

Bucolic Artisan... not toooooo surprised.

Mimiko said...

Antiquated Espresso for me. I luv it.

Brittany @ The Aubergine Notebook said...

you find the best quizzes!! i got park avenue cocktail. it's a fun name and i love that they include famous people with your "suspected style." thanks for sharing!

Kirsten said...

"Winsome Charm"...I can live with that =)

Nonz said...

The link seems to be broken :(