September 08, 2009

New York vacation

We returned last night from our road trip getaway fatter, happier, and poorer than when we left. The hallmarks of a good vacation. We drove to New York and stayed in Brooklyn at Hotel Le Bleu. (Highly recommend it. Our room was small, modern and beautiful. We could see the Statue of Liberty from our balcony! It appeared to be the size of a grain of rice, but still. The hotel has a restaurant and rooftop lounge, so even if you don't stay there, at least go eat or drink something and admire the view. It's in Park Slope, a few blocks from cool shops, delicious restaurants, and dozens of people pushing babies in strollers, so if you're looking for a nanny job, this might be the place for you.)

We walked around Manhattan, went to MoMA, spent an afternoon reading in Central Park (which I had imagined as a giant football field devoid of trees; was pleasantly surprised to find out it's pretty), got half-off tickets to see the Toxic Avenger musical (clever, goofy, 100% entertaining), and then spent a couple days near the Allegheny National Forest on our way home.

And now it's back to work. Must make more coffee...

(Images from Hotel Le Bleu)


  1. Oh, the Statue of Liberty was in that pic you sent us?! Hmmm... if I look close and squinch up my eyes, I can just about imagine which it is. ;)

    Glad you had a good time. Hope I get to hear more details later! :)

    (Is that right, folks, that a mom should have to read a BLOG to find out about a daughter's vacation?!?!) ;)

  2. Sounds wonderful! And that's just a lovely room.
    I always get a huge travel urge in September, maybe because you know you're so busy that you can't travel for a while.. I'm really looking forward to traveling to USA (and New York) next summer!

  3. Gorgeous hotel room! So. very. jealous! Nice to have you back. :)

  4. You were right by my house. Glad you enjoyed the hotel; we locals like to make fun of it :D

    Your mom is too cool!

  5. Hahah aww I love your mom's comment!

    What a gorgeous hotel room, wow, just wow! Sounds like it was a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation! Welcome back!

  6. Ooo, tell me why you make fun of it! I'm dying of curiosity. I met some locals in the elevator who came to dine there for the first time, and they seemed to like it and thought they might stay there for a night, just for fun. Do people think it's pretentious and trying to be "too cool" or something?

  7. Wow! What a beautiful hotel!!! Lucky you!!!

  8. What a chic hotel room! I've always wanted to go to New York. Lucky you!

  9. Lovely!! Tell us more about your trip!

  10. A football field devoid of trees?? Dear Lord, of course Central Park is more than lovely!! Glad you came to see it, enjoy it and burst that silly thought.

    That hotel room looks so clean and colorful. I can only imagine that view. And I got to see/hear a free preview of The Toxic Avenger at this summer's Broadway in Bryant Park and thought they were hysterical!

  11. I love love love NY! What a chic hotel you found!

  12. I've been looking for somewhere to stay in NYC. I long for a trip there sometime soon. It's a bit further for me and mine though....hasn't someone written a book about park slope?

  13. HA! And you thought Central Park wasn't pretty. Did you go on the carousel? Did you? That's the best part. You should move to New York so we Easterners can meet you.

  14. Sounds like a great vacation! I've never visited NYC and, although I'm sure Chicago is much better, really would like to one day :)

  15. Thank you for allowing me to live vicariously through your vacation recap!

    PS - Your mum cracks me up. Rock on, Grandma G.

  16. Sounds like a great vacation. I have NEVER been to NYC and this makes me want to go!

    I love that your mom comments. My mom reads and comments on my blog as well. It's always a cute little note. :)

  17. Sounds like a swimmingly good time! Did you have any New York Pizza?
    Glad you got to see some home-grown theatre there.

  18. I DID have pizza, twice, and the second time was amazing. I'm still thinking about it.

  19. They didn't have any vacancies at the Hotel l'Orange? ;-)

    Glad you had a lovely break. I loved NYC! Went there 18 years ago promising myself to come back as often as I could. Never managed it again. I have an excuse, though: I live in London.

  20. i usually forget to tell my family where i go too. i got a surprise call from my brother last week while i was at a conference in Nashville, TN (i live in eastern NC) was a surprise for both of us!

    glad you liked NYC, i have visited rarely, but have enjoyed it emensley.


  21. Welcome home! Is that really a hotel room, or a page out of House Beautiful?

  22. oooo i would love to go visit new york again! maybe i'll check out that hotel too. sounds like you had an amazing vacation!

  23. I'm totally jealous! The room, the city, a weekend without kids...sign me up!

  24. ooo...I stayed there in August for a wedding! My friend got married right on the front steps of the brownstone she grew up in about 4 blocks is a great little hotel isn't it? :)

  25. Central Park is what keeps many Manhattanites sane! lol. I love to go find a shady bench when it's warm or a sunny bench when it's cool and read or people watch. There's so much to see if you just wander around

  26. I am glad you went to MOMA! I spent a fabulous afternoon there in June. The Met is great but this museum is equally special!

  27. Love it! (Hi neighbor!)
    We are planning a trip to NY for the first time to celebrate our 10yr wedding anniversary.
    Thanks for sharing great tips!

  28. A lot of hotels these days are going to a direction of small modern rooms. I love the old hotels but I do see the beauty in the fact that hotels in NY really make the effort to innovate. Purchasing new technologies and new stylish furniture. It's true that big balconies are always a treat but when you have the Statue of Liberty looking back at you from the window, I guess it's good enough. Thanks for sharing, Have a nice weekend... :)

  29. Well, first of all I'm really enjoying your blog, second of all my personal experience form NY is the wonderful MOMA - I got a hotel right next to it by chance- booked om LastMinute travel :) It was really great.
