November 24, 2009

Printable bird bookmarks

Sharon Rowan sent over a link to these little bird bookmarks she designed. You can download and print them right here. And as always, if anyone else has designed a lovely printable freebie, written a super DIY tutorial, or stumbled onto something fabulous, send me a link. I can't feature every submission, but I always love to see what you guys are up to.


  1. What a sweet gesture! The bookmarks are really beautiful.

  2. Those are very pretty.

    And that's all I'm gonna say.

    (Unless you provoke me.)

  3. Super cute (and now I can stop folding back the pages of my books...)

  4. this is cute! don't know if this counts, but i made a calendar using some of my photos and i'm giving one away on my blog right now:

  5. It's been a month or so since I found your site and I'm a regular reader now: you always post such gorgeous things! Thank you :)

  6. So cute! A great little stocking stuffer :)

  7. It's a lovely bookmark. Love the ideal.
    Thank you for sharing & Happy Thanks Giving!


  8. I'm definitely planning to print these...especially since I'm getting tired of losing my place in the books I'm reading. Thank you!

  9. A question for you. . . since you are a former farm kid & a graphic designer I thought you would be the perfect person to ask. . . we need a letterhead for our farm to use for our Ethiopian adoption documents (letter from accountant saying we aren't going belly up :-) ) . . . and idea where I could download a farm letterhead? Thanks! Awesome blog! Someday I'll make it to one of those super fun looking craft nights, we are only an hour away.


  10. Well, that's one thing I haven't seen floating around the internet. Not sure how many farms bother with letterhead. Maybe your accountant can just use his/hers? Good luck to you!
