January 03, 2011

iPad and iPhone photographic wallpapers

Welcome to 2011, everyone! I'm freshening up my wallpapers over here, and thought I'd mention Tseventy, a site with photographic backgrounds for phones and iPads. It's curated by the folks at Poolga, my favorite place to find illustrated wallpapers for mobile devices.


  1. My new iPad needs better wallpaper as it's still on factory settings! Thank you for this tip :) Happy New Year. --Suzanna

  2. These images are awesome...now, if I just had an Ipad!

  3. Oooohh! Now I even have something to put them on! ;)


  4. oh no, just found something to spend hours perusing :)

  5. thank you .... snagged one for my iPhone

  6. happy new year and look forward to all the fantastic things you have in store!

  7. Thanks - I received an iPad for Christmas and love these so much more than what I have searched for... thanks again!

  8. thanks for sharing this! I struggle with wallpapers ... so this is perfect!

  9. neat! I'm always looking for new iphone wallpapers.

  10. Thanks for this tip. The images are awesome!

  11. I love these. What do I do to put one on my iPad? Sorry to be so dense.

  12. No problem. Get out your iPad and open up the website in your browser.

    Select a wallpaper and choose the "iPad" download option. The image will fill your screen. Touch the image for a couple seconds until a button pops up that gives you the choice to "save image." Save the image, and it will go into your "Photos" library.

    Then from your iPad home screen, open "Photos" (the sunflower icon). You'll see the image in there. Touch it, and when it opens, choose the arrow next to the trash can at the top right corner of your screen.

    Choose "Use as Wallpaper" from the drop down menu, then pick one of the options for putting it on your home screen or sliding lock screen, or both.
