May 17, 2010

Pattern review: Chickens!

Occasionally my mum, AKA Grandma G, is going to send over her review of a sewing pattern for you sewists who want to make something adorable—and who would like to know a little more about a project before you commit. Today's project: awesome plush chickens, designed by blogger LiEr. The best part is that if you squeeze them, eggs come out. Click here to see the chicken's bottom; this is a G-rated blog and you must be 18 or older to look at this picture. The pattern is available as a PDF download for $12 at the end of LiEr's post. (Also see her cuuute pigs and other patterns for sale in her sidebar.) Grandma G's comments:

"What a fun project this was! As the chickens progressed, I would hold the pieces up, look at them and laugh because they were so cute and funny! The pattern was very well designed with easy-to-follow directions. As the instructions say: 'It is assumed that the sewer has basic to intermediate sewing experience, including knowing how to sew around curves, attach simple gusset-type pieces, sew darts and do top-stitching.' The pattern is not difficult, but I wouldn't choose it as a first project for a beginner sewer. I would also add that you need to know how to embroider just a bit.

There are lots of tiny pieces to cut and sew around. They're not hard to work with, but they do require a little time and patience. I found the hardest part was sewing the wattles into the beaks, and then turning the hen's beak right side out, because it was so small and the felt did not turn easily. I did then make the rooster's beak bigger... after all, roosters are bigger, right? I also changed a couple of things from the original pattern, mainly the placement of the face parts, just to look a bit more realistic, and I made a different tail and bigger comb for the rooster. I would certainly recommend this pattern. The fleece made for a soft, huggable chicken family, and my granddaughter loves them!"


  1. I wonder what the stats counter will be on people clicking that R-rated link (you can count 1 right here).

    Cute pattern. They do make one smile.

  2. Michelle!! You didn't!!!!!!!

    I shoulda known....


  3. this is exactly what I've been looking for! I was just making crocheted eggs last night and was thinking... "wouldn't it be nice to have a chicken to go along with these"... :)

  4. Those chickens are gorgeous and the eggs popping out - hilarious! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  5. That is AWESOME! I am going to order it!

  6. Too cute, now I just have to learn how to sew!

  7. I think I must make these. The egg "vent" is the limit!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Michelle, you can count me as another who clicked that link. It's just too tempting.

  9. Cute, but of course, I would like a duck that lays eggs ;-)

    Quilters, check out my website this week for a vintage block giveaway!

  10. That is hilarious! I doubt I'll make it cuz I'm not into chickens and such but thanks for the chuckle :) and yes I did click on the chicken butt shot.

  11. Oh, now I need some indoor egg-laying chickens.

  12. Love this! We have live chickens (I'm just about to go out to collect the eggs), and my nephews would just love to have a little chicken of their own.

  13. I completely love those chickens! Thanks for sharing... and of course I had to check out some chicken bottoms too!

  14. I can't sew worth a dern, but I think those chickens are the cutest!

  15. Oh my goodness. These are the very very cutest things I've ever seen. I want to hug and kiss that white chicken. My husband is jealous, and confused.

  16. Beautiful, but how do I buy the PDF.?

  17. Brilliant but how do I buy the pdf?

  18. How easy is this pattern? I am only a beginner at sewing. Thanks!

  19. Hi Finut... I would say you should probably get some sewing experience before you tackle the chickens. I think they'd be quite a challenge for a beginner. It's helpful to know some techniques first. Good luck!

  20. Is there any way to buy these chickens already made?

