February 12, 2010

Quiz: Which color matches your personality?

If you're dying to know, take this quiz at True Value Paint. Wanna know what color I was? Black. What!?! "Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live...your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. No other color lives by the golden rule as much as you do." Actually not an inaccurate description, but black?


  1. I thought that black was an odd color, then I went and took the quiz too...BLACK!

    I have been thinking of painting my bathroom dark grey - I think this quiz was my green light to go ahead.

  2. Looks like I'm YELLOW.

    You are quite the powerful thinker. It’s this talent that allows you to overcome a plethora of great obstacles. Luckily, this doesn’t affect your ego and you give off a pretty easy-going appearance. You enjoy the finer things in life and also have an attraction to art. If you can help it, you try not to rock the boat. But you also can’t stop yourself from searching for new ideas, methods or styles.

  3. Yellow. Not sure about this quiz. "You are quite the powerful thinker." Not...

  4. hmmmm.....i was black too :) interesting!

  5. thanks for such a fun quiz! I'm not sure if it's exactly right about me, but I'm red:

    You boast incredible willpower and are capable of overcoming obstacles that would normally leave others shaking in their boots. You have a penchant for colorful environments and often impress others with your energetic bursts of energy. Your interests in many areas of life often leave you scattered, but when you focus you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

  6. I got black too! I was thinking orange ~ is that even an option?

  7. Hmmmm...I got black too. I have never really thought about black being calm. Classy? Distressed? Sleepy? Maybe. Calm? Not the color I would pick to express that word.

  8. I'm red! Not a surprise as it is my fave color! Thank you for sharing this fun quiz!

  9. I'm red too, and the part about multiple interests leaving me scattered couldn't be more accurate. :) Curious about the other colors, but I don't have it in me to see what others I can get by changing answers.

  10. i got black too! maybe all really creative people are black :)

  11. Yellow here, too. Pretty accurate description, but I like yellow as much as you like black! lol

    Not a great variety of colors so far!

  12. Hmm I'm red... does describe me pretty well.. scattered brain that's me

  13. I got "purple" ~ my LEAST favorite color. The results somewhat describe me, but I hate hate hate the color purple! :p

  14. same results here. black? accurate description, but I'm confused about the color choice. wierd.

  15. i was purple. interesting. never thought of myself as a purple girl.

  16. I'm Yellow, one of my favourite colors!!

    You are quite the powerful thinker. It’s this talent that allows you to overcome a plethora of great obstacles. Luckily, this doesn’t affect your ego and you give off a pretty easy-going appearance. You enjoy the finer things in life and also have an attraction to art. If you can help it, you try not to rock the boat. But you also can’t stop yourself from searching for new ideas, methods or styles.

  17. I got black too! So to recap, responses thus far have been black, yellow, red, or purple. What happened to all the other colours of the rainbow??!

  18. I'm black as well. Interesting.

    PS: I just spent the last hour or so with tons of the "time-wasters" you've posted. I should be working. Shhhh! :)

  19. I got BROWN. Ugh. Plus a totally inaccurate description. Oh, well.

  20. Well, I got black as well! Seems like a lot of blacks out there!

  21. I got red, which I don't hate but don't love, but the description is pretty accurate to me... which I didn't actually think it would be at all.

    I find it interesting that the results are heavily skewed black, yellow and red.

  22. I was also Black! I love color too much to be black! I do agree though that I like the calm, no confrontation type environment!

  23. i got red, which makes me happy because of red bird crafts. i'm not usually a web quiz kind of person, but i love all of the ones you post. keep 'em coming.

  24. GRAY!

    Open-minded is the perfect way to describe you. In fact, people often marvel at your ability to try new things. Gentle, relaxed and self-assured, Gray people have the valuable ability to be everyone’s friend. Touting an eye for the aesthetic, your skill for working well with others often leaves others feeling jealous.

