Giveaway: Epershand necklace by Isette | How About Orange

October 19, 2009

Giveaway: Epershand necklace by Isette

Always an admirer of typography-related accessories, I love this "Epershand" necklace by Isette. According to Jennifer Putzier, the artist behind Isette, "Epershand" is the Scots and Scottish English name for ampersand. How about that?

And now you can win your own Epershand necklace! To enter the drawing, leave a comment on this post before midnight CDT on Thursday (10/22/09), and one winner will be selected by a random number generator. Be sure to include a link or way of reaching you. The winner will be announced on Friday in this post and contacted.

Isette is also offering free shipping on all purchases by How About Orange readers through the end of October. Mention "How About Orange" in the "note to seller" field on your order, and your shipping cost will be refunded (including international orders.) To see Isette goodies in person, visit their booth at 1154 LILL Studio's Holiday Market on November 14.

UPDATE: Giveaway is now closed. The winner is commenter #96, Esha. Congratulations!


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Unknown said...

I'd love this necklace. Thanks for posting the contest. You're site is great!

Amber said...

Oh please please me! That necklace is pretty!

Lisa said...

Goodness, what an amazing necklace! Thanks for offering this Giveaway!

deanna said...

oooh! Yay! I have this necklace "faved" on my Etsy.

pick me! pick me!

Angie said...

What a fabulous necklace--pick me please random number generator!
Thanks for the great giveaway. I love your cool blog.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Love your blog!

Unknown said...

Wow all of the jewelry is great! Love the necklace. Thanks for making this a contest prize!

Kelly said...

i'm such a typenerd, i love this! but i also love how you wouldn't necessarily know it was an ampersand. it's gorgeous.


Alexis said...

that is so beautiful

Alison said...

Oh, I'm in LOVE with it!!!

Salihan said...

I love typography. And this necklace is perfect for me! I hope I win. Thanks for the giveaway! P.S. I'm having a giveaway on my blog too.

ohmyampersand said...

I can't believe how crazy amazing that is. Wouldn't that necklace go perfect around my neck? My Etsy shop name is "Oh My Ampersand". If anyone needs that necklace, it's me! We were made for each other! xo

bleubug said...

I do like that necklace a great deal. It would make a wonderful present. :D

Rachael said...

ah so exciting! i've coveted this for a while...would look nice on my neckline...thanks for the giveaway!

Rachael said...

ah so exciting! i've coveted this for a while...would look nice on my neckline...thanks for the giveaway!

Lesley said...

Love it! Thanks for the chance to win it.

Sara Parr said...

very cool!

Megan said...

Wow, that is beautiful! The perfect necklace for a copyeditor like me :)

It's A Wonderful said...

The necklace is lovely. So are the earrings. And the cat-glasses are spectacular!

Shadia said...

beautiful necklace, great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Such a nice necklace!!

Erin said...

Oh man, do I love this. One of my favorite symbols ever!


Guyang said...

beautiful necklace!

Leigh Ann said...

Pick me! Leigh Ann

Amifer said...

I'd like to cash in my karma points, random number generator. :)

just_me139 at hotmail dot com

Tara said...

I would love to win this!

kimberly said...

That necklace is gorgeous! I must now go browse the rest of the site...

kimberweeme at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS!! I am a total typography nerd!! What a great giveaway piece!

Unknown said...

Love it! My email is guarino dot christine at gmail Thanks!!!

Gina said...

Love the necklace! I especially love the maude's necklace. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


janae' said...

Epershand makes me think of someone saying Ampersand but with a lisp. :) And as a designer, I always want a typographic...anything!

Susie Cohen said...


Erin said...

Wow! That stuff is beautiful and amazing!

Anonymous said...

That necklace, like everything in Isette's shop, is stunning.

urchiken at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

That is gorgeous! Thank you for putting this up to give away- I would have kept it for myself!

Sarah said...

Love love. Also, that necklace with the glasses is fantastic!

