November 03, 2011

Printable thank you card

Another fun goody! Jennifer Ferguson, the artist behind the Etsy shop Squirrel in the Attic, draws quirky greetings with patterned backgrounds. Her cards are printed on heavy recycled paper and are even cuter in person. I know cuz I've bought some before. I asked Jennifer if she'd pretty please share a print-it-yourself version of one of her cards, and she agreed. It's one of the designs in her 6-card thank you set. (Do you think it would be weird if I mailed it back to her as a thank you?)

Help yourself to the printable PDF. Then download, open in Adobe Reader, print, trim and fold.


  1. To answer your question: Of course not... she'd appreciate your great taste! ;)

    Nice cards!


  2. Darling! always great to see fun lettering!

  3. Ahh so cute!! Adding to my favorites now!

  4. Thanks for sharing these- love them!

  5. That's nice! Just wondering, though - how do you people afford all your ink cartridges?! I see all these cute printable things you share and I think, "That's going to kill my ink cartridge"...

  6. I keep a folder of digital files and only print when I need something.

  7. These are so pretty! Thank you for sharing :)

  8. Thank you for posting this! So lovely!!! :) My love for printables runs deep!!!

  9. This was so cool, thanks a lot, and of course you could mail it as thankyoumail to her ;-) would be fun :-)

  10. Thank you both for sharing! I think my readers will love these.
