August 17, 2012

Who doesn't love globes?

Alex and I found this Replogle globe in a secondhand shop. When I discovered it had a cord and switch, I turned it on and apparently let out some sort of delighted squeak, which Alex teased me about later. We reluctantly turned it off and left the shop. Got in the car and put on our seatbelts. Took off our seatbelts and got out of the car. Marched back in and bought the thing, since as the clerk said, "Everyone loves globes."

Have you seen the excellent decoupaged versions from ImagineNations? I spotted "Adventure Awaits" in a Jonathan Adler store and fell in love. These are made by Wendy Gold; each is a vintage globe with hand-painted or decoupaged embellishments. See more on her blog.


  1. These are very cool - really like the Bon Voyage one! My husband gave my parents one as a gift several years ago and I think I'm going to steal it back as a bedside lamp for my little boy.

  2. I don't think I've ever had a globe, so I don't know if I love them or not. And no, that's not a hint.


  3. It's true! Everybody loves them! I can't ever have enough globes :)

  4. I have one that lights up too! It is so old, it sports the USSR.

  5. Great... now everyone is going to be all over this trend. And here I was picking up secondhand globes (uh, "vintage" globes) at good prices... Once again, you're a style setter!


  6. Globes are totally fun AND teaches too!

    Collecting smaller globes years ago was getting to be an issue. If I spot one reasonably priced ... I still buy it! They look best on a high cabinet ... all together. Peeve = dusting em all.

  7. There's something about the colours and light that makes you dream away about all those little countries and big seas...
    I happened to find one last week on a flea market :) Good you got out of that car again!

  8. Elle at Ellecwolfe.comAugust 18, 2012 at 11:28 AM

    I love globes, and maps too. My sons nursery was done in a globe travel theme. He is now 8 and we all still love it. Thanks for sharing Nancy Gold's work. She is amazing. I never know what to do with globes except have them just sit there. If I knew about her years ago I would have had one personalized for my son's birth. Hey, my friend just had a baby a week ago today, that would make an excellent gift! :)

  9. I love light globes. I own 2! Both found in a thrift shop for less than $5. I've had many a friend try to talk me out of one of them but I love them both and couldn't part with either.

  10. I adore your light-up globe!
    Here in Ottawa we have a great shop, the World of Maps...tag line: "You'd be lost without us." :)

    Their globe selection is HUGE -
    Nope, nothing do with the store but just a map/globe fan:

  11. I would have squeaked too. Love it!

  12. AMR, if I'm ever in Ottawa, I'm going there!

  13. I love to take globes apart and make lampshades out of them!

  14. I love globes... I've been on the hunt for a quirky old globe for ages but yet to find one at a decent price! Love that yours lights up :)

  15. A friend of mine recently made his son a globe, a pretty hi-tech model for D.I.Y standards. He installed some L.E.D lights and all of the different cities that they'd holidayed to lit up in chronological order! I asked him what he was going to do when they go to Madrid next year and he was pretty stumped so we'll see how clever he'll feel when he has to take the thing apart!

  16. I just bought my first globe this weekend at a cute antique store in Raleigh. It's a Replogle globe, but i have no idea what year it was made! Is there a certain place I should look on the globe for the manufacture date?

  17. I don't think it's printed on there. At least, it's not on mine.

  18. Best globe ever is the disco globe I found on pinterest.

  19. I would have had the same reaction as you - what a fantastic find! Everyone loves globes, indeed

  20. We used to have did I ever let it go?

  21. We have an old globe that we think is from between the first and second World War. It has colonies and Europe looks completely different compared to today! I was a bit skeptical to begin with when my husband said he wanted one, but he won me over!

  22. Wow, that's a keeper! He was right to convince you!

  23. God I need a globe, I would do more then just a squeakXD
