October 19, 2010

I screen printed

My weekend included an afternoon of screen printing with The Needle Shop's Rachel Epperson and friends. Check out my lightning bolt t-shirt, one of Krissy Callahan's designs. Shazam! Krissy is the kind, fun, and very patient screen printing teacher at the shop who helped us create our masterpieces. I highly recommend taking the screen printing class over there; you can make loads of things in just a few hours. Do up totes and scarves and stacks of t-shirts... Presents for everyone you know! Including yourself.


  1. Great job! Cute T-shirt...love the orange:)
    Lisa www.inkandinspirations.com

  2. Knowing your love of thunderstorms, I'd say that print is perfect for you. :)


  3. Awesomeness! I've been wanting to try screenprinting in forever -- maybe I can find a class here!

  4. Awesome stuff! I think I will try silk screening at some point too. There are way too many cool things you can do with it. Thanks for the inspiration.


  5. Very cute!!! Screen printing looks a lot of fun, its one of me things to do one day list. :D Keep up the good work!

  6. I stopped in at The Needle Shop when I was in town for Renegade. What an amazing shop!

  7. I took that class at the Needle Shop a couple months ago! Somehow, I was the only student who brought more than one thing to screen print...so I screen printed 2 shirts, 3 canvas bags, and 4 hand towels, while everyone else just did a shirt....

  8. GOSH! I want to learn how to screen print so bad! I want to make my own tee's. I wish I lived near somewhere like that place to learn!!!

  9. simple design yet very nice to look at=]

  10. I have a yudu machine which makes screen printing super easy. The machine is kind of large but it's pretty cool. You just have to avoid their products because they are overpriced. I use speedball emulsion and ink instead.

  11. Awesome job - it looks so fantastic!

  12. Thanks. I've wondered about that class. I've been wanting to take the 10 week class at Lillstreet but it never seems to work with my schedule.

  13. Yeah, I saw one in action once and thought it looked cool.... but I only have so much space for storing gizmos in my apartment. Better yet, I need a friend to get one, and then I'll just borrow it twice a year. This sounds like a better plan. :)

  14. I want to learn how to make screen printing! Anyone in Spain or over the web that can teach?
    Love your blog!
