December 07, 2011

How to make an origami Christmas tree

Fans of paper folding will admire Francesco Guarnieri's work, including this fantastic fir tree. Sara Adams of Happy Folding demonstrates how to make it right here. So lovely!


  1. That's the prettiest origami tree I've ever seen. Will be fun to make it

  2. Very lovely! And you didn't make one yourself, Jess?!


  3. A confession: I started on one with a piece of white computer paper at Sara's small size, but after making all the creases, the folds got a little mooshed when I tried to pop the little pockets inward. Or whatever they're called. I didn't like soft and mooshed, so I threw it away. I'll try again with origami paper at some point. This is a time-consuming little bugger!

  4. Oh yes, Francesco is a big expert in designing Christmas trees!
    Jessica, there is also another design by him, which I believe is easier to fold.

  5. Whoa, very cool. I'm gonna try my hand at it - good to know that the printer paper doesn't quite cut it. I have some origami paper around here somewhere...

  6. Okay, when you get yours done I have a great idea. It would look so pretty to have a little button hanging on thread from the tip of each tree branch, don't you think? I know you'll get right on that.

    I'm going to ask my kids to make me a tree. They get origami.

  7. Wow - I could never pull that off! :-)

  8. Nice! By the way, Pantone published the 2012 color of the year. It's Tangerine Tango! :)

  9. Great tip! I now know what I'll be doing with my recycleable paper during my lunch break. (I am a nerd.)

    Thanks :)

  10. cute tree! lots of possibilities with different kinds of papers...hmmmm.

    by the way, did you see that according to pantone the color of the year for 2012 is tangerine tango?

  11. I hadn't seen that, but I got five comments from readers about that this morning! Yay!

  12. Thanks for sharing this! My 8-yr-old son is obsessed with origami, and I can't wait to show him this!

  13. These are so pretty!

    I keep finding links back to you on Pinterest, and it tickles me to know that I've been following you for a while now. I think, "Ah ha! For once I'm ahead of a curve!" But yeah, you are all over my friend's boards.

  14. Wow, that's fun to learn! And you are clearly super cool for being ahead of them. Heh heh.

  15. ooooh, this is crazy. i was watching it, hypnotized. and then again. and again. then i got out the origami paper i had never even unpacked. two hours and four trees, i was loving and hating sarah. thanks for posting! this could eat up an entire afternoon of mine but it can be so calming/maddening!

  16. Dear Sara. I know that I'm late, I just stumbled on this site, how glad am I! I have never found a video tutorial so clear to follow you are to be congratulated on this presentation. I am certainly going to have a try at making this tree.
    Thank you very much. Doreen Australia
