August 27, 2010

Quiz: Test your fashion I.Q.

A little fun for Friday: take this quiz from the New York Times and decide which look is old and which is new for fall 2010. I got 4 out of 6: "Close, but no stiletto." That's okay since I prefer flip flops. And jeans and t-shirts instead of black lace dresses that show my underwear.


  1. 3 out of 6. I wouldn't wear any of it actually! I like you like to be comfortable not look like a fashion disaster. Who wears bumps anyway? LOL

  2. wow. 6 out of 6 for me, which is shocking considering the current state (er, lack) of my own fashion

  3. 6 out of 6! The key for me was to focus on the accessories or the make up to decide which was more current!

  4. I admit that on the last one I was wondering if the responses should be "Now, Then, or... EVER????" What was up with the bump? LOL I'm with you ladies!

  5. 2/6..."designer DNA deficient...ugh.

  6. Hey, no worries! Join us flip flop-wearing, bumpless ladies!

  7. 6 out of 6 too! I found that if you focused on footwear and accessories and noticed which had more pattern-mixing you could usually identify the more recent ones!

  8. 6 out of 6... all you have to do is pick the designer with more platform-y shoes. The flatter, pointier shoes are from the late 90s/early 00s.

  9. close but no stiletto? I had 5 out of 6! I'm a bad loser... ;-)

  10. I got 5/6. It helps that not only the styles, but the types of models change over time. The kind of model that they preferred in the 1970s had a different face type than today's models. Which I suppose is cheating, kind of, but it helped along.

  11. I'm designer DNA deficient. Which is fine, because I don't think I'd wear any of those outfits!

  12. 5/6 for me, I didn't expect to get that many right!

  13. 5/6 but what helped me most were the shoes or hair. Kinda cheating, maybe?

  14. I'm learning more from the sewing blogs that I follow than I think....6 out of 6 which I found fairly easy based on the trend information that I've read.

    One was the ankle socks...
    One was the layered skirt...
    One was the skinny jean...

    OK, I admit I had to guess on the last one.

  15. 3 out of 6. Ugly, ugly, ugly!

    Definitely a time waster, but at least not 'much' time.


  16. 5 of 6 which is a joke, because I'm flip-flop shod, fashion-indifferent, and increasingly embrace my inner hippie the older I get. I do aim for some kind of personal style, but up-to-the-minute fashion? Happily clueless.
    Thanks for the fun quiz.

  17. 5 out of 6 for me too. The last one had me!

  18. haha that was fun!...I too used the shoesa and makeup on some to find the correct answwer....what was with the last foto...I thought at first they were using deformed people or something...I did not realize it was supposed to be was a trend that totally passed me by...I wonder why........
    Cynthia Schelzig

  19. 5 out of 6!
    Losed but no stiletto..
    doens't my flipflops anyway ;-)

  20. 6/6 from this sweats/scrubs/flip-flop wearing fashionotsa....I did it the way others did....all the peripheral details - shoes, jewelry, hair, models. fun, thanks, Jess!

  21. Woo Whoo...6/6! For me it was all about the shoes...right up to the last one- that was a crap shoot

  22. 5/6 for me...and only because i looked at the hairstyles, makeup, and shoes.

  23. I got 6/6!!! I think I'm just a good guesser

  24. I totally focused on the smaller details like the accessories and managed a 6 outta 6! Kinda crazy. But that was a nifty quiz

  25. 5 out of 6. I fell at the last hurdle... the weird commes numbers. What was that all about!?!

  26. 5/6 but I totally cheated because I focused on makeup and skinniness of the model. Weird, eyebrowless makeup? Recent. Meat on the model? "Vintage."

  27. Another 6/6 - I too focused on the make-up, hair and shoes.

  28. Wow, I got 2 out of 6! I was surprised I did that well!!! Talk about hideous... Yep, that's me, designer DNA deficient!! I'll stick to my Birkenstocks, floral skirts, jeans, T-shirts and the occasioanl jean jacket or sweater for added layers! :)

  29. I got 5 out of 6 out of total luck, I have no clue about high fashion. By the way, what was the deal with the bumps? Was it a lame attempt to be avant garde?

  30. 6/6!!! unbelievable... :)
    me and fashion are on completely different planets, to say the least! :)
    I to decide I looked mostly at shoes... :D

  31. i got a 4 out of six too! i was so determined to get em all right, hehe :)

    <3 gina

    thanks for the fun link

  32. 4 out of 6! wooohoo! What a miracle :D
    But eeew! I wouldn't wear any of those.

    Go for jeans, comfy flat shoes and pullovers \o/

  33. I probably wouldn't wear any of it, either, oh my! I don't know what number that makes me, ha!

  34. I credit my 6 out of 6 score to hours of Project Runway :-)

  35. Somehow all the hours of Project Runway I've watched didn't help me. I still wouldn't know how to use the Piperlime accessory wall thoughtfully! Shucks.

  36. I agree with others, the models themselves were a giveaway. So was the photography. ;)

  37. 6:6, I'm surprised at myself. Us hobbit hole dwellers from the PNW have zip for fashion sense. Pass me my birkies, my shorts & my parka, I'm ready for my close-up, Mr.DeMille. LOL.
    #6 is me without the fashion, I have lumps & bumps from age, not fashion. ;)


  38. shocking, as I would not wear any of them now or then!
    but I guessed for some against my initial judgement to get them right. Oh well I'll never be a fashion plate anyway. Have fun

  39. 5 out of 6! Amazing, as I am definitely no fashionista. I've got to say, the bumps are disasterous! I'm a flip flops and jeans girl too. :)

  40. 6 out of 6. but that last one scared the poop out of me. forget the clothes, the face/makeup/headgear was nightmarish!

  41. 5/6 but the only way I got half of them was to look at the hair/makeup/shoes for what was on trend. The other ones were pure guesses. I fail at fashion.

  42. I got them all right. It comes down to the small details that give it away to be a 90's design. I'm not fashionable really....I just know 90's clothes when I see them.

  43. 5 out of 6 -- I had trouble deciding which outfit in the last photo was the ugliest... Looks like most of us had the same issue. I guess fashion is trendy but ugly is timeless?

  44. Great fun! I got 5 out of 6. My trick... If I wasn't sure I looked at the shoes. That helped a lot!!!

  45. 6 out of 6 nice...the last one almost stumped me though wtf mate?!

  46. Y'know what's sad...I guessed them all right by comparing the thinness of the models. The thinner they were, the more recent the entry.

  47. five out of six for me...the last one had me stumped, the bump was really odd, but then the white face and all the fur and platform shoes were a bit at odds too! who'd a thunk it!