  25. Yellow. Pretty accurate description, and I like yellow okay (then again, I like every color). I'm just not sure how the colors correspond to the descriptions. I'd associate powerful thinking with an easygoing nature to blues or purples. Maybe that's just me.

  26. Brown! I vote though that True Value is pushing black paint this season...

  27. hmmm - I got black too (I really wanted lime green). The description is accurate but I agree with you - but black.

  28. I got purple - a color that I don't like all that much, but seem to have been using more recently. Interesting.

  29. blurg. Purple. One of my least favorite colors. Not totally inaccurate, though... even so. Blech.

  30. I originally got Black.. but i went back and tried every other possibility pretty much and it only ever gave the colors that other people said, black, yellow, red, purple, brown, and green and gray... sorry tried to get orange to see what it said lol.

  31. GREEN! (first one! haha)

    I must need more green in my life because I don't have any! No green in the wardrobe.. no green in the house (other than plants). Fun quiz though - thanks for sharing :)

  32. Amanda, no orange? What gives! Faulty quiz. :)

  33. hey, jess! i just found this other color quiz, the "color career counselor", that tells you what type of occupation you'd be best suited for simply by analyzing what colors you like to look at. it's quick and fun; thought you might be interested.

  34. Im' Gray!!

    Open-minded is the perfect way to describe you. In fact, people often marvel at your ability to try new things. Gentle, relaxed and self-assured, Gray people have the valuable ability to be everyone’s friend. Touting an eye for the aesthetic, your skill for working well with others often leaves others feeling jealous.

    ps -- Im a new follower, and love your blog!! great post :)

  35. I got my favorite color--purple!

    Spontaneity is the key to your existence. Quick-witted with a flair for originality, you enjoy situations that allow you to explore your creativity. Comparatively conservative, you appreciate beautiful surroundings, especially if they’re found in nature. Your relaxed and self-assured personality allows you to work well with others. Surprisingly enough, your unique and unusual tastes don’t prevent you from being comfortable among your more conservative peers.

    The only problem? I ABHOR spontaneity. I like routines and mine tend to be rigid...and I don't work well with others. I'm rather the one that prefers to work alone! Other than that, it's rather dead on. Red's description sounds more like me.

  36. Yellow. While the description was pretty accurate for me ... yellow?

    I HATE yellow. I despise the color. I refuse to wear yellow, I don't like gold, and (the truest sign), I don't own a single spool of yellow ribbon.

    There seem to be a lot of blacks and yellows on here ... interesting, no?

  37. yellow! one of my favorite colors : )

  38. I love your blog !
    I'm brown -> not my favorite but i like it !
    Great quiz!

  39. I got BROWN and I just happen to love that color. I'm quite earthy.

  40. Fascinating that True Value has struck out into the realm of fortune-telling. Each color description is like reading a zodiac. Very funny! And bizarre! No doubt a good advertising gimmick, though - who doesn't want to explore herself and read compliments about herself?

  41. If ever there was a time to ask "How About Orange?" it's now - I couldn't find orange in the quiz at all. I'm purple, my least favorite color...

  42. Yeah i got black too that is so weird maybe we have a lot in common! :)

  43. I got red, which is not what I was expecting at all. And the description was complete baloney. Did they even ask a color specialist!?

  44. wait - how can so many of us get "black"... i would prefer burgundy or deep turquoise (as opposed to aquamarine blue)... those seem more like me...
    True Value needs to rework this quiz.

  45. *sigh*

    Why do I do this to myself, Jess? Why do I click on your links and take these sort of things? You don't click on mine, because you're *sensible* (mostly).

    I'm yellow. Big shock.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. oh what a true and wonderfull thing, RED is my color and I allready knew!!

  48. I think black is the only answer, it is so not me, but guess what, I got black, too. It's a conspiracy, there must be a few gallons in the back room that need to go. @lindajones

  49. ANother yellow here, and pretty accurate description too :-)

    Lots of yellows and blacks in here - must say something about the type of blog readers. Interesting.