Sonya said...

Ooooh, this necklace is FABULOUS!
Thanks for posting this giveaway. I love your blog!

WonderKitty said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That necklace is amazing. I might have to buy it if I don't win!

craftytammie said...

very cool necklace! thanks for the chance. tammieschafferATyahooDOTcom

Sarah said...

and & and & and...

*sigh* I do love clever accessories!

esther said...

cute cute!

Dorkys Ramos said...

What an awesome necklace! Love it :)

heather said...

This necklace is beautiful. Hope I get picked!

carolyn said...

Those necklaces are lovely - I may have to go buy myself an epershand or maybe an et curl. Although, I really like those glasses!

Tracy said...


Jen said...

Such a simple, cute necklace!!

Marilyn a.k.a. Merry said...

Fun necklace - the one you picked and lots of others too. LOVE the eye glasses one.

Missy said...

Oh my I love this! I would love to win!

Mrs. S said...

That is SO pretty!

Anonymous said...

That is simply gorgeous!


Christine ~ JAZ Creations said...


anne said...

What a beautiful necklace!

Kaitlyn said...

what a great giveaway- this necklace is amazing!!!

bridgetwhoplaysfrenchhorn said...

This is beautiful!

Unknown said...

I love the curved lines of this piece.

dana said...

What a gorgeous necklace! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win!

Anna said...

So lovely!

Anonymous said...

The ampersand is my favorite mark. I love this!!

Obsessedwithlife said...

Gorgeous design!

tc75 said...

very cute! love it.

Teddi Taylor said...

Such a pretty necklace! Please choose me!

Kelley said...

What a lovely necklance.

Thank you for giving away such a fun design!

(pick me, pick me!)

Allison said...

Oh this is perfect! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...that's been on my favorites list! Love the lovely ampersand.

Meaghan said...

I would love to win! Thanks Jessica.

Anonymous said...

That is pretty cool. I haven't had a new piece of jewelry in a long time -- would be fun to win one! Happy Monday.

caroline said...

I have been coveting this necklace for months... it lives in my Etsy favorites. Thanks for the giveaway!

kate said...

What a fantastic necklace!

Anonymous said...

Love it ... want it!


Sassy said...

I love that this can be both a symbol and an artistic swirl!

sstonesifer (at) gmail (dot) com

joy said...

so unique--i love it!

catasterist said...

fantastic necklace!

Here In My Head said...

I almost bought that necklace just last week! It's one of my favorites.

thanks :D


Laurie said...

How lovely! The 'ampersand' is my favorite symbol!

Allison B. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sara@augustfields said...

wow. what a creative and gorgeous design! this necklace is fabulous :)

Loren said...

this necklace is amazing. i would give it to my mom, who loves ampersands!

here's to hoping...

lorenlatourelle at gmail dot com

Lori said...

pick me! pick me! & pick me!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous designs! Would love to be the winner :D!

L'oeuf qui chante said...

I love your site, you always have such wonderful things to show us! Thanks to you, I've discovered loads of great things! Including this lovely necklace :)

Julie said...

LOVE IT. thanks for the contest

Unknown said...

pick me! :)

mosier at gmail dot com

Linda said...

I love it!! so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

and per se &

Brie said...

Woohoo! so pretty!
bpampell at gmail dot com

Nicole said...

What are the odds that I would win a great necklace like this?

Lindsay said...

I love fonts and the ampersand is my fave character (seriously), followed closely by a capital Q. Pick me!


Grandma G said...

Her items are all very pretty!

Tammy said...

oh wow - it's amazing!!

Anonymous said...

We love Isette at 1000 Markets! Clever, smart, and beautiful things. Thanks for the opp'y to win this great item. alyson [at] 1000

kirsten said...

Oh my gosh, I love anything font-related. This is gorgeous! If I don't win, I'm buying!

Anonymous said...

I adore the earrings.

