April 27, 2010

Today only: awesome deal on photo books

A friend just sent me a link to this deal on Groupon.com: buy a $20 coupon that gets you $60 worth of photo books from A&I Books. I impulsively bought one. Maybe you want in on this? You'll have up to a year to use the coupon. The company manufactures custom books you design yourself—make an album of your own photos, maybe a little portfolio book of your artwork, you name it.

Here are some options you can create. I'm totally attracted to that perfed postcard book, a fun gift idea. The deal ends at midnight central time, so don't spend too long mulling it over!


  1. Buying one too!

    Thinking mother's day ... if I can get my act together that quickly. Good thing is that I have a year to use it, so Christmas is definitely doable!

  2. Decisions.... hmmmm..... To buy, or not to buy... that is the question!


  3. Which city is this groupon deal for?

  4. the link provided does not lead to the deal on the books. How do I find it?

  5. Oops! That link for some reason sent you to Chicago, where I live. I fixed it; try again. The deal is from Groupon New Orleans, but the book company is online and will ship anywhere.

  6. What a great deal! Okay, I'm totally buying it. I've been meaning to design a photo book of our wedding and have it printed for a couple years now. This is perfect!


  7. Thank you! I just bought one! This will be perfect for our vacation photos from Italy.

  8. So I was too nervous to try the deal... Which means that I'll be looking forward to your review & comments on it!

  9. Thank you thank you thank you!

    Perfect for my wife's first Mother's Day, I ordered a book yesterday.
