August 10, 2009

What child labor laws?

In case you're curious about how the bags in my Etsy shop get made, take a look behind the scenes. It turns out my niece makes them. Watch the video right here.


  1. And NO... don't any of you dare think of hiring her out from under me!!! You wouldn't be able to afford her wages! ;-)

  2. This is great! What a dedicated little cutie!

  3. She is too cute! And sweet too.

  4. Larissa, you want her tomorrow? She arrives at 6:30 a.m. and will be here till bedtime or later. *yawn* I wonder how many bags she can get done in that time???

  5. I hope she at least works 10 hours a day. And no less.

  6. I believe we try to get 12 out of her before she crashes.

  7. But her contract calls for a nap (for her AND Grandma) halfway through it all!

  8. I think that kind of child labor is illegal!

  9. So cute! She will be more apt to grow up loving the art of sewing, and that will be the best! pokey

  10. Geez, where was she when I was trying to figure out the Buttercup Bag pattern?

  11. My daughter LOVED pins and would play with them for a long time while I was sewing starting when she was about 18 months old. She liked to stick the colored ones into my ironing board and make patterns. Now she is nine. She made her first quilt (admitedly a small throw) when she was 6. Last year she crocheted scarf and hat sets for friends for Christmas and a large afghan for her brother for his birthday. When they are born with the "bug" it shows pretty young. Some of my favorite parts of the day are spent sewing with my daughter. Enjoy! It isn't child labor--it is child opportunity! She will grow up with skills and work ethic. Good Job Grandma!

  12. So cute! She will be more apt to grow up loving the art of sewing, and that will be the best! pokey

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