January 03, 2012

Thanks for reading my blog, guys.

I'm back from vacation and wanted to start off 2012 by thanking you for reading How About Orange. It's so much fun to feel like I belong to a community of nice people. I love your comments, helpful emails, and the spirit of goodwill around here. You guys make me giggle, offer great ideas, and email me tips with cool links all the time. I love it. Not to mention the way your kind comments boost my self confidence. Here are just a few real examples from the past year:

"Great blog, Saying thanks will not very soon be sufficient, for the outstanding precision in your writing. You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years."
-Evaporative Cooling

"I really enjoyed reading this post. I congratulate you for the terrific job you've made. Great stuff, just simply amazing!"
-Prescription Discount Card

"Really your post is really very good and I appreciate it. It’s hard to sort the good from the bad sometimes, but I think you’ve nailed it. I really impressed by your post."
-Baby Kittens

"Amazing man! I can't believe it, such an incredible and create job you have done. I really enjoyed that."
-Business Logo Design

Thanks, Evaporative Cooling! (Okay, those are clearly from comment spammers who attempt to litter posts with links to their sites. I try to delete them before they appear, but you may have noticed a few sneaking in once in awhile.) But seriously, a huge thank you to all of you non-spammers for reading this blog.

If you'd like to kick off 2012 with a printable calendar for your bulletin board, Celia Sanchez sent over a link to her design, pictured above. Help yourself to the free PDF right here, and let's make 2012 an incredible and create new year that's amazing man!


  1. Ha! Spam comments always make me laugh! Thanks for the calendar, it will look great above my desk :-)

  2. I 'visit' you every day to see if there's something new … or to look at older stuff. Just to look to beautiful things. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for sharing your blog with us, Jessica! I'm always excited when one of your posts shows up in my reader. I'm just waiting for a post about Pantone's colour of the year. ;)

  4. LOL! You've not made it until your blog is sprinkled with spammer comments - congrats! ;)

    Love everything about your blog and read it religiously. Glad to see your back from vacation... my RSS reader was missing your Orange-i-ness.

  5. Whoops, I was typing my first comment while yours came in, MRB. Yeah, I should post something over here about Tangerine Tango! I put a note about it on my other site but no mention on How About Orange. What gives?!?

  6. Ha I love that you posted the spammer comments. You have a great sense of humor :-)

  7. Haha - I get lots of those too and they are most of the time quite WEIRD to be honest. The funniest is when the spam gets translated to swedish (my language), it looks totally crazy! :-D

  8. I read. I adore. I giggle. I like. Just don't comment all that often. Here's to more fun in 2012!

  9. Baby Kittens is a good friend of mine.

  10. Thank YOU for always sharing how-tos and your fun finds!

  11. Tharvey. SEE!!?! Yours is exactly the type of comment that almost makes me spit out my coffee. Say hi to BK for me.

  12. Phew! From the title, I thought you were going to end the blog!! :o Thanks for continuing to write. So many cool and helpful posts!

  13. Yer goofy! But I always knew that. ;)

    And I love you just the way you are!!!!!

    P.S. Thanks for the giggles!

  14. hey ive just stumbled upon your blog and i already love it. wish i found it sooner tho. x

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It's so sad that they're spammers because the comments are actually really nice. Too bad.

    Thanks for the calendar! it's pretty awesome. I'll probably print it and post it on my wall.

  17. THANK YOU for keeping up your wonderful blog. I always enjoy reading it.

    - Viagra Sales

    (Just kidding. That comment was from me and was more sincere than any spam :))

  18. What no Russian Brides or Spam Jammers?? Or the horrible "Down with American Women" what was with those spam comments?? I have my comments sent to me for approval, easy to delete the spam, especially from posts done years ago!! My favourite is "this is why you are fat" straight up, no padding or 'your blog has helped me to understand the subject matter'. Ouch!!
    Always a fabulous blog, posts, ideas & generous link sharing, thanks Jessica, all the best for 2012, love Posie

  19. I'm changing my name to Baby Kittens.

  20. "You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years"??? HAHAHA!

    Yes, you certainly bring new light to many topics. Including the color orange.

    For realsies, you're a favorite.

  21. LOL spam comments crack me up! I am a non-spammer and I approve this comment: Thanks for all the awesome DIYs and links you share! I just love your blog.

  22. Awesome printable thanks! You have to laugh at some of the spam messages. I always enjoy your blog and look forward to many more posts in 2012.

