October 17, 2012

Make glow-in-the-dark Halloween art

I tried out some Glow-in-the-Dark Mod Podge for this Halloween DIY project. In daylight, prints look normal. In the dark, they glow! At least for a little while. The Mod Podge coating on these needs charging up in light. I was a bit disappointed to see that the glow fades in five minutes or so. But hey, it's a fun five minutes.

And I must confess that the photo above is fake. Sorry! It's like I've turned my blog into the National Enquirer. My auto-focusing camera refused to snap pictures at such low light, so I carefully Photoshopped a simulation. I considered adding an alien monkey boy to the image, but opted for realism. The glowing areas on the prints might look slightly more brush-strokey in real life, but this is pretty accurate.

If you want to try making your own glowing prints, you'll need white cardstock, a brush, Glow-in-the-Dark Mod Podge, and a printer or black Sharpie.

Brush a piece of light-weight cardstock with 5 or 6 coats of Mod Podge, letting each coat dry in between. The paper ends up glossy and sort of leathery feeling. It still looks white, but you can see brush strokes if you hold it in the light at the right angle.

Then print out black-and-white images on the treated paper. The areas covered by black toner won't glow since the Mod Podge is masked.

I used the vampire bat and spider from Clip Art Etc., a great resource for vintage clipart.

You could also try a black Sharpie, or glue on black paper cutouts. Or brush a canvas with Mod Podge and then paint a black design on top.


  1. Seems like a lot of work for 5 minutes of glow. Would it help to put it in the sun for a while? I mean, with those on the walls, they should scare little kids for at least a couple of hours so they won't go to sleep. ;)

    Hahahahaha.... you faked it!! For shame! At least you confessed.


  2. I know! I wanted hours of glow! Today was cloudy and rainy so I couldn't test the direct-sun theory, but I will. I had the same idea.

  3. You have the best ideas! :)

  4. I saw in Michael's Craft store that Martha Stewart has a line of glow in the dark paint...have you tried hers to see if they last longer?

  5. There is a company that makes glo powder and it will last for 10-15 hours. You just mix it with your paint. Google it to find cause I don't remember the company.

    1. United nuclear has it.. just painted some car pieces and it's an amazing product

  6. A black light charges glow in the dark paint better regular lights.

  7. Hi....very nice work indeed...
    Visit my blog at
    and let me know what you think :)

  8. I just saw some glow in the dark spray paint in the Halloween section at Walmart - wonder if that would work? Super cute idea!


  9. Ooo, that would be a fun to play with!
