January 25, 2012

Make a striped origami heart garland

These striped origami hearts are quick and easy to fold—you won't be tempted to say any bad words as you make them. (Unlike with this box or this cat.) Connect the hearts with twine to make a simple Valentine's Day decoration.

Get the folding instructions here; choose diagram or animation. I used 6" sheets from this awesome pack of 100 different colors of origami paper. Each square will yield two hearts that are about 3 1/2" wide. And a tip: use a little piece of double-stick tape to keep the fronts of the hearts from popping forward. They'll lie flatter this way.


  1. Very cute. And I bet even I could do them! Maybe.


  2. Mum. I think if you can sew up an amazing, complicated purse, you can probably handle origami at a 7-year-old level.

  3. They are so sweet! They'd be great as decorations for so many occasions - love them!

  4. Okay, let me rephrase that: I bet even I might consider taking the time to do them! Maybe. ;)

  5. They are so adorable. I think I may use them to decorate the window of my shop!

  6. This is so cool! As usual, you have such great ideas!

  7. I just folded one of these out of scrap paper at my desk colored in highlighter on one side (woohoo! productive!... I was on break actually) and tonight I believe I shall go buy a ton of origami paper, because that was fun and now I itch to make many dozens. Maybe I'll make a string and put it up while the boy is sleeping :)

  8. Excellent. I like your creativity with the highlighter.

  9. After your last couple of origami posts, I got out my paper and started folding. I will definitely be making a string of these!

  10. Cute!! I'm loving stripes right now. This is perfect for the upcoming holiday :).

  11. Very cute! I am on an origami kick right now:)

  12. I love this. The different colors are so fun too! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Just wanted to pop on and say that a pack of origami paper and many hours later and I can say with certainty this is much easier with the proper materials, not to mention that it's much less time consuming when you're not wielding a highlighter that heavily :D This is the best. Thanks for always having awesome things.

  14. I love these - fun and festive! :-)

  15. I love the hearts, they are so awesome ~ thank-you!

  16. Excellent! What a great idea for a card topper for next month too! Thank you.

  17. What happened to the blog roll in the right sidebar? I relied on that!

  18. Interesting! I wondered if anyone would notice. I kept getting requests from other sites to be added to the list (it benefits them, since they get a fair amount of traffic), and I felt bad having to turn them down. It seemed unfair that some blogs would get links and others not, so I removed them all to be consistent! Let's see if anyone else speaks up!

  19. Woohoo, I tried my first origami. Not counting last weeks toilet paper origami. I hadn't tried before because I didn't have origami paper, just now I measured and my 365 days of dogs calendar paper is square. Yippee.

  20. wonderful idea. I want to do this instead of cards this year!

  21. I love your amazing ideas! I wish I could get your updates in email format (I never look at my RSS reader)

  22. Laurinda, you can click the subscribe link in the left sidebar, and you'll see an option to subscribe by email. Then just enter your email address.

  23. Awesome idea! I made the garland for my house and it's really fabulous. It was easy to do, as well. Thanks.

  24. These are so lovely and adorable, thanks for sharing these kind of beauties.

  25. Love this idea, and I have included a link to your post in a Valentine craft round-up on my site. http://www.kitchencounterchronicle.com/2014/01/10-fabulous-valentine-crafts-for-older-kids-make.html