  23. Love your blog and your great ideas! Happy 2012!

  24. I don't comment as often as I should. I love your blog and have been following it for the past couple of years, I read every post. When you posted the Jack Layton quotes I was thrilled. I just discovered that tonic living, in Canada, carries your fabric and I am so, so happy.

  25. Hey KJ, that's great! And no worries about not commenting. I rarely comment on blogs myself. :)

  26. i guess spammers love your blog as much as real people! love your blog. keep up the good work!

  27. The comments on the spam comments are pretty funny today. Your blog is always a great way to spend some time, have a chuckle and get some great ideas. Thanks!

  28. A real, genuine, non-spammy thank you to you! This blog is my favourite thing to check in the morning! Thanks for all the smiles and crafty inspiration you've brought!

  29. I have to say that your blog is the one I look for when I open my Reader. Great intelligent content that's always informative and fun.

    Used the links to the gift tags (all of them!) this year and can't wait for cool stuff in 2012. Thanks!

  30. Gotta love the spam!

    I am looking forward to another year of your blog. Can't wait to see what goodies you have in store for us!

  31. You scared me! The title of your post sounded so much like a farewell to blogging. I hope that's not the case any time soon. Your posts are ever inspiring. Happy 2012!

  32. hahaha too funny! i love spam comments. thank YOU for your excellent bloggery! happy new year :D

  33. What gems! I love coming to your blog for new things and for old ones too, like those kusadama flowers you made ages ago. Happy New Year!

  34. Just stumbled upon your site the other day. Addicted. Keep up the great work and love the calendar. :)

  35. Your blog is a tresaure chest! Looking forward to your posts in 2012!

  36. Spam comments are always great for a chuckle! Thank you for the calendar, and for all the wonderful ideas you share throughout the year.

    As my own blog has continued to grow, I've found that there's less and less time to read others, but yours is one that I continue to read daily, as I have since the days before I even started blogging or really understood what a blog was.

    Looking forward to following and being inspired by your creative endeavors in 2012!

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  37. Too funny! If only the spammers knew that correct spelling and grammar would make them even MORE incognito...

    Happy 2012 and thanks for the cool calendar!

  38. thank you for been there Jessica! it is alwxays a happy encounter.

    I come every day!

    thank you very much for the calendar and all the inspiration.

    Have a wonderful 2012!!!

  39. Awesome printable calendar from Celia - thanks for sharing it with us Jessica!

    And I had to laugh at the "Evaporative Cooling" scenario -- just too funny!

    Thank you very, very, VERY much for all of the inspiration you share so freely with all of us. Your blog is definitely a bright spot!! :)

  40. Thank you for showing up every day. You give us all cool stuff to look at and do.

    And you make me laugh. Oftentimes while sitting alone at my desk. My coworkers probably think me crazy.

    Viva l'orange!

  41. haha! Happy new year to you and thanks for keeping up the great work! I actually made the thankgiving tree you posted a while back. I visit your blog often and read it without commenting .. so hopefully I am not a spammer.. lol

  42. THANKS! I have learn and discover so many cool things from your blog. Happy New Year to you too! CHEERS!

  43. Are you kidding? THANK YOU for creating it! You are hands-down my fave design blogger and curator, Jessica. I need a regular dose of Orange these days. x

  44. The spam round up made me laugh! (man.) I do so enjoy your blog...I should say so more often. Thanks and Happy 2012!

  45. Sheesh - spammers! Seriously though, thank you for blogging and sharing your inspiration with all of us. Now I've got a taste for spam...

  46. That's hilarious. Well... I'm a real person and I DO love your blog, your design sense, and orange. So have a little cuppa self esteem, sent with love. :)

  47. I enjoy reading your blog and I love your calendars. Thanks and happy new year.

  48. Just printed this calendar and stapled above my computer. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  49. I've been reading your blog for years, but since I had my baby and bought a house, I've had a lot less time for blogs. But I still read off and on. Today I was at Purl Soho and saw some awesome fabric. I saw the name "Jessica Jones" on the selvage and thought, wait, that's the woman from How about Orange! :) I love your work, and may very well have drapes of your work very soon.

  50. Yay! Yup, that's me! Thanks for the fun story and saying howdy.

  51. You're pretty funny there, Jessica! Why would you want to spam a comment that makes you feel warm and fuzzy? :)

  52. So wonderful effort on compiling spam comments, made I smile real bright, dude. All the best for forthcoming year, blog is awesome! ;o)

  53. Annika: brilliant. You're a professional spammer, aren't you! Your skill shows.

  54. For once, the spammers are dead right: HAO is fantastic. Thanks for everything you post!
