October 15, 2010

Typewar: a font game

Kill a few minutes before lunch at Typewar by identifying the typeface for any given letter. If you know your fonts, you might get bored quickly since the two choices often look nothing alike and only a few typefaces are represented. Then again, an L in Helvetica Neue and Verdana look mighty similar... As you continue to advance through the levels, more fonts are unlocked.


  1. I think the traffic from your site had overloaded the server. haha

  2. Hmm. It worked fine a minute ago, but I just got stuck on a J and the next screen wouldn't load.

    Oh! Just got a message saying the servers are overloaded! Ha!

  3. I won't load them any further... I'd lose the war, anyway. ;)


  4. ohhh...too easy! Def for nondesigners!

  5. I suspect that if you can overcome the boredom and hang in there, it gets harder. Maybe.

  6. that was fun! my longest streak was 17 and I got to level 4 before the server overloaded. Thanks for the fun geekyness

  7. I was doing pretty good, but then the server got overloaded & I got bumped off. I'll try again later:)
    Thanks for the link...it was fun to do!

  8. Oh I LOVE this quiz! I can see a lot of time being spent on this!!! For educational purposes obviously! Thanks for sharing, Fiona x

  9. level 7 but i gotta stop. non designer but i luv fonts! square right.

  10. I got to level 9 before I got bored and my longest streak was 39 but it doesn't seem like it's ever going to end! and is quite repetitive :( fun while it lasted though!

  11. Great fun for a while. Got to level 10 and then it didn't seem to go anywhere and I got bored. I was amazed at how much I new about fonts.....quite worrying!

  12. yes i was doing so well! which i better as a graphic designer! great link.

  13. Level 10, longest streak 41. Non-designer but very geeky....
