April 28, 2011

Confession: I was in Sweden

I neglected to mention that I've been wandering around Stockholm since Saturday. My mum, AKA Grandma G, insists it's not good practice to tell your thousands of daily readers that you're not at home. Just in case one of them wants to figure out where you live and tries to steal your cool orange stapler.

But I've just returned! Details about my awesome trip to come. In the meantime, enjoy this delightful Stockholm print by Ian Winstanley, available for a mere $17.99 at art.com.


  1. I love it! And, I'm sooo jealous:)
    Hope you had a wonderful trip.

  2. Grandma G is absolutely right. But I promise I am not after your orange stapler...:)


  3. I think your mum and co are correct! I can't wait to see your pictures and assorted orange goodness!

  4. my mom says the same thing. she's even convinced that by posting pictures, i'm giving people coordinates to my house (which is impossible because i don't use a data phone to post!!).

    yea for paranoid parents!

  5. Oh, mothers. What would we do without them. Hope it was a fab trip!

  6. Your Mom sounds like mine. Welcome back!

  7. Phew, I'm so glad the stapler is safe now!
    But grandma is right, it is not a good idea to get too comfy with the net...

    Enjoy your Friday!
    (perhaps Kate will wear orange tomorrow for the wedding, who knows...)

    greetings from France :)

  8. Listen to your Grandma;o) I'm really envious right now. I live vicariously through others traveling at this point in my life.

  9. I do the same thing, go on trips without telling the public (including Facebook). 'Even set the blog up to auto-post when I'm gone so no one suspects a thing ;)

  10. pretty print!

    and i agree with Grandma G. those "check-in" things and fb statuses saying where you're currently at...you're just asking to be stalked or burglarized!

  11. oh the place with the cool orange stapler happened to be your home?
    Have a nice trip, enjoy!

  12. Grandma is right... very right. Oh heck, I envy you so much I think my eyes have started shooting slime- green laser beams! Sweden is like... like... my dream destination before Norway and about half an inch after Iceland. *faint* I bet you got so much inspiration it'll last you a lifetine.. or until you can't stand it anymore and book the next flight back to Sweden.

  13. I am going to Sweden next year! I am really looking forward to details from your trip so for pointers!

  14. Well, we could've had a cup of coffee if I'd known! :-)

  15. Ahhh wish I would have known ... could have given you some tips ... Swedish through and through ... Cecilia in Saint Louis

  16. WHAT - you were in my country?! I wish I had known that - and I must say that you visited a good time since our weather has been great! :-)

  17. Thank you for listening to your grandma and/or your mum. ;)

    Now, are you really home, or did you just have this set to auto post when you knew you were 'supposed to' be home? (Seeing as how I haven't heard anything from any other source! This how she lets me know, folks. I think her readers are higher priority. Then again, I 'am' one of her readers. ;) At least she told me she was going! And I did get a few pics from over there. I guess I'm okay. ;) )

    LOVE YOU and can't wait for details....

  18. Mum's the word! ;) It's either stay mum or set up the autopost--as your mum said.

    Shucks. If you'd said you'd be away, I'd be sporting a brand new (to me) orange stapler. . . Aw, well. I'm glad you had fun!

  19. LOVE Stockholm! It's such an amazing city--and so clean. I'm jealous.

  20. Oh, you have an orange stapler???

  21. your grandma is a very wise woman. It would be horrible to come home to find your orange stapler gone.

  22. Now that I've been reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc., I would REALLY like to visit Sweden!

  23. Grandma G is cracking me up! both in your post and her comment!

  24. oh, wow! can't wait to hear all about your trip...in two years i hope to visit :)

    p.s. 'tis true, better to be careful + not tell the world you are on vacation...

  25. my husband always says the same thing. :)

    i looooove stockholm. you lucky girl!

