April 25, 2012

Make a coffee-cup paper calendar

Every month Scout Creative releases a free printable calendar you can assemble into a 3D paper toy. These always make me smile, and May's edition is one of my faves. Build yourself a coffee cup with a calendar sleeve. When the month is over, remove the sleeve to reveal a feisty face on one side of the cup and a happy face on the other. (You could rotate it daily to warn your coworkers about your emotional state.) Grab the PDF right here.


  1. I loved the idea and the cup looks so cute! But I found a bit complicated the tutorial.

  2. So cute and so 'right on' for today's coffee drinking society! Are those donuts next to it?


  3. Of course. You need a snack with your coffee.

  4. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 3 post on Apr. 26, 2012. Thanks again.

  5. I love these, I've been making them every month since you posted the February chicken coop. This one is totally the cutest so far! yay


  6. OMG! This is so cool! Thank you for sharing! ;D

    Hope you have a great weekend!


  7. This is such a cool idea. Thanks for sharing.

  8. so creative, but i don't really understand how to make these thing, and how to switch every month. thanks

  9. This calendar is just for May. Every month they come out with a new one to build!
