Make origami bows from magazine pages | How About Orange

April 19, 2012

Make origami bows from magazine pages

Turns out it's oddly satisfying to make a bow from a single square of scrap paper. No glue or tape needed; just a scissors to make a couple of cuts.

These are folded from graph paper I stole from Alex's stash, a piece of origami paper, and a chopped-up Martha Stewart magazine. I trimmed the paper into 6" squares and followed the excellent instructions posted at Let's Create.

These will be handy at Christmas when we need to mail packages or stack boxes in the car for a road trip, since the bows can be squashed completely flat. Course by then, I won't remember how to make them anymore, or even that I posted this.


Grandma G said...

So THAT'S what you've been doing all day! You're very late! ;) Looks like it was well worth your time, though. I might even have to give them a try.


Jessica Jones said...

Yes, I spent 15 hours on 4 paper bows. :)

No, I spent 15 hours on a brochure, an invitation, a couple phone meetings, and a logo. I'm pooped. Night night!

Grandma G said...

I hope you got paid overtime! ;)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

They really are very pretty.

Unknown said...

great. this is very helpful. thanks for posting :)

Karin said...

I love these pieces and sure I'll try some :D. Thanks for sharing.

Nina said...

You're right - perfect for posting! If I don't remind you at Christmas, you remind me, OK?

tinajo said...

That´s really pretty! :-)

Barnicles said...

thank you, these are awesome :)

Kim said...

You'll be able to find them again if you pinterest lol! These r going on my pretty packaging board ASAP! Thanks for the link!! I hope I canals th as neatly as u do...

Celtic Thistle said...

These look great, and will be a great use for all of those magazines I have been keeping but can no longer remember why!

Tracy VT said...

This is a real winner! Great look for minimum outlay! Terrific for presents, as a bunting, the Christmas tree.....I love them!

Anonymous said...

I personally want to see someone wear this. I think it would be fabulous. Thank you.

Helen said...

Thanks for linking to my blog.

Elizabeth said...

I pinned this in hopes that I will remember when I need this at Christmas!

Rachael said...

After seeing how much normal bows for presents are going for lately i'm totally going to give this a whirl for the husbands birthday presents next month!

PrincessChuck said...

OMG! So awesome.. :D i need to practice this for presents to come.. XD

Casey said...

I love these little folded bows! Maybe I will try one today during my lunchbreak. I've got tons of draft construction plans laying around that would make pretty cool/nerdy bows. :)

Jessica Jones said...

Ooo, I love that idea. Maps would be fun, too.

Stephanie said...


Baking in the Attic said...

Ooh love that you used magazines to make it, so pretty! Way fancier than the dollar-bill bowties I used to put into the offering basket as a kid :-)

annie dee said...

i was impressed just looking at 'em. then i tried it. now i'm even more impressed. me and origama just don't get along well. way cool... thanks

jen duncan said...

That's a way cool project. Thanks for the laugh--I too will forget WAY before Christmas. :-)

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Unknown said...

These are gorgeous! Definitely pinning this page. Thanks!


Sophie said...

thank you for this idea ♥

Oltreverso said...


JJ Sobey said...

Very cool - mine don't look as good as yours - maybe I need to rip up a MS magazine for them, hahahahha! Thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

wow, these are gorgeous. thanks for the tip and link.

Unknown said...

Wow, that is really charming. I knew I was hoarding all those magazines for a reason, thank you so much for posting!

aliensatemelastnight said...

I love it!!

pak said...

"Course by then, I won't remember how to make them anymore, or even that I posted this"

I actually snorted when I read this - scared the dog out of his wits...

Christy said...

I love this eco friendly project! Thanks!

Lilly's Papillon said...

This is lovely! thank you for sharing! :)

cali said...

love these !

Katrine - make it and fake it said...

I saw your line was called "outside oslo" that is so funny!!! I live right outside oslo!! :) Where did you get the idea to call it that?

Love K

Jessica Jones said...

Hi, K from outside Oslo! I talk a bit about the name in this post.

Cara @ Live the Home Life said...

Very cute and a great idea for gift wrap! Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

these are amazing! i am obsessed with bows and these add a whole new twist to them! lOVE

Holiday Party SOS said...

So love something I can tailor to any holiday. Thanks for the great idea, I love them.

mrshoh said...

i can't wait to try this!

Amy said...

Very cool. I'll have to try this!

Serialstyler said...

I'm always looking for something to Jazz up those birthday gifts! Thanks a bunch!!

Betty said...

These bows are fantastic thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love being able to re-use stuff I already have around the house! And no glue??? I'm sold.

These rock.

(PS: I linked this to my blog.)

Yamayka's Gift Wrapping Ideas said...

Its a great idea to make the bows out of magazine pages.Thanks for inspiring.

MiniOwner said...

Aww I want to make these but the link is gone!
Did you save the instructiosn by any chance?
Sue x

Jessica Jones said...

Hi Mini, looks like the URL for the tutorial changed. I've found the new one and updated it in the post:

Unknown said...

These are on my to-do list :)

sara said...

Awesome ideas, thanks so much for sharing them!! :)

Jen said...

Wow! This is such a wonderful origami art! Thank you for sharing this. Awesome and perfect for the kids. We also did a Jumping Paper Frogs out of the same materials you used. You should check this out! Origami for Kids: Jumping Paper Frogs

Celia said...

This is awesome!

Ramon said...


Sheryl said...

This is an amazing idea... I just tried one and came.out very well.. Perfect to be precise! Thanks for sharing ;)

CocoFlower said...

Woua ! Lovely !!!!