February 07, 2011

Oscar bingo: 2011 edition

Update: Looking for 2013 Oscar bingo? Get it right here.

The Academy Awards draw nigh! Due to popular demand, I've updated Oscar Bingo for 2011. Download and print twelve different bingo cards. Give one to each of your party guests and race to see who can mark off five squares in a row on February 27. The annual disclaimer still applies: My psychic powers are weak, so I have no idea if it will be possible to win ten minutes into the telecast, or if there will be a winner at all. Good night, and good luck.


  1. I downloaded this, but it was for 2010. Fun idea!

  2. Dang it, I pasted in the old link and thought I'd fixed it before anyone clicked it. You're too speedy! Try it again.

  3. You have VERY speedy readers! lol


  4. No kidding! I think the wrong link was up there for about 10 seconds before I caught it. :)

  5. Well, they miss you when you haven't posted, y'know! I checked a bzillion times myself today!!!! ;)

  6. did you see this today on Papern'Stitch...


  7. bbphoto, I LOVE all that orange! Hadn't seen it yet. Thanks for the link!

  8. This is just what we wanted for our annual party and POOF! here it is done so beautifully!! Thank you! :)

  9. Thanks so mcuh for this! My guests loved this at last year's party and I'm sure it will be a hit again.

  10. this is so fun/funny! i want to have an oscar party now!

  11. I was hoping you'd do this again this year! Thank you!!!

    Looking forward to it :)

  12. Thanks for this! We had a great time with it last year, so I'm thrilled that you made new ones this year. You're good to us!

  13. Thanks for creating this again. We played this year and had a great time!


  14. I had a blast with this last year. We used them at a party and people who never even watched the Oscars was playing and having a great time. Thank you for doing them again! I love the categories!

    Sheila Mitchell

  15. I had a blast with this last year. We used them at a party and people who never even watched the Oscars was playing and having a great time. Thank you for doing them again! I love the categories!

    Sheila Mitchell

  16. I'm having an Oscars party... this sounds fun, I'm going to use them! Thanks!

  17. Thanks so much - I am having an Oscar Party this year and I am so excited to add this to the fun filled night!!

  18. Thanks so much for posting the 2011 version...I used yours last year for my Oscars Party, and it was a rousing success...HAving another one this year, and we'll be sure to use 2011...

  19. Thank you so much for this great idea! We haven't had a proper Oscar party since the kiddos started school, but we'll have fun doing this as a family. I'm going to post a link to your blog this week! Glad I found you via Marta Writes.

  20. Thanks for an awesome post! I featured it on my blog today!


  21. Thanks for this. My friends and I can't get together so we are going to play from home and call Bingo on Facebook!

  22. oh what a great idea! i'm definitely going to do that :)

  23. Thank you for sharing this ! Cute idea! Living Locurto sent me your way.

  24. Thank you so much! My husband and I have a tradition of watching the oscars every year and your bingo cards make it so much more fun!!!

  25. Thank you! We are totally going to play.

  26. Thank you for the bingo cards. They are a big hit at my Oscar Viewing party.

  27. we used you last year's version too! thank you!!

  28. I was looking for ways to round out our Oscar party, and then found this. It's awesome--sooo much nicer than the official version. Thank you!

  29. Hi Jessica - Hope you don't mind but we posted a link to your Oscars Bingo on our facebook page, facebook/mazehomestore. MAZE is a home furnishings store in Winnetka (we'd love to have you come visit) and online (mazehome.com), and we are sponsoring a gift suite at the Oscars this week, so I thought our followers would love your game. We are also giving away one of our celebrity swag bags ($150) and a leather handbag ($575) by Chicago designer Maggie Wilson. Your readers are welcome to enter, just need to post a comment on our facebook page by 5:00 central on Tuesday, March 1 (random drawing). Don't mean to advertise on your site and hope you can moderate this out if you don't approve, just wanted to thank you for the game and give your readers a chance to enter. Thank you for your constant inspiration! sara@mazehome.com

  30. Hi! Thanks so much for the Oscar bingo cards. We used them last year and they were great. They are always hilarious and entertaining!

  31. Wonderful idea, loved it! Thanks a lot for sharing it with us!

  32. Hi!

    I created a page that automatically generates as many pages you need and makes each one unique.


    If you're tech savvy, you can download this zip and add custom spaces to the array (around line 47)


    It'd be best to use Firefox or Chrome when you print it to get the page breaks right.

    Hope this helps someone!

  33. Someone already said this, but SO much nicer than the official version (featured on Nate Berkus). Great idea!

  34. lovelovelove this, and i've linked from my blog. your quirky things to spot make your version the verymostsuperduperbest. thanks again for sharing your creativity!

  35. Love it! But lose the big black banner... it's murder on toner! :)

  36. Thank you for the fun game! It kept the kids and adults entertained at our family Oscar-watching gathering.

  37. Thanks, this definitely enlivened our Oscar night!

  38. This was G-R-E-A-T! I just watched the re-run as had to work today (and live in the UK so staying up till 4am not an option really), and the bf watched the whole thing with me and even won at the bingo! Thank you for sharing :)

  39. Used your Oscar bingo cards last night - total blast!!

    Check out a post from our night here: http://azlynnhare.blogspot.com/2011/02/oscar-party.html

    All of my friends' significant others, who normally dislike awards shows, totally got into it too. Way fun - thanks!

  40. Thank you for posting this! I used them for my Oscar party on Sunday and they were a huge hit! I blogged about it here: http://www.kathrynmcelroy.com/blog/2011/03/an-extravagantly-good-time/

    Thanks again for your great bingo cards.

  41. Hi, just wanted to let you know how much my 13-year-old and her friends enjoyed your Oscar Bingo cards last Sunday. It was her first Oscar party (mine too!), and she didn't really know how long and uneventful parts of the evening can get. Also, being young teens, they hadn't seen all the movies, and weren't even familiar with most of the actors. But they LOVED spotting Oprah, Buzz Lightyear, et al, hearing presenters flub their lines, telling their kids to go to bed, etc. It really livened up the proceedings, especially during the less exciting moments... Thank you for making our first Oscar party a success! Skimom3

  42. Wow, that's great! Thanks for the story! :)

  43. Are you going to do a 2012 version?

  44. please do a 2012 version! thanks!

  45. used it last year- everyone loooved it. can't wait for this years!

  46. So excited for the 2012 version! My family loved this game! And look, the Oscars copied you: http://www.oscars.org/awards/academyawards/partykit/bingo83.pdf

  47. Can't wait for 2012 version! Let us know when it's out.

  48. HAO: Thanks so much for the BINGO and ballots. They were a huge hit and already looking forward to next year. Perhaps a Red Carpet version?

  49. Hello,
    I'm a French blogger and my subject is parties, adults and children, friends and family.
    I have adapted your gorgeous idea with some bingo cards about our French ceremony. We call it "Cérémonie des César". I made hypothesis with French films. I Thank you very much for giving us all this. Best. Claire.

    Partageons nos fêtes