Fingers crossed. Come on, magic number generator. ;)

You can contact me at inyxelf4all[at]hotmail[dot]com

pinkplusgreen said...

this is my favorite ligature, so beautiful!!!

Erin said...

What a pretty necklace! i would like to be entered in the drawing! Thank you!

Esha said...

i have had my eyes on this necklace for so long! i saw it when i was looking for a good "E" necklace

Kaye Prince said...

Oh yes please! This is a gorgeous necklace and I'd love to own it!

lesley said...

ooh, i love it! so pretty.

The Evansons said...

yep it's official, that necklace would look good on me!

Little Paper Dog said...

Hooray for typography nerds!

Brooke said...

gorgeous necklace. thinking winning thoughts!

Amanda Joy Petersen said...

I love it, it is so sleek.

stance. said...

wow, that necklace is beautiful. awesome giveaway!


melanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chung Nguyen said...


Katie said...

Gorgeous! Yes, please!

Lyneya said...

I'd love the necklace. Please enter me in the giveaway.

emily said...

yes, amazing!
emily (dot) berna (at) gmail (dot) com

lindsaykr said...

I LOVE TYPOGRAPHY! Yay for jewelry and typography mixed!

Carol said...

Fabulous necklace! I sure hope I win!!:-) Thanks for this opportunity.

S said...

Okay, this is bad... I love everything in her shop!

Kerry at just-you-wait said...

Oooo, this is gorgeous! Thanks for the introduction to this great artist!
(and for the giveaway!)

malinda said...

I love that necklace! animegirlie @ g mail dot com

Samantha said...

How lovely!


jojoebi-designs said...

love necklace, very striking.

MH said...

I LOVE IT!!! The necklace is so fabulous!


Elizabeth Encarnacion said...

I'm quickly becoming obsessed with typography myself, so I would love this necklace. How cool.

emausten (at) aol (dot) com

Tina said...

I love the earrings! Beautiful design.

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

Pick me please &&&&& !

Crystl said...

The necklace is gorgeous!

Spacesha said...

Hi! Oh, this necklace is fabulous. My wedding them was ampersands (or epershand as I now know...). Because it was all about becoming me AND he.
Thanks for always having amazing inspiration up here. I check your blog every day. You rock. - Aisha

Rachel said...

My inner typography geek thinks this is really cool.

Traci said...

Oh, how beautiful! Great giveaway & I'm off to browse the Etsy shop now!

Claudia said...

Beautiful necklace! postcard @ gmail . com

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this! Awesome! Just awesome! You always have amazing stuff posted. Have fun!

Josie said...

Beautiful necklace!

lp said...

Cool necklace. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

madahlia said...

This is such a fun necklace! Thanks for the opprotunity to enter.

Susan said...

Wow, what a great necklace! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erin said...

Oooooh! I absolutely love this! It's beautiful!

Webgrrl74 said...

Wow...that necklace is gorgeous! :)

Awesome giveaway! :)

Laurel said...

Oh my gosh, spazzing. I don't know why, but I think ampersands (and epershands!) are gorgeous. I use them all the time! I'm one of the few people I know who uses them in handwriting...

and even if I wasn't in love with ampersands, that necklace is GORGEOUS.

Joella said...

What a beautiful necklace!

Alison said...

Pick me please! I love typography :)

paddlemama said...

Totally love the peacock earrings! But I'll settle for the necklace. ;-)

Nori said...

that is stinkin beautiful!!!! i'm drooling

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! <3

CitricSugar said...

Oooh! Yay! Giveaways are fun - I just launched my first one - but I'd love to win!

A.Robinson said...

Holy crap, as an English MA student I MUST have that necklace. Wonderful.

Nicole said...

Those are gorgeous! I'd love to win! cole12885 at

Carol said...

New reader - LOVE this necklace! hope you pull my lucky number! :-)

grace said...

yes please!!

Casey said...

Another Epershand for my collection? Don't mind if I do.

kellie: thelemondime said...

this is oh-so-wonderful! Thanks!

