Cast your vote for How About Orange | How About Orange

January 22, 2010

Cast your vote for How About Orange

I have discovered by accident that How About Orange is among five finalists in the 2010 Bloggie awards for Best Art, Craft, or Design Weblog. Kind readers, thanks so much for the nomination! (And if you, like me, wondered precisely what the Bloggies are, see here.) If you want to vote for How About Orange, click here and scroll to the right. Voting ends Jan. 31.

Update: Congrats to The Storque, the blog and winner in this category!


Lotta B said...

Of course you'll have my vote! :D

Grandma G said...

Guess what? I voted for YOU!!

Lynnetta said...

Congratulations on your nomination. How exciting! I voted (for you). Good luck :)

Setting the Mood said...

You got my vote sister!

Para muestra un botón said...

I voted for you! Good luck!

lp said...

Congratulations! I hope you win. I voted for you!

Helby said...

Best of luck!

Simply Jessabells said...

voted. best of luck!

Maia said...

Seriously, none of the others was an option... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Done. Love your blog!

Jessica Jones said...

Guys, thanks!!

Unknown said...

Voted, hope you win you totally deserve it!

Valerie said...

You've got my vote --- thank you for always inspiring!

Craftcherry said...

You got my vote! Good luck!

Grandma G said...

I'm not a "guy"!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Casting my vote!

Christie said...

I voted. There are lots of great blogs there. Good luck!

Jessica Jones said...

Quit yer protesting, Mom. Did you see what I said about you on Twitter yet? I'm right, aren't I.

Tyler + Bri said...

Congrats on the nomination! I voted for you and am extending the link out to all my friends - good luck!

Cristin said...

Congrats! I voted for you:-) Rock on!

Kristin said...

What excellent taste the nominators have, You have my vote! Best wishes!

Bek said...

congrats on the nomination! I didn't even realize it was that time of year yet...

Larissa Holland said...

but of course! if you don't win, it won't be because of me.

Designed by Chance said...

I voted, you are my favorite blog!

Whitney @ Whisker Graphics said...

I just voted for you! :)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS :) I'm off to vote!


Grandma G said...

Yes, I saw your tweet, Jess. And yeah, I did do all those nominations. That's the only way you'd have made it.

Yer welcome! ;-)

Ann On and On... said...

I voted!!! You're the bestest!!

oliveandbean said...


i voted :-)

nattyj said...

How wonderful & best wishes! Have now gone and voted for you! :)

Wehaf said...

I voted for you! I hope you win!

Unknown said...

I voted for you ;)

Fabulous Terrah said...

Voted! Do your thang girl, do your thang. ;)

Suze said...

I voted! Good luck,

Unknown said...

I love your blog, have been reading it for a long time, never left a comment though (I think).
Voted for you. Good luck!

Tanya Batrak said...

You have my vote! Good luck! =)


Jennifer said...

Bravo! You've got my vote.

Megumi said...

You got my vote, of course!

Loonstruck said...

I voted for you. You ARE one of the 5 blogs I look forward too every day!

Franziska said...

I voted for you!
Hope you win.

Greatings from Germany

Unknown said...

Voted for you! xo

m.o.M. said...

You bet! Love your blog and orange is my favorite color!

Becky said...

Awesome! You have been voted for!

Anonymous said...

i definitely voted for you guys =D

Anonymous said...

congrats! *voting*:)

keep up the great work!

littlepixyboots said...

Hey I like your blog so much that I'm putting you on my blog as well. It's And I votrd for you too :)

Linda Ruel Flynn said...

Your blog is my daily go-to!!! Thank you and of course I am voting for you.

JaneT said...

Just voted for your site.

burritos mama said...

Oh I'm definitely voting for you!!!!

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Congratulations, waahoo!! Love Posie

ctoumoi said...

So happy to vote for you...

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

i voted too :) Good luck!!!

palmy said...


Anonymous said...

I voted 4 u dear Orange :)
fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...


flo's diner said...

Done! Keep up all the orange goodness!

bichonpawz said...

DONE! Love your Orangey Stuff!! Congratulations!

cHim-prints said...

I voted. See you here next year for the Hall of Fame votes?

Kate said...

Voted for you, of course! Love this blog! Good luck :)

Anonymous said...

I voted for you! Good luck!

Christy said...

Just voted for your fabulous site! Good luck!

Selena said...

I voted for you!

Erin C. said...

I have been enjoying How About Orange for a long time now. Of course I voted for you!

Sil said...

You got my vote.

Jessica Jones said...

Thank you, everyone!

Linnea skriver: said...

Done - you got my vote!

liareich said...

In any case! a voice from germany! ;o)

katlin said...

I voted for your amazing blog. Congrats on the nomination!

Melissa A said...

I had never heard of these either. Congratulations. You have my vote.

Unknown said...

I voted!! Your blog ROCKS!! =D

Ange said...

I voted for you. Hope you win. Good luck!

Lynn said...

I voted for you of course! Wow, glad to see that list of blogs. I now have new blog fodder. :)

carole said...

I've just voted for HAO - your my most fave site by miles!!! Wouldn't consider voting for anyone else. Lots of luck xxxxx :)

janet l moran said...

that's awesome! I just voted!

Hadeel said...

You got my vote!!!

I'm in love w/ this blog. My favourite colour is ORANGE, and has been orange for years! ;) I'm also a graphic designer, just like you are :)

Kudos to you and your amazing talent!