January 27, 2012

Quiz: Are you an introvert or extrovert?

How about a Friday quiz? Time magazine will determine whether you're an introvert or extrovert with this quiz. I answered yes to every single question and would have added exclamation points if possible. The quiz rightly suspects I am "likely to be an introvert." And I just learned the word "ambivert," so I'm smarter now, too. It's a good day. Test yourself right here.

(Artwork by Matte Stephens, available at Poster Cabaret, one of my favorite sources of prints.)


  1. Oh, I am definitely an introvert. No questions, No holds barred.

  2. Haha... bet you can't guess what I am "likely to be"! Move over, dear, and let's just hope it doesn't get too crowded in here! ;)


  3. I've known for a long time that I've got some very introverted tendencies. I like to eat lunch alone, I've been accused of being rude because I'm not outgoing and talkative enough, I've learned some nights I just have to sit at home alone and not talk to anyone even though there might be something fun going on. I think introverts get a bad wrap sometimes. But when I DO go out I am the life of the party so I know that I still awesome ;)

  4. I think it's going to get very crowded...now move over and let me in there with you fellow introverts. Hopefully no one is also claustrophobic! :)

  5. Go introverts!

    I went to a silent retreat once and it was lovely. I vote that if Mum keeps inviting introverts to join this club, we should have a party where no one speaks the entire time. We can just smile at each other and briefly make eye contact, then return to the books we're reading. Heavenly.

  6. That was an invitation??? I thought it was just gonna be you 'n me, which I would love! But okay, if it's gotta be a party, let's make it a silent one.

    Where are all the extroverts out there?? Do you suppose everyone is an introvert inside?! Maybe there are degrees of introversion? Introvertism? Or whatever the word is. Maybe extroverts don't really exist?!?!

  7. Thanks for drawing attention to this article! I'm going to have to pick up the print copy now!

  8. Introvert. A silent reading party sounds divine. I'll bring brownies.

  9. Introvert here too... I am RSVPing to the party too :)

  10. Well add me to the introverts list! ;)

  11. I'm very quiet & awkward with strangers, but a chatterbox when I get to know someone so I think I'm in the middle somewhere. (And I think working at home by myself so many years has ruined me for meeting new people!)

  12. So many introverts among us (me included!)

  13. HAHA!! Im an Introvert!! thanx for the link!! nd funny picture too , the guy in the yellow suit looks terrified!!haha!!

  14. I'm an introvert! I just started my blog last year and have received a lot of feedback from people saying that they didn't such and such about me...people i've known for years even my mil and fil. I'm far more forward in writing and maybe that's the case with a lot of us that blog...or not, i dk...for me writing is cathartic and i love the reflection. thanks for the heads up on this quiz :)

  15. I'm shy and cautious, which are usually generalized as introvert tendencies...but aren't necessarily. But I'm an extrovert. Definitely.

  16. I'm majorly introverted! Party on introverts (by yourself of course)

  17. Introvert here too. Not that I'm surprised. lol

    I didn't answer 'yes' to every single question, but enough of them. This isn't news, I'm old enough that I've known this about myself for a very long time, but I had to take the quiz just to see what the results would be. lol

    When I was in grade and high school I was quite shy, and I was always very quiet (some people thought I was 'stuck up'). I've never liked huge crowds (less so the older I've gotten), don't like confrontation (but won't let people walk all over me either), and prefer a quiet night at home to going out. That said, I've also reached the point where I don't fight it. I am who I am, and I'm okay with that.

  18. Add me to the list of introverts (though it's not news to me). And I love the idea of a silent party of introverts :)

  19. Jess and Grandma G: Can I attend the party? I PROMISE not to talk. We can even take a long (but silent) walk around the farm.

  20. ...Introvert. And happily so.:o)


  21. I don't know if I have seen so many introverts in one place! I will happily join the club though. And I must say I think your silent party idea is brilliant! :) That is the kind of party I would like going to.

  22. introvert...

    i wonder if a large percentage of bloggers are introverts.... for even though our world of blogging can be quite social, we sit in our homes or where ever and by ourselves we blog.

  23. I agree with Tammie Lee, the extroverts are not on their computers reading blogs or doing online quizzes. They are talking on the phone, networking over lunch or at a party! I definitely lean towards being an introvert, but i have some extrovert tendencies, like not being afraid of conflict.

  24. Another introvert here... I never post comments on blogs, but I want to join the "read what you want, where you want, on your own time, alone" party.

  25. Wait a minute, LaCL!!! Who said I'm hosting the party?!! This introvert doesn't host parties. (Okay, there's that one beer party, but it's not on the calendar yet.) Jess hosts parties... she can have this one... and I think this weekend would be the perfect time. And the brownies sound yummy!

  26. Yeah I've noticed many bloggers are introverts. It's friday night and I will be either home or playing board games over at my neighbors house. My extrovert friends are probably out having a drink in a bar.

  27. Introverts are thoughtful, great friends, and overall amazing people! :)

    Interesting quiz- thanks for posting and sharing all the introvert love!

  28. this is so funny because i've realized that i'm no longer that ENTP that i used to be 15 years ago. it took being at ALT to finally realize that i really am an introvert....and it's totally okay.
    i think i'll come to your party too.

  29. I have a Matte Stephens print and I love it!!!!! also, fun quiz.

  30. I'm an introvert. But I knew that. :-) I'm an ISTJ!

  31. That is a fantastic, witty poster for an introvert/extrovert post. Great find!

  32. I am joining the club!

  33. I'm an ambivert mostly leaning towards introvert.

    I always tell people that I'm a very extroverted introvert. :)

  34. Absolutely LOVE the artwork, thank you for sharing it with us!!!

  35. I'm an extrovert! I'm energized by social events and people. But, I'm a shy extrovert, so many think I am an introvert.

  36. Extrovert here! Don't get too close or I may talk your ear off. Blah, blah, blah.

  37. I'm an ambivert mostly leaning towards introvert

  38. According to your answers, you are likely to be an extrovert
    Of course I am

  39. Wow! I am glad there were a few other extroverts in the comments! I don't know that you can totally be one or the other. It might depend on each situation. Fun to take though!

  40. I love Matte Stevens work! I just thought I would point you to his Etsy shop as well- lots more of his work is available. The store is called matteart, in case you were wondering.
    And I tend toward introvert as well.

  41. Surprise! Surprise (no, not really)! I am an introvert. Perhaps not to the level of Jessica, as I did choose "no" for two answers.


  42. Oh! I forgot to mention that my husband (also an introvert) refer to ourselves as "antisocial butterflies"!


  43. Definately an introvert. I ticked yes to every question also. Love my own company and the silence within. I agree with the others that blog land is full of introverts and that is how we love to converse. It is our type of party! And what a land to learn in also. I love it.

  44. I love your blog! And thanks for this quiz - I'm "likely an extrovert" but I have my moments... :-)

  45. I've always known myself to be an ambivert.. this quiz proves it though it says I have more introverted tendencies
    very true :D :D