  26. Definitely breaking in next time to steal the orange stapler ;)
    Hope you had a good trip!

  27. So jealous! I hope you had a great time!

  28. And I thought my plan would be flawless! I so wanted that orange stapler! Hope you had a great time!

  29. Your "mum" is too cute!
    I hope you post many pictures of your trip.

  30. Hope you had a wonderful trip! That print would make a great embroidery! So lovely. :)

  31. Can't wait to hear what you did there. You are too cool for me.

  32. Hope you had a great time here! (I live by the trees just below the balloons...=))

  33. I'm in stockholm writing this comment! I live here :D I hope you enjoyed your visit! Especially this past week- the weather has been amazing!

  34. .....big sigh... brings back such good memories!!
    Happy weekending :-)

  35. It´s lovely. :D
    I like so much your blog, and your work and your fotos. It´s so creative and original.

  36. I would have totally gone for the orange stapler in your absence. I have been plotting nefarious ways to lift your new fabrics too. Aaarghh! Foiled!

  37. Awesome print! I grew up in Sweden, have lived in the US for 20 years, but we're going "home" on vacation in a few months, can't wait. Isn't Stockholm one of the most beautiful cities in the world? :-)

  38. You have an orange stapler?... awesome!
    I can't wait to hear about your trip, please post photos.

  39. Mum, you caught me! I prepared this post before I left, just in case I was too brain dead to write one when I got back. I just tweaked it a bit and hit the publish button—but I WAS in my house at that point, I promise. And then I went and unpacked my suitcase and my awesome purchases. I'll talk to you this weekend sometime. Like on the phone for real, not on my blog. :)

    Tinajo, thanks for ordering up that nice weather for me.

    Kristin, now the whole internet knows exactly where you live! Ha!

  40. I KNEW IT !!!

    (Hope you got caught up on all that lost sleep. Nah... you'll be jet-laggin' for a month...... )


  41. Well, we were going to take a "nap" for a few minutes last night at 7:00. We woke up on top of our bed in our clothes at 4 AM. Oops. Then I went to do something on the computer and saw that Google's home page had a graphic for the royal wedding, so we turned on the TV and watched it live. Pretty random, since I had no plans to watch it and am NEVER up at that time. But we figured that since we were awake, we might as well see what all the fuss is about.

  42. Welcome back! :)

    And! My hubby says the same thing -- don't tell anyone that you're gone. Seems to be sad but true, bummer. :(

    Love that print! :)

  43. I live in Sweden, so of course I love Sweden. :) But Stockholm is too big for me.

  44. OH!! Nice to hear that you have visit Sweden. Is it the first time you visit Sweden? What did you think of our country? Have a nice weekend. Just love your blog.
    Hugs from Sweden.

  45. HallÄ!!!! I was there all last week - in Sweden, I mean, just not in Stockholm.
    Anyway - I saw this and had to show you: It's Orange and DIY!

  46. Well, you certainly picked the right time to visit Stockholm, people are always nicer here when the sun comes out :)
    Lovely pic!

  47. Confession: I am in love with your blog, and whenever I'm bored at work, I stalk it.

  48. Am going to Stockholm at the end of the month, can't wait to see all your recommendations!

  49. Agreed--I do the same Keeping It Mum sort of thing. But now! We can get all the fun details. Can hardly wait.

    Elizabeth E.

  50. Cool print! And your mum is right! Good advice - hope you had a great time!

  51. i thought of you when i saw this:



  52. Be sure to bring the fabric next time, I´m sure you recognise the subway map of Stockholm in it?!
    And to all other potential Sweden-visiters out there - just do it!


  53. Stockholm is my favorite place ever.

  54. I could have totally stolen your orange stapler. Just knowing that is enough.

  55. Wise grandma, the only drawback I can see in following it is that it doesn't allow for spontaneous 'oh great, lets us fika and then I'll show you my town!' :)

    I think the world needs more fika and spontaneous meetings!

  56. Kajsa, I LOVE that you used "fika" in your comment. We had read about this term fika before going on the trip, but had never heard anyone say it out loud, so I still don't know how to pronounce it. Is it fie-ka, so it rhymes with tie? Or fee-ka? I must know!

  57. And it's both a noun and verb? You can see I'm obsessed with the idea. Probably because I love coffee and breaks.
