July 21, 2011

Generate seamless Japanese patterns

At Pugly Pixel I discovered the Japonizer. It sounds like an Asian pro wrestler, but it's actually a pattern generator that creates seamless files for tiling—useful for Twitter backgrounds, websites, or your computer desktop. Choose a traditional Japanese pattern, select a size and your favorite colors, and download your file. (Should you need to generate a professional wrestling name as well, click here.)


  1. Japonizing looks fun! I shall play!

    Grandma G = Sonic Python, or in the female version: Wild Moolah

    Yep, either one fits!

    Mum, Mum, bo-bum
    Banana-fana fo-fum
    Fee-fi-mo-mum... Mum! (Hey, that's what it said!!)

  2. CUTE! :) Thanks! Now I have a new work desktop

  3. This is so strange! I was just complaining to my husband about how I hated my blog look. I showed him your blog, saying how much I like the clean design. Then I saw your link to the Japonizer. Yep, I used it to create a new blog background and a new look! Thank you!

  4. Those look like they might work for sashiko embroidery - I balked at paying about $6 for one little piece of printed paper in Purl Soho, and was sure the www must have a free alternative. Thanks for tracking it down!

  5. Oh, ummm, maybe not. Anyone know how to print out a whole page of one of the patterns? Either I'm lacking the software or techy know-how, or it's not as useful as I thought...

  6. Without looking into it, one quick idea is to set your desktop wallpaper to one of the patterns (set the image to tile, filling the entire background) and take a screenshot of your entire desktop. Then print out the screenshot. I don't know whether you have a mac or PC, but if you don't know how to take a screen grab or screen capture, a quick Google search can tell you.

  7. Also without looking into it, if you set it as your desktop wallpaper, wouldn't it be saved as a .bmp file somewhere on your computer? That might work better for printing than a screenshot. (?)

    And maybe I don't know what I'm talking about, but I have to put away groceries rather than search it out. ;)

  8. mmmm, duotone ;)

  9. THanks so much for this useful source!

  10. Okay, I did a little experimenting. My PC did, indeed, save it as a .bmp file. Unfortunately, it only saved the little square tile. I don't know how you'd make it into a whole page. Doing a screen capture would also capture all your desktop icons, so you'd have to crop them off.

  11. These are awesome!! I love these traditional Japanese patterns:)

  12. Q: I am working on a recipe assemblage project. Would you send me your favorite, tried-and-true recipe?

  13. thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love my new background :)

  14. Thank you! This is a wonderful resource!

  15. Gold Sass checking in! You find the best things on the www!

  16. my diva pro wrestling name suits me very well:

    Dirty Jello Fighter ♥

    thanks for link, Jess!

  17. Those patterns are so pretty! Now I'll have to consider updating my lj!

    Oh, I did the wrestler name thing too...

  18. Download your one square. Then under your options, select "tile". You should see the seamless pattern. Hope that helps!

  19. For some reason I couldn't choose an image to use as my desktop wallpaper. Using the instructions found on ehow.com (http://www.ehow.com/how_5661893_tile-background.html) I was able to do it using Microsoft Paint. As others have said, once it's set up as your wallpaper, you can do a screen capture (press print screen button located on top right of keyboard and paste into Paint) and crop out the portion you want.

  20. I just made a new background! Thank you!!!

  21. Wonderful Japonizer! This actually made my day!

    Thanks for sharing.

    -Vic of TeaButterfly

  22. Okay I'm so confused. How to I make this into my blog background? Please HELP!

  23. Thanks, Jess and Grandma G and people!

  24. Debbie, after you choose your pattern, click the "Japonize" button, and download the small .png file. To add it to your blog's background, if you use Blogger, do this. If you use a different blogging tool, the process will be similar. If you can't figure it out, I'd just Google "add pattern to blog background in XXX", filling in whatever your blogging platform is.

  25. Ooh! This would make really awesome origami paper, if I could find the right kind of medium on which to print it. Hmm...