Kate + Tatum said...

Great necklace
wileyks at gmail dot com

Kathy said...

What a beautiful necklace, Thanks!

Ednarb said...

I might have to buy one of these! I love ampersands! My name is spelled Brande, and I often abbreviate it by writing Br&e! Can't believe I never thought to look for an ampersand necklace before!

Andrea said...

that's an awesome necklace!

Angie said...

This is so lovely! For the record, I think it would be a great idea to make a larger one, which people (me!) could hang on their walls...

Erin C. said...

I have been a typography nerd for over ten years now and this is great. My first name begins with E, and this lovely pendant also looks a bit like an E with a flourish, so I reeeeally want to win it. :-)

TheMoncurs said...

LOVE it.

Moo said...

Wow, this is so cute!

Ri said...

That's so beautiful.

Natalie said...

Oooh! I LOVE it!


Rachel said...

I love it! Hope I win :)

Gypsy Obermiller said...

This necklace is great! And would be perfect for someone like me who holds a degree in English! :)

Shayna said...

Very cool, I love that necklace!

Kathryn Church said...

ooh neat neat neat!

kjb said...

Beautiful necklace! So unique!!

♥ jmo said...

pretty please pick me!

jmo0519 {at} gmail {dot} com

dev said...

love, love, love this!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous! [at]

Libby said...

Yes, I am an English major nerd. Love this!

libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com

Nina said...

i'm a designer and i love fonts and typography! that necklace is perfect!

Carol said...

What great jewelery! The nechlace is wonderful! Great giveaway!

Carol said...

What great jewelery! The nechlace is wonderful! Great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

How cool.

Urban Crunch said...

I love this and if you aren't a typo-nerd you may not even know it's an ampersand. Very cool.


the 8th child said...

Isette has a pretty cool shop. Thanks for sharing!

Anne-Marie said...

I heart Ampersands!

kmgraf said...

what a great necklace!

LHBlitzer said...

how beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

oooooh! those are all very beautiful neclaces!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I am a font junkie. Love this!!

Anonymous said...

I have just the girl to give this too. It would make her so happy!

Krista said...

What a great necklace! I'd love to give it to my mom, but it would be hard to not keep it for myself!!

gremlygirl said...

Wow -- LOVE her stuff!

M. said...

I love your blog and I WANT AND NEED this gorgeous necklace!



burnt rain said...

Definitely count me in! you can reach me at burnt.rain (at) gmail (dot) com

Katherine said...

Love it!

Daphne said...

Too cute! Love it. Could I please win?

Lauren said...

I love typography, and all the cool things you can do with it... and this necklace is REALLY neat! Thanks, for the giveaway, and please pick me Random Number Generator! :^)

maritessb said...

I would love to win this necklace. I've been admiring her work for some time now.

katie said...

I've coveted this necklace for months! Pick me, random number generator!

Unknown said...

That is an awesome necklace! PICK ME PLEASE!!

imallheart at gmail dot com

Liz said...

Ooh, I love it! Pick me!

Sara said...

Ooh I love it!

laurareid said...

i love the necklace! i love your blog too!

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

That is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mariah said...

My sister would love it! And her birthday is coming soon. Thanks for the chance!

sb said...

A gorgeous necklace giveaway and some new knowledge. I can't beat it!

KrissySnow said...

What a gorgeous necklace! I immediately thought me "epershand" my husband. How generous of you to give one away!

Christine's Curiosity said...

Wow, just beautiful simplicity!

slmpetersen said...

That is so striking! I would love to add it to my jewelry collection

lisa said...

holy toledo! i love that necklace...

Amanda said...

SO cool! Those earrings are great too!!!

sideoats + scribbles said...

Oh wow, that is beautiful!

Meghan said...

Oooh! how unique!

Janine said...

I love it! Please pick me!

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

How beautiful and original-loving her stuff!

From Scratch Magazine said...

I love it!

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