November 05, 2009

Quiz: Name that corporate logo

Consumers everywhere, see how many corporate logos you can identify in six minutes in this quiz. I got 31 out of 36, then came to a screeching halt. Americans will have a distinct advantage in this game; sorry, international friends.


  1. 34/36. I did not get the glowing ball or the weird q logo around the globe. Otherwise, pretty decent.

  2. I missed those, too. The Q seemed kinda familiar, but I've definitely never seen that weird glowing ball before.

  3. I managed 29 but most of the ones I missed I'd never seen before. A tad scary that we know so many brands at a glance.....

    What the heck is sporcle??

    Jess - you always find fun stuff. It makes me happy.

  4. I missed the same two as Kerrie - and laughed when it told me the ball one since it was the logo at the top of the page! Hubby helped with two of them (1 of the beers!).

    I like this kind of stuff because it shows me just how full of useless information I am!

  5. 30/36 between me and my bf. There were only two of those we missed that we really feel we should have known.. not too bad :)

  6. 35/36! Didn't know Guiness, I don't drink.

  7. I got 28 out of 36 with 3 minutes 15 seconds remaining...some of them I didn't even have a guess, like sporcle lol

    that was fun!!

  8. I got 28/36. I lost time trying to figure out how to spell Anheuser-Busch.

  9. Yeah, me too. And what the heck is Sporcle?!?!?

  10. 31/36. too bad i just noticed -- spoiler! -- sporcle is the web site that the quiz is on!

  11. Oh! HA HA HA HA! Thanks for clarifying.

  12. 26/36. I got hung up on Volkswagen, trying to spell it correctly.

    Yet I knew how to spot and spell Guinness perfectly.

  13. 31/36. The ones I missed I recognized but could not place. I knew the Chrysler one was some car brand ... but who drives a Chrysler these days?

  14. Only 12!! oh my... I'm really bad! No idea of many of them...

  15. 30/36, because it's too early and i couldn't spell marriott or chrysler right, doh!
    that was fun.

    and i only got the sporcle right because i had noticed it while i was waiting for the game to load, ha ha.

  16. Well done, I only got 28. Although I noticed after I took it that Sporcle is the name of the Web site and the logo and name are right there at the top of the page. Whoops!! Time for coffee.

  17. Fun! And frustrating when you know the brand but your first 10 spellings are wrong!

  18. I can't believe I didn't know the Boeing logo!

  19. I'll confess now, since I see that I'm not the worst. ;-) I only got 16.

  20. No, that shows you're not gullible advertising victim. Good job.

  21. this was so hard because you had to SPELL everything correctly!!! I totally thought there was a T in Chrysler and I didn't know there were two R's and two T's in Marriott!

  22. Ha! That was fun, if a bit frustrating. I got 26. I knew the Anheiser Busch one but couldn't spell it right. Some of the companies I'd never heard of.

  23. 33/36. I missed Marriott International, Sporcle Inc., and Boeing.

  24. Very fun! I am a graphic artist and I love the games on your site.

  25. I got 21/36... Ok, we don't have Taco Bell in Italy and I've never seen other brands, but i missed also Adobe and Pepsi..ehm.. just a bad day? :)

  26. Whee. 29 out of 36 -- but group effort with Tyler. He knew all the car one -- and I was hopeless with that! Almost missed the glowing ball till I saw it on the website tab in my browser & realized the quiz was hosted by that company! Scrolled up to the top of the page and got it! Fun quiz. Easier than that helvetica vs. arial one.

  27. HA! Try this game then!

  28. i love this, regretly i didnt familiar with the logo~

  29. Poof!! that's where the last hour went! I've been having fun trying all the other quizzes!! :o)

  30. That was great! I got them all, save for the Boeing Company. It doesn't even look familiar to me after learning what it was!

  31. fun, but for an awful speller like me i had to cheat a little bit & open a new window to start typing in the name of a company so it would give me the right spelling, like how there are 2 r's in Marriott & Anhueser no Anheiser... LOL

  32. I got 34...I really stink at spelling. I put in every possible version of Chrysler (god, I think that is still spelled wrong!) Thanks for the fun quiz!

  33. Wish I hadn't followed the link to that site. I'm hopelessly hooked! I thought I had enough ways to waste time on the internet. Now I'll never get anything done!

  34. I got 33/36. Didn't recognize Boeing at all.

  35. 23 out of 36! Not so bad for a French girl, is it?
    I'll try the 2nd one too!

  36. oh my!...I only got 17/36. A lot of them I recognized, but for some reason could not recall the name...I am going to blame my slow mind on my sleep-deprived brain due to raising a 2 year old and a (teething) 6 month old.

  37. that was fun! 29/36 not to bad i guess : )

  38. Logo quiz number 2 is a bit more "European" I would say. I was able to recognise more in that one, but I am lousy all the same. xD I am not much of a material girl, I guess. :p

  39. Jeez, what a shame...I tried my best. Just got 25/36. But like you said - europeans have definetly a disadvantage

  40. Oh, I love these quizzes. 33/36. Not bad.
