Oreo truffles in a gift box | How About Orange

November 11, 2008

Oreo truffles in a gift box

Here's a project I want to do for the holidays: make little paper gift boxes filled with Oreo truffles. It sounds ambitious, but I suspect it's pretty easy. Better be, because I'm feeling lazy lately. I was inspired by eating these yummy truffles at my friend Megan's place last week. So delish and super simple to make. And good for you, too! Ha. Here's Bakerella's recipe (and the slightly simpler Kraft Foods version she adapted). For origami gift box instructions, click here to make a small box, and here to make a larger one. I think I'll need to invite some pals over to the Jones truffle factory and make an evening of it.

(Images from Bakerella, left, and K. Werner Design, right.)


Grandma G said...


Hey, my word verification letters are "grama"! :-)

(Shoulda been "baglady".)

Grandma G said...

And if I were gonna write another comment, the letters would be "horth"... y'know, 'horse' with a lithp. But I'd better not comment again.

Oops! ;-)

Anonymous said...

i love this idea. thanks...a gift that will taste yummy in a styling box.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering ... I thought the oreo truffles had to be refrigerated because of the cream cheese ... though bakerella would be the expert! Cute idea!

Jessica Jones said...

That's odd, mom. My verification letters were "go make some coffee." Strange. I guess now I will.

Jessica Jones said...

Ann, not sure I'm following you. Bakerella and Kraft both suggest refrigerating them. Like you, I assume it's because of the cream cheese.

S said...

What a great idea! And easy?? Yes, please.

pacegirlno3 said...

I make these cookies a lot. A LOT of cookies. People love them so I know they are good to make tons of and bring to holiday gatherings when I need to have something in hand.

Here's what I've learned about making them...

If you have a mini food chopper, it'll make crushing the cookies a breeze and you'll have consistant size crumbles. Crushing with the palm of your hand hurts after a while too!! (example: http://www.jr.com/black---decker/pe/BD_HC306/)

If you have a mini slow cooker, it'll make dipping the balls in chocolate so much easier than using a double boiler or having to keep microwaving the chocolates. I've ruined a lot of dipping chocoplate in the microwave. (example: Rival Little Dipper is the size I'm talking about)

Dipping---Get a plastic fork and break off the inside tines (leaving the two outtermost tines). Plop the cookie ball in chocolate then use the two-prong fork to scoop it out. This is so much easier than using a toothpick or your fingers.

Flavors- Mint Oreos are great for a little variety!!! YUM!

Refrigeration- I've lived on the edge all these years and not refrigerated them. They sit in storage containers in the cookie stash waiting to go to parties for weeks. No one has died from eatting one (or gotten sick for that matter).

Have fun!

Jessica Jones said...

Oooo, EXCELLENT info! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I just made these last night. Created my own recipe for them. They were super easy and very yummy!

Anonymous said...

My mom used to make these every Christmas, so yummy!

Katerina said...

I've made a lot Bakerella stuff, cake pops and truffles, and I've found that putting them in tupperware containers in the fridge [or] covering them with plastic wrap and putting them in the fridge works best.

You could leave them out, but I wouldn't recommend that for a long period of time. Especially if you put these on lollipop sticks.


Heather said...

can i come over and help. yummy. with the many tips offered by pacegirlno3, I'm sure to make yummies at home, but it is so much more fun with friends.

Anonymous said...

oreo truffles!! ym yum yummmy yuummmm

Andi said...

Can't wait to make some.
Andi :-)

Elfin Goddess said...

Jessica! This was just the idea I was looking for. Traditionally, family, friends and neighbors send plates with traditional homemade C'mas goodies. I usually add the goodies to a store-bought box. But Im encouraged to try the origami boxes and teh oreo truffles!!! Im also planning to add some sinful homemade chocolate truffles! :) Thanks a big bunch!

Anonymous said...

I just love everything Bakerella does! These look scrumptious!

April said...

I'm totally gonna try these!

Lauren The Artist said...

Is it wrong that now I want to eat these for breakfast! They look lovely. ~jen~

Anonymous said...

I made the Kraft Foods recipe last year and gave them away to the hosts at all the holiday parties we went to. They were a hit! They are yummy, easy enough to make...and quite rich :)

MamaTeeThree said...

Okay, chocolate, cream cheese, and more chocolate? These are officially on my "to-do... RIGHT NOW" list.

Kirstin said...

I just sent this idea to my sister. She makes homemade marshmallows and these would make great gift boxes for those! I can't wait to get some from her!

Larissa Holland said...

awesome gift idea. I may do it too! actually, i just want to make some oreo truffles for myself.

Deanna said...

I too made these before and they were a huge hit and very simple to make. I usually make the balls (using the food processor makes it super quick) and stick them in a container in the freezer. Then when I need a gift I take them out and dip.

Deidra said...

I'm more of a baker than a crafter. I'll definitely try the truffles, but the boxes? You go first! ; )

Anonymous said...

Oh, I was just wondering how the paper box would hold up in the fridge, that's all. Super cute!

Jenny said...

I have a truffle-making date scheduled for the 12th of December. Wanna come to Minneapolis and join us? We're actually making the real thing, but this kind sounds SUPER yummy, too. I think my kids would definitely prefer these.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I used to make those boxes out of notebook paper all the time in elementary school! (And haven't thought about them in years.) Thanks for sharing!

Jessica Jones said...

AAAAH! Jenny, I wish I could!!

Anonymous said...

those are soooo yummy looking. I needed something for a knitting party. I can't wait to make them. I LOVE your blog.

Jamie Lives in Tokyo said...

please invite me to the factory, Jess! no matter how super easy these are, I know this is just the kind of thing that I'll never sit around and make by myself...

Anonymous said...

The truffles look fantastic. I will definitely be making these with my 10 year old daughter.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, refrigerate them. Cream cheese will go bad if it sits out too long.

Also, if you use chocolate wafers instead of chocolate chips or bakers chocolate, it melts a lot nicer and smoother. And a little bit of oil goes a long way.

carolyn said...

These were the yummiest homemade truffles! I even froze a bunch and they were just as great when I pulled them out the other night and sent them home with friends I had over for dinner. All of them emailed the next day to say there were none left :)

P.S. Love your blog ... keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I made a batch for my brother in law to take to work at the fire station. One of the firefighters said, "They taste like 1,000 angels dancing on my tongue." A ringing endorsement,indeed!

Anonymous said...

These are amazing!