December 10, 2012

Fabric sighting on a book cover

I don't know anything about this soon-to-be-released sewing book, other than that it has one of my fabrics on the cover. A fun surprise! Thank you to whoever sent me the link to this at Amazon, and apologies that I can't remember who it was or find your note at the moment. If you guys didn't send me things, I'd never see where my stuff ends up. I appreciate it!


  1. Wow! Are you beaming? I would be!

  2. Hooray!! If you're willing to send me your mailing address, I'll make sure my publisher sends you a copy of the book for your very own, as a thank-you for making such lovely fabric for me to sew with! Book comes out some time this week--whee!

    deborah (at) whipstitchfabrics (dot) com

  3. I just pre-ordered it! Can't wait to get it!

  4. Being a pushover for a good book, or in this case a great cover, the first time I saw this I preordered on Amazon. Really--if some of your fabric is used for a project on the cover, it HAS to be good!

  5. I'm pretty sure I saw your fabric in a Windex commercial. It's a really quick flash on the roman shades at about 5 seconds an at another point but check it out:

  6. Congratulations!

  7. Mum, was that from you? Sorry; thank you!

    Deborah, I'll email you! That would be great.

    Lauren, wow, you have a good eye. I found it!

  8. Yes, that was me, and you're welcome. As an act of contrition, I think you should give me the book, since you'd have never even found out about your fabric on the cover if it hadn't been for me (well, maybe not as soon, anyway)! Then again, maybe you should keep it to build your skills!! ;)

  9. My skills could definitely use some building. We can share. :)

  10. Okay... that'll do. Hope you get it in time to bring it along! Maybe better bring your sewing machine, too! ;)

  11. How wonderful- a book cover and a commercial!! Yippee!

  12. What a fun discovery!! That fabric is awesome.

    Also, your Mom always cracks me up :). Grandma G needs her own blog!

  13. LimeRiot, Grandma G wouldn't be nearly as funny on her own blog. It would just end up being about her granddaughter, cats, sewing, snow... boring stuff like that. ;)

  14. You're probably right, Mum. I bet those WOULD be the topics if you had a blog.

  15. You and Grandma G crack me up!! She's a great supporting character! Your blog wouldn't be the same without her comments!!!!
