DIY paper teardrop ornaments | How About Orange

December 20, 2012

DIY paper teardrop ornaments

I made a few more ornaments for my mostly paper-decorated tree. It's been super gloomy outside, so the corner of the living room with the tree is too dark for picture taking. Imagine these on a silver Christmas tree, instead of hanging from the wooden skewer I taped temporarily to the window sill to obtain maximum natural light. Ha!

To make these paper teardrops, download the template and print it on colored paper.

Cut out the drops, then fold them in half lengthwise with the printed side facing out. Cut out the hole in the middle.

Align the sides of two pieces and glue them together. Keep gluing in more pieces until the ornament is as full as you like. I used 16 pieces for these, but you could add even more. Then string the ornaments on thread.


Ashley Calder said...

Fun ornaments!! I love the way they look both a bit like a geotag, and kinda like vintage honeycomb paper ornaments. :)

Grandma G said...

Pretty! I noticed the orange one is a bit curved... maybe you could bend each one like that all the way around for a little different look?


Nicole said...

Your love of paper ornaments made me think of you when I came across this article... clearly you have some kindred spirits in Dallas! :)

Ann said...

Very pretty - and yes, they are very vintage-style.

Anonymous said...

I love your paper ornaments! And this again is so pretty and easy at the same time. Thanks!

papelhilo said...

love love love !

Marlène said...

Vraiment très très joli. Un grand merci pour tout et bonnes fêtes de fin d'année.

Fiona said...

lovely. realy hope to see a pic of your christmas tree soon :)

Jessica Jones said...

Nicole, I love that article!

Lil Mama Stuart said...

These would be great for a hot air balloon party!

Bibliomaniac said...

This is great! I've been learning about crafting with books and book pages. These would be great done with pages from old books!

Julia I minlametta said...

wow- such pretty paper ornament, one day left to get some paper for our tree, they will be on it tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Getting ready for a holiday party with a bunch of kids, looking forward to trying out some of your ornament ideas. They're gorgeous and look easy... Thank you for sharing!

Eve said...

What would I do without you. I lovv your blog and I have tried a lot of the crafts with good results. This would look cute in Easter colors for my Easter tree too.

this is lemonade said...

So colourful and cheerful! Hope you have a beautiful Christmas :)

Bricolente said...

So pretty ! Thank you for sharing.

min said...

just curious if you think they could be put together at the tips...6 of be a snowflake of sorts, if done in white. ? I suppose I can try it, but I'm thinking you've already fiddled with the possibilities.

Hannah said...

That's a wonderful idea! Thank you!

Black Feathers said...

I loved your beautiful ornament am made some myself. Made a link to your blog, hope thats okey?
Thank`s for sharing.

Best regards Eline "Black Feathers"

Needles and Wool said...

These are great! just what I was looking for and they look super simple to make! thank you for posting :) I am making some to add to a tree branch DIY on my blog, I will link to your blog that I used your DIY once I make these :)

Anonymous said...