December 14, 2012

Make your own Lego ornaments

Designer and photographer Chris McVeigh creates objects out of Legos and shares instructions for how to build your own Lego Christmas ornaments.

See all of his build-it-yourself projects here, including holiday bulbs, a turkey, and Santa's sleigh. Or check out the Star Wars ornaments, along with a piece of cake and a hamburger. Find the parts lists and instructions for the Christmas items right here. Awesome!

(Via ManMade DIY.)


  1. Thank you for sharing this! Every time I see what my son builds with his lego I'm impressed. I started to love Lego, too... I'll go and check this out right now!

  2. Wow, those are so cool! Gee, I wonder if there's even a single Lego in this house anymore. Maybe hidden under a dresser or something. ;)


    P.S. Yeah, I'm home now. I'll call you back later. :)

  3. The house is my favourite - the lights remind me of boiled sweets! I love Lego. I was always envious as a child, of a friend who had shelves full of it. One day, I hope to own my very own plastic bricks :)
    P.S. Your mum is so lovely!

  4. Very cool! And since today I feel like keeping my children by my side forever and ever, this will help keep us occupied while we're hermiting.

  5. I understand. Just think of the pile of things you can build over the next decade or six.

  6. Never even would have thought of that! What a cute idea.

  7. Your post got a gasp from my seven year old! These are amazing.

  8. I know it, I love, my boys made the first for me !!

  9. how cool is that! thank you for the awesome idea. My kids are still in lego duplo phase, but we're definetly trying this in the next few days, think we can make it even with duplo bricks

  10. This LEGO DIY is about 50 times easier and quicker:

    Would be great to put these one on the trees with the others.

  11. LEGO is A-Mase-Zing! Not so much when you step on it in the middle of the night... but every time other than that it's A-Mase-Zing!

  12. This is such a fantastic idea, thank you for sharing!

  13. Oh, I love Lego, and these are just amazing - thanks for sharing...

  14. This is awesome! I wanted to find something my son could make to give to my husband as a gift. One of these would be perfect!