  50. That was my thought, too, @lindajones... they have all this old paint that's not selling because people are now into the PRETTY colors, so they're hoping maybe this'll get it moving again. ;)

    So Jess, if you paint your living room black, you'll have a "calm environment", see? Go buy some black paint from True Value. Hurry, because I suspect there's gonna be a real run on it after this quiz!

  51. The quiz was fun - I got BLACK. even when I went back in and tried some different also-semi-true answer I still got BLACK.
    But it was more fun to see everyone's answers! So many blacks and yellows and reds
    I'm wondering where the heck is blue?!

  52. I took it 3 times and i'm red everytime-no way

  53. I can't believe I got black, too! What does that say about my mental state?????

  54. red? seriously? just like all personality quizzes, this one leaves me guessing how well i know myself ; )


  55. I'm a yellow!!

    Love it! I love the color yellow. It is such a bright and cheerful color. My sister in law did her bedroom in a yellow and dark wood. I love it!

  56. Hmm, red. Yep, can't say no to colorful environments and definitely just a little bit scattered :)

  57. I got black too~weird. No turquoise? no fucshia?? I am all about the pretty!

  58. i got black, too. i was hoping for my favorite color, green. hehe. black was surprising. im also really lovin gray <3

  59. So funny. I got black too and had the same reaction. Not all together wrong, but BLACK?!?

  60. I took this quiz, and I'm black too. I don't think black is a good answer. I then changed my answers, and still got black. So I don't know. I was really hoping for blue. I like blue.

  61. Black! The description fit perfectly!

  62. I got black too. I don't even really consider that a color.

  63. Funny.. I'm Yellow....and that would be the ONLY color I truly haaaaate. But the description itself was quite accurate, however.

  64. Like you I thought the description was fair, but BROWN ... yuk

  65. Black as well. I have to agree that the description was spot on minus the sections about "your ability to focus is undisputed" seeing that I should be doing my work and I'm on here. I love back as an accent but I never thought of it as the color that matches my personality... I find myself to be a much brighter person.

  66. I was black as well and if floating around the computer blogs is considered focus...then it's spot on. But my favorite two colors are purple and orange.

  67. I took it and got black too. Weird color choice but the description is pretty right on!

  68. I did both the true value and the color career quizzes - True value was pretty broad but I like that I'm Red - no matter what the description says ;)

  69. I'm purple. My favourite colour is red. :-(

  70. I got yellow. The words were accurate, the colour... not so much. I ALWAYS get blue or green in these things, which is fair enough as these are my favourite colours. Some of these quizzes, if I go back another day and take it, I'll get blue where I got green - it usually lines up with whatever one I'm more into at that time, too!

    Went back and changed some answers: black. Maybe the maker is colour blind? ;)

  71. I'm red~! :) I have incredible willpower~ Thank you for sharing this link.

  72. I got black too. I agree with you that the description isn't that inaccurate, but I don't think black is the best color to go with it!

  73. Yesterday I was just thinking to myself... I must like brown as I have 5 brown tops that I constantly wear.... then I do the quiz & can you guess my colour???? Yep, it's brown!

  74. although i love colors, i do wear mostly black shirts...BLACK!

  75. I should not be surprised that you and I are both "black." And, if I had to pick a color, it would be black. Its what I like to where because I have to pick colors in too many other aspects of my life.

  76. I'm purple..a color that I actually like a lot! There's not a lot a purple if I look at the comments!! What does that mean???

  77. I'm Purple! Which is ok, since red and blue are my fav colors

  78. Hey! I also got black, but then I'm a fellow lover of Orange and I seem to have the same taste in things as you do, so it kinda makes sense. But still...black?!

  79. My color was purple...my Mom's favorite color...That was fun! Thanks...

  80. I was thrilled that red was my quiz answer. Red is my favorite color and I can completely relate to the quiz summary of the color. Thanks for posting the link.

  81. LifeAdorned, your quiz link is great!!!
