October 27, 2011

Is your link old news?

A humorous website I just came across via the Huffington Post: "Is It Old" will tell you whether the exciting new link you've stumbled on has already made the rounds of the internet. Of course I immediately entered the URL of the website itself, just to see if it would spontaneously combust. Turns out sharing a link to Is It Old is always "mad fresh." Of course it is.

I typed in an ancient post on how to make a gift bow and learned it's DEAD. The trash bag spiderweb idea from the other day is KINDA OK and only suitable to send to friends who go on vacation a lot.


  1. That is super funny. I like that you tried out links to your own blog.

  2. I hate to tell you this, but your entire blog is DEAD!! It's been around entirely too many times!!! What a "shame". ;)

    My sympathy?

  3. Now if people want to check out something fresh and NEW, they should check out MY blog! I WAS THE FIRST there.

    Er... I'm not sure that's such a good thing....


  4. Ditto - my blog content is all "New" - I'm an internet pioneer, I'm told. So not a good thing! Lol.

    Being cool is overrated.

  5. Very very smart. I hesitate to share things because I think they could be old. This is great!

  6. Everything cool comes around again.

  7. LOL! Having fun checking out my own tutorials. I guess if they are old and have been tweeted a bunch of times it is actually GOOD, eh? Very entertaining, A+ time waster this fine Thursday afternoon, thank you ;)

  8. @Sharon. that WAS the first thing I did.

  9. (cough, cough) Internet pioneer here :)
    I'm going to obsessively click my website in just so I too can be dead...Man!

  10. haha...yeah..Internet Pioneer here also! Pioneers unite?!

  11. Oh, okay...well, at least the CH site is old...happy dance!

  12. Heh heh. This is the first time I've ever heard of people wanting to be old news. :)

  13. What comes after "dead"? Because come christmas time, I bet dead won't be the correct term for your genius gift-bow-tutorial (one of my all time favourite posts!). :)

  14. That is too funny!! Sad though, my blog was "REALLY OLD"... defeated by an auto-response website. sigh.

  15. i just had way too much fun with that website.....:)

  16. So funny I'll have to play around on it!!

  17. Jessica, you have a mention in the November issue of Mollie Makes. It is the vase with the tape decoration.

  18. Is that a print magazine or an online one? I vaguely remember them contacting me for photo permission, but I hadn't heard of the publication before. Thanks for mentioning that!

  19. Oh dear, I'm an internet pioneer too, apparently. Mind you, I'm not sure only using Twitter as a measure is quite fair...

  20. I actually just used your hot to make a bow tie tutorial! I wish I'd shared it now :-).

  21. I don't care if the bow tutorial was dead. I needed a reminder. I love your blog! (and I am not dead)

  22. Everything cool comes around again and again
